How to treat hypertension with folk remedies? Rapid ways to lower the pressure

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Recipes and recommendations from the article will help take hypertension under control


  • Hypertension and its causes
  • How to treat hypertension with folk remedies?
  • Food and Nutrition for Hypertension: What Can and Can not? What you can not eat with hypertension? Can I have coffee and chocolate for hypertension?
  • Video: Hypertension - nutrition at high pressure
  • Garlic for hypertension
  • Lemon in hypertension
  • Kalina with hypertension
  • Cranberry in hypertension
  • What kind of herbs help with hypertension?
  • Video: What herbs reduce the pressure?
  • Motherwort with hypertension
  • How to cure hypertension with folk remedies: advice and feedback
  • Video: How to treat hypertension in the home?

If the blood pressure is measured multiple times over 140/90 mmHg, the person is diagnosed with "arterial hypertension".It is believed that it can not be cured completely. You can only exercise control over pressure with the help of a regulated day regimen, using traditional medicament and folk remedies.

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Hypertension and its causes

According to the WHO( World Health Organization), every third person on our planet suffers from high blood pressure. Earlier it was believed that hypertension, or hypertension, is an age-related pathology. Indeed, it is mostly found in people in the second half of life. But also cases of hypertension in youth and even children are not uncommon. Equally often, it affects the representatives of both sexes.

Persistent increase in pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art.called hypertension

Associated pathology with changes in vascular tone. To establish why this happens is very difficult. In 8 out of 10 patients, the cause of the pressure increase can not be determined accurately. Doctors can only name the risk factors for the development of hypertension, among them:

  1. Heredity. If the genus is hypertensive, the risk is high that at a certain age this pathology will manifest in the child
  2. Age changes. In the second half of life, the walls of the vessels become less elastic, the work of the heart is disrupted, and there is a tendency to increase the pressure.
  3. . Smoking, alcoholism, other bad habits that adversely affect the overall health.
  4. Chronic respiratory diseases. For example, hypertension often accompanies bronchial asthma
  5. Obesity. People with excess weight on the heart are under additional stress, hypertension they almost always have
  6. . Stress. Hormones cortisol and adrenaline, synthesized by the body during nervous shocks, strong experiences, negatively affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Arterial pressure rises in the most stressful situation, and when it passes, it normalizes itself. But if the stress is chronic, then hypertension can develop.
  7. Congenital heart diseases
  8. Chronic diseases of the urinary system
  9. Accepting certain categories of medications. For example, oral contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids or beta2-adenoblokatorov
  10. Pregnancy
  11. Other

A person suffering from hypertension can experience all or several of the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • Tinnitus
  • dizziness
  • arrhythmia
  • darkening in the eyes
  • nausea
  • nasal bleeding
  • sleep problems
  • irritability
  • rapid fatigue
  • memory impairment
  • other
Cure hypertension can not be done, but exercise con-ol over pressure by using drugs and folk remedies

Arterial hypertension may be primary( such as an independent disease) or secondary( as a symptom or consequence of other disease).It is customary to distinguish four of its degrees.
A sudden increase in blood pressure, a clear manifestation of many signs of hypertension, is a condition called hypertensive crisis.

IMPORTANT: Hypertension does not just prevent a person from living a full life and working at full strength. Very often its complications are stroke, heart attack, heart and kidney failure. Therefore, the increase in blood pressure can not be ignored. Traditional treatment and use of various folk remedies is needed to contain the disease

Consequences of hypertension can be very severe

How to treat hypertension with folk remedies?

Neuropathologist or therapist treats hypertension. Typically, the patient is prescribed drug products from several groups:

  • medications that reduce pressure
  • vasodilators
  • diuretics

Simultaneously, measures are taken to eliminate the cause of vascular pathology, if known.

IMPORTANT: Hypertension of the second and subsequent degrees necessarily requires medical treatment controlled by a qualified physician. At the same time it makes sense to use folk remedies that have the same vasodilating and diuretic properties. If the disease only makes itself felt, it can be restrained with the help of only one folk remedies, without sitting down on tablets for life.

