Products that help moisturize the skin

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Dehydration of the body always adversely affects the skin condition, however, sometimes the cause of dryness is the deficit of some substances or vitamins, and not just liquids. Products that have a beneficial effect on the skin always contain a large amount of water, vitamins and minerals that moisturize the skin.

Sources of vitamins for skin hydration

Orange fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene, from which, in turn, vitamin A is synthesized in the first place. Such fruits and vegetables include melon, mango, pumpkin, carrot and sweet potato.

Next comes the avocado, which is rich in antioxidants, including vitamins E and C. In addition, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which are necessary for the body to maintain the level of fluid in the skin at the proper level. These fats also help the skin to retain moisture.

Useful fats

For the skin to be beautiful and moisturized, it is necessary to add walnuts and flax seeds to the diet. They are sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as avocados contain monounsaturated fats. In a complex they will help fast recovery of a skin after influence on it from the outside. By the way, other nuts can also be included in the diet, which will also bring tangible benefits in the process of maintaining the water balance of the skin.

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It is necessary to include in the diet of fatty fish. Especially useful is salmon, which, being an excellent source of omega-3, also contains selenium. From this mineral depends the color of the skin, its radiance, elasticity. Selenium also helps the body in the process of removing toxins and toxins.

Products with integrated action

Eggs contain a peculiar cocktail consisting of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that help maintain moisture levels in the skin. An important condition is the use of boiled eggs, they are not recommended to fry, so as not to supply the body with saturated fats, destructive for the skin condition. The eggs contain protein, B vitamins, lutein and sulfur, which retains the elasticity of the skin. By the way, sources of sulfur are also asparagus and garlic.

Do not neglect the use of leafy greens, which contains water, omega-4 fatty acids, folic acid and iron. At the same time, try to choose the greens of a dark green hue, from her skin will be more useful.

There are many products that have a beneficial effect on the skin, including poultry, preferably turkey, olive oil and water. By the way, water is probably the most important product, which not only moisturizes the skin, but also helps the body in the fight against excess weight.

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  • Apr 23, 2018
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