A useful breakfast in the fight against stress

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We all know from the very childhood that breakfast is the basis of nutrition all day long. He provides us with the necessary portion of energy for the whole day, suppresses bouts of hunger and a desire to eat, and also speeds up the metabolism. Morning meal is considered not only healthy, but also contributing to the maintenance of a slender figure.

However, if the diet is properly formulated, it reduces the level of stress, calms the nerves, and also fills with energy and vivacity. Exhausted, people living in great stress should pay special attention to what they eat in the morning.

A good mood after the banana

Once upon a time everyone was very surprised that one of the champions on ski jumping is eating a bun with a banana. And then it turned out that the athlete's intuition was simply excellent. Just a banana in this case is the most optimal solution. A rich source of potassium, which regulates the work of the heart, and magnesium, which protects against stress and relieves headaches. Enclosed in this fruit and vitamin B6, also soothing nerves and improving mood.

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In turn, easily digestible carbohydrates present in the banana maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood and improve concentration. It is also a rich source of serotonin, which improves mood and relieves stress.

So, start the day with a banana. Of course, we can just eat the fruit, or add the slices to yogurt or porridge, and also - to put slices of banana on a sandwich of wholemeal bread, greased with curd, or to prepare a fruit salad. Banana perfectly combines with water and green salad, becoming part of a delicious, very healthy and relaxing morning cocktail.

Yogurt plus flakes

Another excellent idea for breakfast will be a combination of oatmeal, yogurt and fruit. This light and quick cooking makes sure our body has everything it takes to start a good day. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and B vitamins.

Not only B6, but other vitamins of this group have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. B6 - soothes fears, B2 - adds energy, B1, in turn, relieves stress. In addition, the bacteria contained in the yogurt regulate the work of the intestine, and nothing so improves the mood as a feeling of ease from the very morning.

To make breakfast really valuable, yogurt should be mixed with oat flakes. Rich in carbohydrates, they will become an ideal fuel for the brain. Simultaneously, these carbohydrates prevent fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and, therefore, prevent the appearance of a feeling of hunger and bad mood.

One of the most important components of porridge is cellulose. On the one hand, it fills our stomach, giving a feeling of satiety, on the other - will support the digestive system.

To complete the picture it is necessary to add blueberries. Studies of American scientists show that blueberries can have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory and concentration.

The last important component of such a breakfast should be nuts or a pinch of cocoa. This is an excellent source of magnesium, the deficit of which causes excitement, anxiety and apathy.

The third set

No matter how healthy and tasty the food, if it is eaten daily, it will quickly get bored with us. One way or another, it is necessary to make some variety.

In addition to cereals and breakfast based on fruits, it is recommended to enter the third set. Egg with a whole grain bun, cocoa and fruit juice. Bread provides the body with fiber and carbohydrates. Cocoa will give magnesium. A fruit juice will become a real vitamin bomb.

And the egg? Egg - the product is perfect. It is rich in vitamins of group B, A, D, E, folate and pantothenic acid, selenium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. It is also the most perfect source of protein. An excellent mixture that guarantees our body normal work.

One of the important components of the egg is lecithin, which protects the nervous system and the brain, while stimulating the learning process and helps to manage stress. The results of the studies show that lecithin not only improves cognitive functions and helps to relieve stress, but also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Nutrition and Health
  • Apr 15, 2018
  • 92
  • 325