How to save money by buying quality products

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Unfortunately, the global economic crisis requires adjusting the list of purchases of products of many citizens. And if earlier people sometimes took unnecessary products, now we have to think about almost every product individually. How can you do without unnecessary waste and at the same time buy high-quality products? There is an easy way - to refuse frequent shopping, clearly deciding when and what products are worth buying.

We plan to purchase

products. When planning a shopping list, you need to select several categories.

  • Firstly, long-term storage products, which include various cereals, salt, sugar, tea, coffee, and canned goods. Such purchases are made with a periodicity of 2-3 months in large shopping centers or at small wholesale bases.
  • The second item is followed by products with an average shelf life, such as potatoes, carrots, onions, eggs. This also includes fresh-frozen fish, poultry and meat. The periodicity of such purchases, as a rule, is two to three weeks.
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  • The third item includes products with limited shelf life, for example, fresh meat, dairy products, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. Replenishment of such a set of products will have to visit the store once or twice a week.

Promotions is a good way to save money. But not always. ..

Various stocks offered by shops can help in saving, but in pursuit of the price of the goods it is worth paying attention to the expiration date, because often the goods with a color price tag can end, or the products are stored in violation of storage requirements. The latter can not be verified, and it is more true for perishable goods. In this case, you have to be guided by your inner flair and act on the principle - like it or not.

Of course, this is not always the case - it happens that the promotion is of an advertising nature, and the new manufacturer has decided thus to win its market share. Also, you should not sweep away the whole assortment of goods "by action" or "take a second product for free", so that you do not have to worry about how to prepare these or other products if no one uses them.

In the age of high technology to help not to get lost among a huge number of shares, special applications for smartphones will help. They also help to make a shopping list.

Seasonal goods - their time

There are seasonal goods, for example, to buy strawberries in the winter is not worth it - quality and utility are questionable, and the price tag can enter into a stupor. A number of exotic fruits for the sake of successful transportation is collected in an unripe form, such fruits have mediocre taste and a high price.

Home or shop? The answer is obvious!

For the sake of economy, you can abandon the shop sausage products, cakes, all kinds of lemonades, as well as chips. Homemade sausage is easy to make, but it is more economical and no doubtful composition, compote will be much more useful than soda, and fresh pies from the oven does not even make sense to compare with the store.

It is extremely cautious to buy ready-made products in stores, because the same mouth-watering grilled chicken could be made from products with expired shelf life. It is better to cook at home with fresh products - it will be much more attractive at a price and will bring more benefits.

Choosing quality products

It is important to learn how to choose the right products. Often, employees of shops expose to the most prominent and through places not the best goods, and goods with expiring shelf life are at the very edge of the shelves. It is worth to reach out to the shelf, and you can find a bottle of milk or yogurt fresher.

Always pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, read the composition, look at the manufacturer and give preference to products manufactured according to GOST.The composition of products manufactured according to the specifications is known only to the manufacturer.

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  • Apr 24, 2018
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