Why is there a stale breath and how to get rid of it?

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The problem of stale breathing is contentedly prevalent. It affects 80% of the world's population over the age of 30, but only in a quarter of cases, an unpleasant smell indicates the presence of health problems in humans.

This condition in the medical environment is also called halitosis( halitosis), ozostomia, dentosodia.

Specialists distinguish the following types of halitosis:

  • true - the fact of unpleasant breathing is really present;
  • pseudohalitosis - barely perceptible bad smell, felt by very close contact with another person;
  • galithophobia is a psychological problem when the patient is sure that an unpleasant odor is coming from his mouth, but the dentist does not detect this fact.


  • Why is it "tasteless"?
  • Causes of unpleasant odor in healthy people
    • Unpleasant odor in dental diseases
  • What to do to cope with stale breathing
    • A quick but not reliable way to smell
    • Cardinal solution
    • Traditional medicine
    • Preventive measures
  • Stale breathing in pregnant women
  • In the zonechildren
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Why does it breathe "tasteless"?

Oral cavity is an ideal place for the development of anaerobic bacteria, because it is humid and there is a huge number of corners and cracks where they gladly settle. Bad and "tasteless" breathes more often because of the vital activity of bacteria.

But there are diseases that are completely unrelated to dental problems, but also are the causes of the bad smell:

  • of GIT disease;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • endocrine problems;
  • chronic ENT diseases;
  • respiratory tract infection;
  • kidney failure.

Stale breathing complicates understanding of

Causes of unpleasant odor in healthy people

The most common cause of bad breath is food.

With each meal, the digestive system grinds the incoming food into the molecules. They then migrate through the body with the help of blood flow. If the product has a sharp odor, then a small part of the split particles penetrates into the lungs. As a result - exhaling some of the unpleasantly smelling molecules through the mouth. Unpleasant odor after eating such insidious products lasts a maximum of a day, or even a few hours, so just do not eat foods with a pungent smell on the eve of an important meeting or appointment.

Foods that can cause severe smell from the mouth:

  1. Coffee .It forms inside the mouth an environment of increased acidity, which is suitable for active bacterial growth. In addition, after a cup of this drink a person feels dryness in the oral cavity.
  2. Cheeses and dairy products .This protein food, and when it is destroyed, it is transformed into sulfur and amino acids. Hence, a specific hydrogen sulphide smell. The same effect is given to the consumption of fish and meat.
  3. Onion and garlic .These medicinal plants contain the most powerful sulfur compounds, which after eating them start to emit a smell from the skin and mouth. Citrus Fruits
  4. .Also, like coffee, form an acidic environment in the mouth and give an unpleasant smell in the end.
  5. Alcohol .After drinking, people are always thirsty, because such products dry their mouths.

Smoking is another reason for the bad "ambre".The fact is that after smoking on the smoker's teeth and inside his mouth remain nicotine and tar. The smell is easy to disguise, but in general, smoking dries the oral mucosa, which is also a factor in the development of halitosis.

Another cause of stale breathing is healthy, non-smoking and non-dental people whose occupations, however, are related to the need to talk a lot( teachers, lawyers).This phenomenon is called xerostomia - dry mouth.

Thanks to a swallowing reflex, a person constantly cleanses the mouth of bacteria by swallowing saliva. And products that dry mouth, or sleep, when we do not swallow saliva, or the costs of some professions - all this causes xerostomia and, as a result, bad smell from the mouth. This is not a disease, this phenomenon is easily eliminated by ordinary hygienic procedures.

Unpleasant odor in dental diseases

A whole list of diseases of the mouth can provoke stale breathing:

  • of gum disease;
  • caries;
  • formation of calculus( with gingivitis, periodontitis);
  • stomatitis;
  • of salivary gland disease;
  • disease of the tongue;
  • wearing crowns, dentures and braces.

What to do to cope with the stale breathing

Finding out the reason, you can start fighting with unpleasant breath. Sometimes, to get rid of a stale breath, it will suffice to disguise the smell, and the implementation of simple preventive recommendations will completely forget about such a problem. But in some cases, you will need treatment.

Method fast, but not reliable - smell the smell

Kinza breaks any smell

In the modern world, an impressive number of products are sold, allowing you to disguise stale breath: aerosols with different flavors, chewing gums, mint dragees, candies. They are characterized by quick results, but they do not work very much in time. In addition, almost all of this product contains sugar, which generally affects the health of the teeth.

