Often people face such an unpleasant symptom as a sensation of a lump in the throat. Along with the understandable discomfort that this sensation brings, it can also mean the presence of many serious diseases. To establish this accurately, you need to visit the doctor's office, and take the appropriate examinations.

In the article we will consider the common causes that cause this symptom, including after eating, with osteochondrosis, in children. We also learn how to eliminate the sensation of a lump in the throat.


  • 1 Description and causes
  • 2 After eating
  • 3 In case of osteochondrosis
  • 4 Problems in the child
  • 5 Treatment
  • 6 Preventive measures

Description and causes

sore throat and painful swallow

The feeling of a lump in the throat often arises periodically but in rare cases it can be permanent. This symptom considerably complicates a person's life: does not allow to breathe normally, swallow, sleep, causes severe discomfort.

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Often, when this sensation appears, there is also increased salivation and increased heart rate, which, as you know, does not contribute to well-being.

The reasons for this symptom are many, and they can be associated with the functioning of a wide variety of organs and systems. Here we give examples of the most common causes that cause a sensation of a lump in the throat.

Stressful situations, excitement, nervous overexertion. This cause often causes a sensation of the presence in the throat of a lump that prevents speaking, swallowing, sometimes - and breathing.

Often during an important conversation, examination, interview, when speaking in front of a wide unknown audience, a person may not experience the most pleasant sensations: lack of air, shortness of breath, severe fright, difficulty in pronouncing phrases. Moreover, a person can sweat, blush, tremble( trembling) of limbs. If a lump in the throat is caused by just such a cause, then after the "terrible" test the symptom will pass by itself.

On the video - the reasons for the sensation of a lump in the throat:

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract. One of the most common causes of an unpleasant symptom. Diseases-culprits can be such as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis, etc.

In this case, along with a sensation of a lump in the throat, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • Pershing;
  • high temperature;
  • general weakness and deterioration of well-being.

Allergy .That's also the probable cause of the lump in the throat. The fact is that the irritants-allergens cause swelling of the mucous throat: the latter swells and begins to take up too much space in the larynx, thus causing discomfort. How to determine what an allergy or cold is, and by what signs it can be determined, is described in this article. allergy

Adenoids .The proliferation of soft tissue in adenoids is a common cause of this symptom. Children have a similar cause more often, but adults are not immune from it. But what are the reviews about the treatment of adenoids folk remedies in children, described in this article.

Tumor .A similar reason is rare, but, nevertheless, it is also possible. In this case, a rapidly growing tumor with localization in the nasopharynx squeezes nearby tissues, causing a sensation of lumps, lack of air, and difficulty in swallowing.

In addition to the above, the sensation of a lump in the throat can cause the following diseases:

  • adenoma thyroid;
  • gastritis;
  • hyperteriosis;
  • hernia of the spine;
  • esophagitis.

To accurately diagnose the disease, you need to visit the reception of an ENT specialist, a gastroenterologist, an allergist. It may be necessary to consult other doctors of specializations.

After a meal

Let's find out what this symptom can mean, and what are its causes.

In this case, the direct cause of the symptom is most often spasm of the musculature of the esophagus or larynx. Also, a lump in the throat after eating is caused by the presence of a tumor, stuck remnants of food, swelling of the mucous throat due to allergen products and other causes. Let us consider them in more detail.

The nervous system plays an important role here, sometimes provoking an unpleasant feeling of squeezing and lumps in the throat. It happens when a person has nervous disorders associated with food: fear of choking, fatness, etc. The problem is eliminated in this case only by treating the nervous system, taking soothing, talking with a psychologist.

The video shows a sensation of a lump in the throat after a meal:

Nutripaks also often cause a lump in the throat after eating. This occurs in people suffering from inflammatory processes in the tonsils. Sometimes as a result of neglected infection in the tonsils, hollow holes are formed, into which food is stuffed, causing a sensation of a lump. In this case, decaying food also causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Dysphagia .So called pathology, which means violation of the swallowing act. Because of this, and sometimes after eating, there is a sensation of a lump. This disease has several phases and degrees of severity: from difficulties when swallowing only solid food to problems even with swallowing of water and its saliva. dysphagia

Diseases of the digestive organs are the most likely cause of the symptom in question in this case. These diseases include:

  • GERD( gastroesophageal reflux disease);
  • hernia of the esophagus, etc.

For elimination of a lump in the throat, a mandatory consultation of the gastroenterologist is necessary.

With osteochondrosis

Sometimes the sensation of a lump in the throat is associated with the osteochondrosis present in a person. With this disease, patients often note that a bone is stuck in the throat, some even feel fear of eating, afraid to suffocate. In the latter case, the patient can even lose weight very much, to such a degree the fear of choking sometimes comes.

