How to cook beets for the winter

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Beet - at first sight a simple root crop, but this vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins, macro and microelements. Its regular use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems. This is a dietary product that can be included in the menu of children and adults. In addition, the dishes from the beet are delicious, fragrant and bright. And what else is necessary for the winter season, when you want to decorate the diet with juicy dishes with the scent of summer? Correctly to prepare beets for the winter.


  1. Ways of harvesting beets for the winter
  2. Which way to choose the preform?
  3. Finenesses of preparation and preparation of a beet

Methods of preparation of a beet for the winter

For preservation all table beet cultivars are suitable. Roots should be juicy, without traces of pest damage, mold or rot.

Basic procurement methods:

  • storage of fresh beets;
  • caviar;
  • marinated beetroot;
  • salads;
  • pickle;
  • sour;
  • refills for first courses and sauces;
  • beet juice;
  • beet syrup;
  • freezing;
  • beet jam.
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To prepare for the winter can not only beetroot tubers. Leaves and petioles are suitable for marinating. They are used as an independent snack, and for cooking first dishes.

What kind of procurement do you need?

Fresh beetroot retains all nutritional value for a long time, but it must be stored in appropriate conditions: cellar or cellar. But they are far from everyone. That's why this method is not suitable for everyone. At room temperature, keep fresh tubers of beets at least until the middle of the winter will not succeed.

Caviar from beet is a very useful dish, despite its simplicity. It can be used as an independent snack and added to gravies, sauces and dressings. Cooking caviar takes a long time, as vegetables are processed by different culinary techniques: frying, cooking, sterilization. This can be attributed to the minuses of this type of workpiece.

Marinated beetroot is one of the simplest ways of harvesting. Served as an independent dish or prepared on its basis a variety of salads, with the addition of fresh or pickled vegetables. When cooking, vinegar is used, vegetables are subjected to long-term heat treatment. Therefore, root crops partially lose vitamins and other nutrients. This is the main disadvantage of pickled beets.

Beet Salad is a delicious, healthy, affordable dish. It is prepared quickly and easily, does not require sterilization. The shortage of the workpiece is a large amount of sugar in the prepared dish. Therefore, it is necessary to consume beet salads with caution when treating or unloading diets, as well as diabetics.

The salted beetroot retains its natural flavor and aroma, as the preparation does not use vinegar and spices. The minus of such a preparation is the duration of preparation.

Quail beet is a very useful product. Salads, vinaigrettes, dressings for vegetable soups and borsch are prepared from it. With such harvesting, the root crop retains all nutritional value, since it is not subjected to heat treatment. The disadvantage is that you need to store it in a cellar or a cellar, and you should regularly wash out the oppression. This method of storage is not available to everyone.

Refills for the first dishes and sauces are prepared easily, giving the dishes a rich bright color. This preservation can be stored at room temperature. The disadvantage is that the billet is used only as an ingredient in a dish.

Beet juice contains a lot of vitamins. Canned beet juice can be consumed immediately after opening, in contrast to freshly squeezed. It is also added to cocktails, fruit juices or cold soups based on it. The disadvantage is the duration of cooking.

Beet syrup is harvested as a natural coloring for beverages, baked goods, cream and desserts. It retains the entire nutritional value of the root vegetable. The main disadvantage is the small yield of the finished product.

Frozen beet is the simplest way of harvesting. Roots retain their natural taste, light and aroma. Disadvantage - you need constant storage in the freezer, which is not at all, or in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, a place in which there is always a huge deficit.

Beet jam - the original billet. Used as a dessert or added to the filling for baking, baking and confectionery. Disadvantage - preparing for a long time, cooking requires constant monitoring.

Preliminary preparation and beet preparation precautions

Before canning the roots, the roots are cleaned of contaminants, the tops are removed, washed in clean water. To make the majority of the billets, the beets are baked beforehand, boiled or blanched. This, however, is always indicated in the recipe.

  • For storage of beet, fresh ripening roots are removed without damaging the skin. They are cleansed from the earth and the tops. Store in wooden or plastic boxes.
  • Cooking caviar is better from sweet varieties of beets and carrots. In this case, you can add less sugar in the dish, which will reduce the caloric content of the billet. The main rule is sterilization. Only after such treatment the caviar is suitable for storage in a pantry at room temperature.
  • You can marinate both root vegetables and beet tops. For this method of harvesting, fresh, juicy, young tubers and leaves are used. When preserving, use a usual acetic marinade with the addition of salt and granulated sugar, the amount of which is adjusted depending on the sweetness of the beets.
  • Beet salad is a preparation in which you can show all your imagination. For it, large and small fruits are used. You can prepare the salad with the addition of tomatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, beans, cabbage and various spices. Vegetable platter and spices are selected according to individual taste preferences.
  • For the preparation of salted beets suitable young root crops with a dark maroon color. Such preservation is prepared without the addition of vinegar, so it is mandatory to observe a brine concentration of 2% and long-term sterilization is necessary.
  • Quail beetroot is prepared from late varieties. They contain the maximum amount of sugar. Fruits can be fermented whole or cut into slices, cubes. For souring it is necessary to use glass, plastic containers or dishes made of stainless steel.
  • Beet dressings for the first courses are prepared from root vegetables of any size. You can also use cake, left over from the preparation of juice or syrup. Sterilization for this blank is mandatory.
  • For the preparation of juice and syrup, sweet and juicy beet varieties are suitable. Juice and syrup can be preserved both with the addition of sugar, and without it. To enrich the taste add spices and lemon.
  • Any sort of beet is suitable for freezing. The fruits are peeled before freezing. They can be frozen whole, cut into cubes and slices, or ground in puree. It is better to freeze the beets in small portions, since the workpiece can not be re-frozen.
  • Beet preserves. Puree from baked beets mix with sugar and add a lemon twisted in a meat grinder. Jam is cooked for an hour. Sterilization does not require.

For freshly harvested beetroots, freshly harvested root crops must be used. They contain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Blanks for the winter
  • Apr 12, 2018
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