Such diseases as bronchitis, colds, tracheitis, pneumonia are accompanied by one unpleasant symptom - a cough. He can have a different character, so sometimes he prevents a person from living normally. If the cough is dry, then, as a rule, it worries people at night and does not give a normal rest. To eliminate cough, doctors can prescribe various drugs, sprays, and compresses, which will be discussed later.


  • 1 Kinds of
    • 1.1 Controlling wet cough
      • 1.1.1 Vodka
      • 1.1.2 Alcohol
      • 1.1.3 Based on Dimexide
    • 1.2 Combating dry cough
      • 1.2.1 Black radish
      • 1.2.2 Boiled potatoes
      • 1.2.3 Honey
  • 2 Features of treatment for children from 1 year
  • 3 For a child 2-3 years
  • 4 For older


Make compresses for children coughing at home if you know which recipe suits your type of cough. Based on this, it is necessary to first understand what kind of cough you are worried about - dry or wet, and then prepare a compress.

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cough compresses for children

Combating a wet cough

To eliminate an unpleasant wet cough and remove accumulated sputum, you can use a vodka, alcoholic compress and based on dimexide.


water cough compress for children

The formation of a cough is affected by the inflammatory process, concentrated in the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by the presence of pain and redness of the throat. To alleviate the condition of the child and eliminate the bouts of a wet cough, it is worth using a vodka compress. The process of its preparation involves the use of devices such as cotton wool, gauze and polyethylene. Also, you can not do without a dense terry towel, blanket or scarf. Such warm things have a warming effect.

The cooking process assumes the following action plan:

  1. Vodka should be taken in equal quantities with water. Place the container on a plate and heat a little.
  2. Dip the gauze in the prepared grout and squeeze it thoroughly. Attach it to the neck of the baby and cover it with polyethylene.
  3. To enhance the warming effect, it is necessary to wrap the baby's head with a scarf and cover with a warm blanket.

To achieve a positive result, a vaginal compress should be placed in patients for at least two hours. But you can not use such a cough remedy for children younger than 2 years old. On the basis of this, parents should not be in a hurry to put such a compress on their child, if he is not yet 3 years old. Vodka helps not only to fight with a cough. The link describes how to make a vaginal compress on the throat with angina.


This version of the compress is also very popular. For its preparation, take alcohol and water, warm up to 38 degrees. Dip gauze and attach to the throat. Then put the cellophane and wrap it with a woolen shawl. You should not make such compresses to patients suffering from thyroid problems and children, whose age did not reach 2 years. alcohol cough compress for children

Based on Dimexide

Dimexide is a powerful remedy with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect. In medical practice, this drug is considered very valuable, because it is able to penetrate deeply through the skin and mucous membranes, after which it all its components are transported to the focus of inflammation. But Dimexide should be used only if the child does not have the allergy. dimexide-based compress

You can buy this drug at any pharmacy, as it is considered a pharmaceutical. For preparation of a compress it is necessary to put in a container a tablespoon of the main component and 4 tablespoons of 0,5% solution of novocaine. The mixture obtained is slightly heated and the piece of gauze is soaked. Squeeze well and then put it on the chest, but without touching the area on top of the gauze to lay a warm scarf, leave for 2 hours.

Carry out this manipulation before you set off on a night's rest. Contraindicated is the treatment of infants and children suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Also, a compress of dimexide is not recommended for patients with weak immunity.

Combating dry cough

If it is necessary to eliminate the baby dry cough, then it is worth using compresses based on black radish, potatoes and honey. Before use, make sure that your baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Black radish

How to make a warming compress made of radish? For the preparation of a compress, parents should receive juice from this vegetable, and after wrapping a towel at first in warm vegetable oil, and only then in radish juice. Such measures will protect the baby's skin from thermal injury. When the first layer of compress was laid, it is worth covering it with special paper. It is not recommended to use oilcloth. Keep the compress no more than 20 minutes. Here you will also find a recipe for black radish with honey from cough. a pack of black radish juice

Boiled potatoes

This product is in great demand for the treatment of dry cough for a long time. For carrying out of medical actions you will need potatoes, welded in a uniform. It must be turned into a mushy consistency, and then add a large spoon of sunflower oil, honey and alcohol. Mix everything and put the mixture in a bag of cellophane. Put it on the back of the baby's chest for 2 hours. Potatoes are also used for inhalation. Read how to breathe properly over a potato when coughing to a child. a pack of boiled potatoes


Apply this recipe is advisable in the case when the baby is not allergic to .To prepare the product, it is necessary to take a bee product in the amount of a tablespoon, add mustard, alcohol and sunflower oil. All mixed and kneaded, as a steep dough, you can add cabbage. Before using it for the intended purpose, lightly heat it, and then apply it to the breast. To treat cough in children, you can also make a honey mustard cake. a pack of honey

Features of treatment of children from 1 year

For this age of patients, this treatment option should not be used. Therefore, before applying this therapy, you need to consult a specialist. Treatment of cough in the baby is described in detail by reference.

For a child 2-3 years old

The compression process should be performed on the back or chest area. But the heart area should be avoided, so parents should make sure that the impregnated layer of gauze is not there. After the compress was installed on the throat, then keep it there no more than 3-6 hours. After removing it is necessary to put a dry bandage on the warmed zone. When the baby is made a compress, it is worthwhile to provide him with bed rest. From the traditional means for the treatment of children, milk with oil from cough helps. The link details the treatment of a child's cough for 3 years.

The video tells how not to treat a child:

For older age

During coughing to do compresses in older children, you can apply the previously presented recipes, and also supplement them with various medicinal herbs, tablets. In addition, breathing exercises are very effective. But do not be amateur, before the procedure it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Compresses for children are an effective remedy for dry or wet cough. Apply them a very long time, and this popularity is associated with the high positive impact of such treatment. So determine what kind of coughing torments your baby, and then choose a suitable recipe for your case. Perhaps you will also be useful information on how to put mustard seeds to children when coughing. It is also often used turpentine ointment from cough for children. Another popular way - the use of badger fat when coughing in children.