Food and Nutrition for Hypertension: What Can and Can not? What you can not eat with hypertension?

The diet for hypertension matters. By eating according to the rules, the hypertensive man can keep the pressure under control and get rid of excess weight, which, as already mentioned, is often the cause of the pathology.

Hypertension needs to learn how to eat properly

Principles of a diet for hypertensive patients are as follows:

  1. Patient with arterial hypertension can not be starved. Compliance with the post is also contraindicated to
  2. . The food should be fractional. Take daily food in 5 receptions
  3. In the diet, you must limit salt and sugar. The first delays water in the body, because of what increases the volume of blood and, consequently, increases its pressure on the walls of the vessels. If the norm for a healthy person is up to 15 grams of salt per day, for hypertonics it decreases to 5 g. It is impossible to eat pickles and marinades, additionally it is undesirable to salt food. Excessive consumption of sugar leads to the accumulation of extra pounds and the emergence of endocrinological problems. You can not use it in its pure form. Cakes, bouquets, sweets it is better to replace it with fresh fruit honey, dried fruit
  4. It is obligatory to give up fatty meat. It is proved that fat pork, lamb, and other foods that are eaten regularly lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels that impede blood flow. Therefore, it is better to give preference to lean beef, chicken or turkey. Of these, you can prepare a variety of dishes and really delicious. In the process of cooking, fats can not be used additionally, for example, for frying.
  5. For obvious reasons, the ban is also imposed on smoked meat, sausages, canned meat.
  6. . Enrich the ration with fruits and vegetables.
  7. . Include foods that contain magnesium and potassium in a significant amount. This - cereals and cereals, vegetables such as carrots, beets and cabbage, dried apricots, other
  8. There are sea fish. It is a source of useful fats and many minerals.
  9. Completely abandon alcohol

Can coffee and chocolate be taken with hypertension?

"Cofemann" and "hypertonic" - the concept is incompatible. About this doctors repeat in one voice. Therefore, if there are signs of an increase in blood pressure, the habit of starting the morning with a cup of an invigorating bitter beverage should be discarded.

IMPORTANT: Coffee contains caffeine, and this is the main reason why it should not be drunk in hypertension. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine, which helps to relax the walls of blood vessels and maintain a lumen between them sufficiently extended. Therefore, the coffeemakers arterial pressure persistently elevated

Refuse from coffee at all or drink it periodically and not strong - the question is individual, only a doctor can answer it. If you still drink, it's better with milk.

Coffee and chocolate for hypertension: to be or not to be?

But chocolate lovers can not be upset, but only on condition that it is natural. The product from cocoa beans contains flavanols, which help reduce pressure.

IMPORTANT: Only black chocolate with the minimum sugar content

can be used for hypertension Video: Hypertension - nutrition at high pressure

Garlic for hypertension

Garlic does not just add flavor to dishes. Since ancient times, it is known as a cure for many diseases. It is eaten or taken in the form of drugs for colds, helminths, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Garlic has a beneficial effect on the state of the

vessels. The ability to kill bacteria and other pathogens, increase immunity, normalize the hormonal background and maintain the vascular wall of garlic is due to its unique composition: vegetable protein, fiber, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.
Hypertension should take on the following recipes with garlic.
RECIPE № 1 : alcohol tincture of garlic
Two middle heads are cleaned, divided into denticles and finely chopped, then poured into opaque non-metallic dishes and poured 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Close tightly and insist for a week. Twice a day 2-3 drops of tincture are bred in a tablespoon of water and drunk before eating.
RECIPE № 2: Decoction of garlic and medicinal herbs
The garlic head is cleaned and crushed, mixed with pharmacy or self-harvested flowers and fruits of hawthorn, horsetail and yarrow(2 tablespoons of each drug).Insist in a glass of boiling water for about half an hour. A strained broth is drunk 100 ml three times a day.

IMPORTANT: To neutralize the smell of garlic, you just need to eat an apple or raw carrots.

Lemon in hypertension

To control hypertension, you can use all parts of the lemon: zest, juice and pulp. The citric acid, vitamins and calcium salts contained in them help to reduce pressure.