On the video sensation of a lump in the throat with osteochondrosis:

In addition to a lump in the throat with osteochondrosis, there are the following symptoms:

  • numbness of the lips and tongue;
  • dry mouth.

The cause of an unpleasant symptom in this case is usually the displacement of the intervertebral discs, and the pinching of nerve fibers between them.

than rinse the children For those who want to understand what to rinse the children's throat with tonsillitis, you should go to the link and read the content of the article.

How to make a solution for the throat from soda, salt and iodine, you can understand by clicking on the link.

And here's how to gargle my throat with miramistin in case of angina and how effective it is is described in great detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/g/lechenie/ miramistin-pri-angine.html

Maybe you will also be interested to know why throats come out white lumps and how withThis problem can be managed independently.

Problems in the child

What causes this extremely uncomfortable symptom in children, we learn.

Most often the child complains of the sensation of a lump in the throat during a muscle spasm. This spasm manifests itself in the process of swallowing, and causes severe discomfort, interfering with eating, talking, sometimes even breathing. Consider the main causes of the symptom.

Goob. In this case, the increased thyroid gland pressure on the larynx, making it difficult to swallow, and causing problems with breathing.

Digestive system disorders are also a common problem in children, which leads to a sensation of a lump in the throat.

On video sensation of a lump in the throat of a child:

Adenoids is a common disease, especially among children. This disease leads to swelling of the mucosa and, accordingly, to a feeling of squeezing in the larynx. But how adenoids of the 2nd degree look like in a child, this article will help to understand.

Infectious inflammatory diseases : pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, especially in chronic form, often lead to the onset of this symptom.

Sometimes in children the sensation of a lump in the throat can be triggered by the prolonged intake of any medication, especially antihistamines or lowering blood pressure.

If a similar symptom occurs in a child, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help. Since swallowing causes the baby severe discomfort, he can refuse to eat, avoid chewing solid foods. If you do not heal your child, he can lose weight very much, completely change your eating habits( for example - get out and stop taking meat).

If a child complains in the throat soon after eating, then there may be an esophageal or diaphragmatic hernia. Possible and trauma to the esophagus. Examination by a gastroenterologist will help to clarify the situation.

And some children feel a lump in the throat as a result of the stress experienced. As a rule, such a symptom is inherent only to strongly impressionable babies.

Treatment of

Elimination of this symptom results mainly from the removal of the immediate cause, which caused a lump in the throat. The doctor must establish an accurate diagnosis, and accordingly he should be given adequate therapy. Let's give some general recommendations for more rapid and effective disposal of this unpleasant symptom.

It is not necessary to hope, that the formed lump will resolve on its own. Even if he disappears now, if there is a disease that does not heal in any way, he will soon reappear.

If the occurrence of this symptom is associated with thyroid dysfunction, usually preparations with iodine content are prescribed. If the symptom appeared as a reaction to a hormonal failure, appropriate hormones are prescribed to solve the problem.


Iodine preparation

Osteochondrosis is assisted by appropriate gymnastics, as well as laser procedures and therapeutic massage. It will also help more pronounced motor activity, and proper nutrition with a minimum amount of salt.

If the sensation of a lump in the throat is caused by inflammatory infections( sore throat, pharyngitis), antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With stress and nervous disorders, strong anxiety will be helped by appropriate antidepressants and tranquilizers. It is highly discouraged to prescribe for yourself sedatives: this should only be done by a doctor after examination and diagnosis.

In digestive disorders, a special diet is prescribed with the exception of acute, acidic, hot and too cold dishes.

If the problem is in the tumor, the oncologist takes care of the matter, conducting the appropriate therapy. And maybe an operation.

Preventive measures

What can be done to prevent the appearance of such a symptom.

It is imperative that you immediately consult a doctor when this unpleasant feeling arises: early diagnosis and the appointment of competent treatment are almost half the victory over the disease.

It is necessary to monitor your health, paying attention to the alarming symptoms and needs of your body. You can not run cold infections: sore throats, SARS( and this is how the difference between SARS and influenza in children is described in this article), influenza and other illnesses must be completely cured by drinking the full course of antibiotics or other drugs prescribed by a doctor. But what to do when a cough after the flu does not pass, will help to understand this article. the baby has a lump in the throat

Do not overload the ligaments, loudly chanting or screaming. This can affect the health status negatively.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in life will be an invaluable service for the whole body and for the throat, in particular.

We examined the causes of the sensation of a lump in the throat, and ways to eliminate this symptom. As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, that is why independent diagnosis, and even more so - the appointment of treatment is excluded. Ask your doctor for diagnosis and correct therapy - and you can quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom in yourself and the child.