Painful sensations in the ears are sometimes much more painful than pain in the defeat of teeth. And this symptom is especially difficult for children. The hearing aid in these patients has not yet fully formed, so that excellent conditions for infection in the auditory tube are created. Before you start adequate therapy, it is important to understand what leads to the development of a child's earache.


  • 1 What is the pain
  • 2 How to ease the pain
  • 3 How to treat at
  • 4 temperature How to treat if there is no temperature increase
    • 4.1 Folk remedies

What is the pain

earache in the child Ear pain in small patients can arise for various reasons. One of them is the size of the auditory tube. This part is wider in comparison with adults, so pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate from the nasopharynx, resulting in inflammation. Most often, pain occurs precisely during the blowing.

External factors include:

    instagram viewer
  • infection with viruses and fungi;
  • a cold or the development of chronic inflammation;
  • complication of angina, sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • high blood pressure, impaired cerebral circulation;
  • inflammation in the Eustachian tube;
  • is a lesion of the auditory nerve.

The internal risk factors are:

  1. The presence of a foreign object .Little babies are in the habit of stuffing various objects into the nose or ear.
  2. A sulfur plug that blocks the passage of the .Occurs when the ear canal is incorrect or untimely.
  3. Trauma , which occurs as a result of an insect bite, a burn, a bruise.
  4. Cold weather , as a result of which the wind "puffed in the ear."
  5. Water entering the during bathing.

On the video - pain in the ear in a child:

How to ease the pain

district doctor

The doctor will be able to prescribe an effective treatment only after he can perform the patient's examination. But most often the pain increases at night, when there is no one to provide medical assistance. In this case, parents should resort to the following recommendations:

  1. Call an ambulance or a local doctor.
  2. Before they arrive or arrive, it is necessary to give the baby an analgesic in the dosage that corresponds to his age.
  3. Perform a warming compress. It will consist of several layers. The first is gauze soaked in alcohol. It should have a cutout for the auricle. The second layer is cellophane with a similar hole. The third layer is a warming. Here you can use an ordinary headscarf.
  4. If the pain in the ear is accompanied by high fever, then you can give him an antipyretic drug. You can get wet wadded disk in warm boric acid and install it in the ear canal of the affected ear.
  5. If such a situation in a child is not uncommon, then you can use those drops for the ears, which he previously appointed a doctor. Most often it's Otypax, Anauran and Ootinum.

How to treat at temperature

pain in the ears of a child

After the cause of earache becomes clear, the doctor can make an effective treatment regimen. If the blame is a bacterial infection, then you can not do without the use of antibiotics. If there is an allergic reaction to medications, then parents should notify the doctor about it.

In the treatment of otitis media, in addition to ear drops, the doctor prescribes anti-edema and vasoconstrictive drops in the nose. Thanks to them, it is possible to stop the swelling of the nasal mucosa and Eustachian tube. Thus, pus can not hit the drum cavity through the auditory canal.

Another scheme of therapy of the inflammatory process in the ear involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, ear washing antiseptics and physiotherapy. To treat the disease that provoked the complication, prescribe the appropriate medication in the format of tablets or syrups.

hearing loss of 1 degree in the child How the deafness of 1 degree is treated in a child, and what means should be used, is described in this article.

But how is the treatment of 2 degree deafness in children, and what means are the most effective, is described in this article.

How is the treatment of hearing loss folk remedies in adults, and what should I apply listed here in the article: http: // lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami-3.html

You may also be interested in learning about the treatment of 3 degree hearing loss.

If the cause of pain in the ear is a fungal lesion, then the doctor prescribes the necessary ointments. If the inflammatory process occurs as a result of a furuncle, then an autopsy is performed. After removing the sulfur plug on the walls of the auditory canal there may be minor inflammation. To eliminate it, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drops in the ear.

To reduce the temperature, which is accompanied with pain in the ear, can prescribe painkillers such as Nurofen, Paracetamol( whether paracetamol helps with colds, will help to understand this article).



But the labyrinthitis treatment is quite difficult. If you do not take any action in time, you will not be able to return the acuity of hearing. It is possible to stop the development of the disease in the second stage. And already at the third stage the child hears and he is given a disability. In this case, he can hear surrounding sounds only with the help of a hearing aid.

How to treat if there is no temperature increase

If the temperature is absent, then the drops in the ears will help to remove such drops:

  1. Sofredek .It is an antibacterial drug that quickly suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms. But what analogues are among the ear drops of Sofradex, and what is their price, will help to understand this article.


  2. Otypax. Effective drug in the treatment of otitis media. Since it contains lidocaine, it can lead to the development of allergies. Who wants to know more about what dosage of such drops is necessary for children, it is worth reading the instructions for use.


  3. Otynum .This drug, which is able to have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can use the kids who already have 1 year. But what is the price of such drops.will help to understand this article.

    The otinum

  4. The otofa .This is a potent drug, based on the antibiotic rifampicin. With it, you can quickly stop the inflammatory process in the middle ear. To learn more about Otof drops, this instruction manual will help.


Folk remedies

Today folk medicine has absorbed a huge number of effective recipes, through which it is possible to stop inflammation and pain in the ear in a child. But only apply them strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The following can be considered the most effective:

  1. Warm the almond oil and send to the ear in the amount of 1 drop of .Carry out such activities 3 times a day. to warm up the almond oil
  2. You can wash the affected ear with a decoction of chamomile. Do manipulations 3 times a day.
  3. As a compress, beetroot is an excellent aid. To do this, take a thin slice, pour 60 ml of honey. Set on a slow fire and languish there for 20 minutes. When it cools, apply it to the affected ear.
  4. Using a blue lamp to warm up the ear will speed up recovery and calm the pain.
  5. Take the onion head, set it in the oven and bake. When the droplets of juice begin to form, then take from the oven and drip warm juice, squeezed from the bulb, into the affected ear canal.

Pain in the ear in a child is an unpleasant symptom that can have both a temporary and permanent nature. It is very important to know how to help the crumb to get rid of the pain syndrome. In this case, parents should monitor how often pain occurs. If this is repeated several times a day, then you need to visit a doctor.