What are the fast and effective ways to overcome bad odor from the mouth when there is no chewing gum, freshener, toothpaste with a brush:

  • drink a cup of black tea, then rinse your mouth with clean warm water;
  • chew on an apple, carrots, coriander or parsley;
  • bite coffee beans;
  • if a stale smell is associated with a "drought in the mouth", then you can simply drink water;
  • you can just wash your hands and rub your tongue, teeth and gums with your finger.

Cardinal solution

Visit the dentist - the right decision

The dentist is the first doctor to whom you need to apply for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will determine the presence or absence of caries and problems with the gums, will conduct a sanation of the oral cavity. If a tartar and a plaque are found, the dentist will take them away, conduct training in proper oral care. As a rule, after a visit to the dentist, poor breathing ceases to be a problem for most patients.

If the dentist comes to the conclusion that the smell of the result of all the procedures performed has not evaporated, then the problem is to be looked for in other bodies. In this case, the patient will receive a recommendation to visit the therapist.

The therapist will prescribe tests, examine and treat the identified disease. The doctor-therapist can write an appointment to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or otolaryngologist, if it reveals that the cause of a bad smell is a problem with the digestive tract, ENT organs or the metabolic system.

Traditional medicine

In the war against bad smell from the mouth, all means are good, including naturopathy.

For example, get rid of bad breath will help such plants:

  • fennel garden;
  • leaves and parsley seeds;
  • pepper or garden mint;Nettle
  • ;
  • leaves of strawberry;
  • alder;
  • cinnamon;
  • acid sour;Chamomile
  • ;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • wormwood;
  • oak bark.

Rinsers can be made on their own using the gifts of nature.

Folk medicine offers the following recipes:

  1. Take a tablespoon of mint, sage and strawberry leaves, pour 250 ml.boiling water. Allow the broth to cool and then filter. Rinse every time after eating.
  2. 1 tbsp.oak bark pour a glass of boiling water and even for half an hour to hold on the included stove. Allow to cool, then drain. This broth is good for rinsing: it strengthens the gums, cleanses the tonsils.

Preventative measures

The effect of the appearance of fresh breath will be noticeable already after following simple recommendations:

  • regularly rinse the mouth;
  • stimulate salivation;
  • choose antibacterial rinse aid and toothpaste;
  • when cleaning do not forget the language;
  • make regular visits to the dentist.

Stale breath in pregnant women

Numerous changes accompany the expectant mother during the entire pregnancy period, and not all of them are pleasant. Often a pregnant woman faces a stale breath.

The cause may be a change in the hormonal background, which affects the work of other body systems. In this situation, the woman has nothing else to do but wait for childbirth - after them everything can normalize by itself. During pregnancy, you just need to increase the number of usual hygiene procedures - brush your teeth 3-4 times a day, rinse, try to mask the smell. You need to eat right, adding to the menu foods rich in fiber, as well as vitamins.

The second reason can be covered in dental problems. During pregnancy, calcium is actively consumed from the female body, as it is necessary for the growth and development of the embryo. And if the mother of calcium is not enough, then this element begins to be taken from the teeth, which leads to their destruction. These processes lead to stale breathing.

For the same reason, the seals previously installed may drop out, and the resulting cracks will be clogged with food leftovers, which, when decayed, give off a fetid odor. In this case, you need to visit the dentist and perform any possible procedures that will help, but do not harm the fetus. You should rinse your mouth with antiseptics, which will eliminate anaerobic bacteria, and also use gels for teeth with a content of 3-10% carbamide peroxide.

At risk children

The causes of the appearance of bad smell from the child's mouth can be completely different.

The odor that appears unexpectedly and also disappears in the course of time, appears in the following cases:

  • consumption of spicy food;
  • non-compliance with normal oral care procedures;
  • tooth decay;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • is a viral disease.

Constant absence of freshness in the exhaled air suggests the child has a serious problem that has changed the microflora, among the most common diseases:

  • candidiasis of the mouth;
  • dysbiosis;
  • sinusitis or sinusitis, which has become chronic;
  • dysfunction of digestion;
  • elevated sugar;
  • problems with salivation.

Stench in the mouth is a problem seriously worsening the quality of life, especially if you learn about it from others. A bad ambreem is a threat to a person's self-esteem, can become an obstacle in his career. It is important to observe oral hygiene and remember that prevention is always better than treatment.

  • Apr 12, 2018
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