Sore throat is a symptom that most often refers to diseases of viral or bacterial origin. To influence the development of painful sensations in the throat may be different reasons. When the pain becomes permanent, we are talking about chronic pharyngitis. But a strong pain indicates a sore throat or tonsillitis. In any case, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the underlying factor and direct all efforts to its reduction.


  • 1 reasons adults
    • 1.1 Pharyngitis
    • 1.2 Laryngitis and laryngotracheitis
    • 1.3 Tumors
    • 1.4 Injuries
  • 2 reasons children
    • 2.1 Foreign body
    • 2.2 Inflammatory diseases of the teeth and gums
    • 2.3 inflammation of lymph nodes
    • 2.4 Mechanical injuries

Causes in adults

Painful sensations in the throat - this is a frequent complaint of patients when referring to ENT.In this case, most often this problem is faced by adults. Let's try to figure out what affects the development of pain.

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Painful symptoms that affect the throat may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the pharynx. This kind of pathological process is called pharyngitis. Influences on its development can viruses. There are acute and chronic course of the disease. There are a number of reasons that lead to the formation of pharyngitis.

This may include: sore throat when swallowing

  • fungal infection;
  • allergy;
  • intake of irritating agents with air;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The development of secondary pharyngitis occurs against the background of influenza and adenovirus infection. Foci of a chronic infectious process with genyantritis, angina or a common cold can become the main factor. The acute phase of pharyngitis is diagnosed in people who eat hot food.

For acute inflammation of the pharynx, this clinical picture is typical:

  • dryness in the throat;
  • Pershing;
  • pain while swallowing;
  • dry cough.

The temperature of pharyngitis remains within normal limits. Objective symptoms of acute inflammation is redness of the throat. In the severe course of the pathological process ulcers can be found. treatment of pharyngitis in adults

The emergence of painful sensations is associated with irritation of pain receptors. If there is a catarrhal and hypertrophic inflammatory process, then patients experience a foreign object sensation in the throat, perspiration and frequent ingestion. At an atrophic form of pathology, there is a difficulty in swallowing food and a pronounced pain syndrome.

Laryngitis and laryngotracheitis

Very often, with sore throats in adults, laryngitis is detected. This is a pathological process that involves inflammation of the larynx. Often, the trachea is introduced into the process, as it serves as a continuation of the larynx. laryngitis in adults

If the inflammatory process has affected the larynx and trachea, then in medical terminology the disease is called laryngotracheitis. The formation of laryngitis can occur again against a background of viral or bacterial pathologies, or act as a separate disease. If this is a separate disease, then we are talking about the chronization of the process.

The following factors can affect the development of laryngotracheitis:

  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • frequent colds;
  • weak immunity;
  • prolonged exposure to cold;
  • inhalation of air through the mouth in the cold season;
  • inhalation of dirty air;
  • inhaling allergens;
  • voice overload.

If the pain is mild, accompanied by a rise in temperature, there are unpleasant sensations in the sternum and larynx, then all this indicates a chronic form of inflammation that is non-infectious in nature. Very often, patients complain of perspiration and dry mucous membranes. The pathological process of the allergic type is characterized by the absence of severe fever.

On video throat pain when swallowing


There are situations when the sore throat is the presence of neoplasms in it. And the painful symptoms in benign formations are absent. There is a pain syndrome, when there is a large adenoma. The development of tumors occurs from the soft palate or palatine tonsils.

Pain syndrome is a symptom of oncology. It occurs in the following pathologies:

  • lymphosarcoma,
  • lymphoma,
  • reticulosarcoma,
  • laryngeal cancer.

Lymphosarcoma makes itself felt by shortness of breath, pain during swallowing. When there is a rise in temperature and sensation of an extraneous object, this indicates an oncological disease of the thyroid gland. Large education can cause disturbed breathing, coughing and shortness of breath. swelling in the throat

When the pain in the throat is accompanied by a cough, a change in the timbre of the head, impaired breathing, these symptoms indicate a cancerous tumor in the larynx. This formation arises from the epithelial tissue of the larynx. The following causes can affect the development of a cancerous tumor:

  • frequent smoking,
  • laryngitis and pharyngitis of chronic form,
  • syphilis,
  • frequent use of strong drinks,
  • papilloma.

With a cancerous tumor on the larynx, pain increases over time, as the tumor begins to grow. The pain syndrome is more pronounced when the upper larynx is damaged. In this case, pain can be given in the ear. As a result, a person is not able to take food normally, which leads to exhaustion and death.

what does purulent sore throat look like? For those who want to see what purulent angina looks like, you should go to the link and see the photo.

Why there is pain in the ear and throat on the one hand, and what medications can be gotten rid of it, is described in this article.

Why there is pain when swallowing from one side, and how to cope with this problem, will help to understand this article: http: // simptomy-g / bolit-gorlo-s-odnoj-storony-pri-glotanii.html

What to do.when after a meal in the throat that something prevents, it helps to understand this article.

Injuries to

This kind of injury occurs when accidental or deliberate use of acid, alkali, vinegar, absorption of hot air in a fire. In severe thermal trauma, a scab is formed on the mucous membrane. It is formed from atrophied tissue. Then, a scar tissue appears on the burn site. They reduce the clearance of the pharynx and esophagus. The burn has 3 degrees. Painful sensations when swallowing occur with varying degrees of pathological process.

On video how to get rid of the terrible pain in the throat when swallowing:

Causes in children

Sore throat in children is also a frequent occurrence. Infectious diseases, as well as a number of other factors, can affect its development.

Foreign body

As a rule, on the mucous membrane there are fish bones and other foreign objects, which young babies like to try so much. In addition to pain, a jammed object can lead to bouts of severe coughing. foreign body in the throat of a child

It is impossible to extract a foreign body on its own. It is urgent to see a doctor who can extract a foreign object safely. The fact is that independent actions can lead to the penetration of the object deeper, which will lead to serious damage to the mucosa.

Inflammatory Diseases of Teeth and Gums

There are a number of diseases of teeth and gums that are in a neglected stage. As a result, in the oral cavity there is active multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that can penetrate the mucosa in the throat. This leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms in the throat, so the child pains to swallow. dental diseases in a child

To such diseases it is possible to attribute stomatitis which is formed as a complication in diseases of teeth. Unpleasant symptoms occur without a rise in temperature, and on the mucosa in the oral cavity appear jazvochki small size with a whitish bloom, there is dryness in the throat and pain during swallowing.

Inflammation of lymph nodes

In various pathologies, inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck can occur. They begin to increase in size and put pressure on the throat. The child may not have a high fever, but the mucous blushes and other symptoms of the inflammatory process. Sore throat is accompanied with the one that occurs when there is a foreign object in the throat.

You may also be interested in learning about how to rinse the children's throat with tonsillitis.

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Mechanical injuries

They occur when swallowed foreign objects. This includes bones from fish and fruits. This problem is often faced by small children, who take in the mouth various toys, buttons and other small items. Sometimes the integrity can be damaged by scratches, which lead to the development of inflammation. This occurs with certain methods of diagnosis, when the doctor uses special devices.

On video, the child has a sharp pain in the throat when swallowing:

Sore throat is a sign that can indicate various pathological processes occurring in the body. So treatment should start with the definition of the cause. If you use the means of symptomatic therapy, you can get relief only for a while, and then the pain arises, and with it various complications can form.