Lemon and lemon drinks reduce arterial pressure.

RECIPE № 1: Lemon-honey therapeutic drink.
From half a lemon squeeze the juice and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture is dissolved in a glass of mineral water. Drink twice a day, on an empty stomach and before going to bed
RECIPE No. 2: Decoction of lemon rind
Grated lemon zest( 2 tablespoons) is boiled for half an hour in 500 ml of water. Chilled and filtered drink is drunk three times a day before meals. Single dose - 100 ml. You can sweeten it with a small amount of honey
RECIPE № 3: Vitamin mixture for hypertonics
Two lemons are washed, cut and peeled, then passed through a meat grinder along with the zest. Then in the same way grind a glass of raisins, dried apricots and kernels of walnuts. The mixture is eaten after the main meals, it is possible with tea

Kalina with hypertension

Kalina can be used for complex treatment of arterial hypertension, as it has the following properties:

  • sedative
  • antioxidant
  • prostanoskleroticeskim
  • diuretic
  • vasosolidifying
Kalina with arterial hypertension is better fresh

If you have fresh viburnum berries, you can simply eat them with a little honey as a dessert, or pour boiling water and drink. Also there are such recipes:
RECIPE № 1: Decoction for normalization of pressure
A glass of fresh berries of a Kalina or half a cup of dried in a thermos pour a liter of boiling water and insist the night. When filtering, pour the drink into glass or enamel dishes, add 150 ml of honey. Store the drink in the refrigerator. Preheating it, drink 100 ml three times a day.
RECIPE № 2: Tincture from the bark of the viburnum
Two tablespoons of powdered kalina bark pour 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, insist 5 days. Drink 40 drops twice a day

Cranberry with hypertension

Cranberries are really unique - with it you can both lower and increase blood pressure. The fact is that it positively affects the state of the vessels and the work of the heart.

Cranberry heals both hypertension and hypotension

To keep the berry - healer, it is better to eat it raw, in salads, porridges or simply with honey.
RECIPE No. 1: Honey and cranberry mix
A glass of broken berries of cranberries is brought to a puree state and mixed with a glass of honey. The mixture is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator and is eaten 1 tablespoon twice a day
RECIPE No. 2: Honey and cranberry juice
A mixture of 1 tablespoon is prepared twice a day in the above recipe in a glass of warm water and drunk before meals.

Which herbs help with hypertension?

Alternatively, tablets or in addition to them, it is recommended to treat hypertension decoctions and alcohol tinctures:

  • valerian
  • hop
  • Melissa
  • barberry
  • arnica
  • mistletoe
  • magnolia
  • vinca
  • hawthorn
  • Helichrysum
  • dandelion
  • calendula
  • Hypericum
  • knotweed
  • peppermint

If there is no possibility to collect these herbs in ecologically clean places and prepare it, phytopreparation can be easily found in each pharmacy.

Effective is the treatment of hypertension with decoctions and infusions of herbs

IMPORTANT: Treatment of arterial hypertension with one or another herb is possible only if the person does not have contraindications to its use, for example, allergies

Video: Which herbs reduce the pressure?

Motherwort with hypertension

It's easiest to buy an alcoholic tincture of a motherwort and drink it according to the instructions. But there are other recipes for using medicinal herbs to normalize the pressure.
RECIPE № 1: Water infusion motherwort
In a glass of boiling water under the lid until completely cooled, 3 tablespoons of ground grass are insisted. After percolation, drink 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach and an hour before each meal, that is, 5 times a day.
RECIPE № 2: Multicomponent broth with motherwort
One tablespoon takes: motherwort, buckthorn, Ledum and immortelle.10 minutes, boil a mixture of herbs in 500 ml of water. After the lid is allowed to cool. Drink 100 ml after the main meals

Grass motherwort - a perfect natural remedy for reducing pressure

How to cure hypertension folk remedies: advice and feedback

Folk remedies that treat hypertension are available. And they are much cheaper than tablets from the pharmacy. Hypertonics soon become convinced that their preparation does not take much time and quickly becomes a habit.

Video: How to treat hypertension in the home?

  • Apr 21, 2018
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