Low-calorie sweets

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Most of the girls who sit on diets, break down precisely because of the complete absence of sweets in the diet. At the time of desperation, you want to eat a problem with a chocolate bar or something no less delicious, but you can not. .. Or is it still possible?

"Right" sweets can and should be eaten!

Among the sweets, too, there is a certain classification of calories. It turns out that some yummies are less harmful and even recommended for use during a diet. Much less damage to the figure will be caused by a marmalade eaten in time and with pleasure, than twenty buns with jam and the following kilogram of food, which fell under the arm of a torn dietician.

So, a moderate use of "right" sweets will help to avoid dangerous disruptions and stay on the diet until the very end. What kind of sweets are allowed on the diet?

Fruits and berries - yes!

Of course, the most low-calorie sweets are fruits and berries. In one apple contains only 77 calories, but how many useful acids and minerals are necessary for the body! High caloric content among fruits has a banana, one piece contains about 100 kcal, but the banana is saturated with useful fiber and potassium, and it also perfectly satisfies hunger.

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The least caloric content is possessed by citrus fruits, besides there is an opinion that they help to break down fats. But should they be classified as a sweet? Despite the sweet taste of many fruits, they still can not pacify the need for dessert of some sweet tooth.

Berries also bring the body an undoubted benefit, moreover, by their size they resemble candies, such an association is quite capable of deceiving a hungry sweet organism. Here only berries are much more acidic than fruits. Even in strawberries, which contains only 30 kcal per 100 g, there are more acids than in the same amount of lemon.

Dried fruits and nuts - no!

A big mistake among slimming is the replacement of sweets with dried fruits and nuts. They are also saturated with a number of useful substances necessary for the body( potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, polyunsaturated fats, amino acids, etc.), but only 100 grams of dried apricots contain as much as 215 kcal.

A handful of raisins also includes more than 260 kcal. Caloric content of nuts, for comparison, can reach more than 600 calories per 100 g. It is impossible to heat up hunger with such a quantity, but a dose of calories will come out shock. This is due to the fact that dried fruits lose most of their volume due to evaporation of moisture, but the amount of sugar remains the same. Nuts are composed mainly of fats.

Zephyr, marmalade and ice cream - to the best of

Not so long ago, nutritionists were allowed to use marshmallows and jujube on a diet, of course, in the smallest amounts. Indeed, despite the fact that these products are full-fledged sweets, they contain a small amount of sugar and almost completely free of fats.

In 100 g of air marshmallow only 300 kcal, while in marmalade even less - about 290 kcal. Of course, we mean those varieties that are not covered in additional grains of sugar, are not bathed in chocolate and do not contain hidden calories in fillings.

Ironically, low-calorie desserts include ice cream. Again, we are not talking about covered with biscuits, chocolate crumbs and caramel waffle horn, but about a completely harmless filler or sorbet. By the way, it is better to choose the latter, the so-called fruit ice, from two variants. This ice cream contains less fat and only 57 kcal per 100 g.

Cheat the taste buds!

Of course, not always the body wants to just get a legal dose of glucose, sometimes the taste buds are aimed at a specific product - chocolate or biscuits, sweets and caramel. But these sweets, even with a stretch, can not be called low-calorie.

You can try to deceive the body by simulating the desired smell or consistency. For example, if you really want chocolate, you can drink coffee or flavored tea. If madly pulling on pastries - eat an apple, sprinkled with cinnamon.

Naturally, even the most dangerous sweets have safer options: bitter chocolate instead of dairy, biscuits instead of biscuits, candies instead of chocolate sweets.

However, do not forget that sweets, one way or another, remain sweets and in addition to the calorie have a lot of other properties that can significantly weaken the effectiveness of the diet. Do not abuse them, but to deprive the body of the proper dose of glucose is also not possible.

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  • Apr 17, 2018
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