How to calculate the date of birth? Methods for determining the date of delivery

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Is it possible to calculate the date of birth? All known methods for determining the expected date of delivery.


  • How to calculate the date of birth correctly? Table
  • How to calculate the date of birth by the date of conception?
  • How to calculate the date of birth for ovulation?
  • How do I calculate the exact birth date for a month?
  • How to calculate the date of birth with an irregular cycle?
  • How to correctly calculate the date of birth for the first ultrasound?
  • How to calculate the date of delivery after IVF?
  • How to calculate the date of birth by the first movement of the fetus?
  • How to calculate the date of the second birth?
  • How to determine the exact date of childbirth independently: advice and feedback
    • Video: How to determine the expected date of delivery

Being in an interesting position, a woman wants to know everything in advance, everything is planned and envisaged. She is interested in questions about how the baby will develop at every stage of pregnancy, how the future mother will feel herself, what she needs to acquire for herself and the crumbs, what to know about pregnancy and childbirth and, finally, how and when the child should appear on theshine.

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How to calculate the date of birth correctly? Table

Determination of the date of birth of the
  • It is quite possible to determine the date of birth theoretically. There are a lot of ways for this, both scientifically sound and invented by our great-grandmothers
  • . However, no one can give an accurate prediction. The gynecologist advances the delivery date for the last month or the day of ovulation, later this time is already adjusted by the ultrasound, which determines the date of birth according to the indexes of fetal development. But even these figures are very relative.
  • A normal pregnancy has a duration of forty weeks or two hundred and eighty days. But very rarely it happens that the baby is born just in time. The date indicated in the mother's exchange card, and the date calculated by herself, are considered indicative indicators of
  • Often it happens that a baby is born a little earlier or a little later than the planned number. The date of his birth will depend on the physiological state of the mother, her reproductive organs and the needs of the baby
  • . There are a lot of special tables and calculators on the Internet that allow you to calculate the approximate date of birth. However, blindly rely on these numbers do not need

. How to calculate the date of birth by the date of conception?

Definition of PDR by the date of conception

As a rule, future parents very rarely know the exact date of conception. However, there are those couples who are responsibly involved in the process of pregnancy, and maintain regular records.

This category of people also includes those families who have problems with conception. A doctor who deals with their situation, appoints them a special examination( folliculometry) to identify the best days for conception( the days of ovulation).It is these pairs that can calculate the date of birth by the date of conception.

To do this, they need to add two hundred and sixty-six days to the conception date. This number will serve as a guide for the long-awaited meeting of the baby and his parents.

How to calculate the date of birth for ovulation?

Date of Birth by Ovulation Date
  • First of all it is worth to clarify what exactly is ovulation. Ovulation is the time when the egg leaves the ovary. In the normal menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. If the cycle is 28 days, then ovulation tentatively will occur from 14 to 16 days. If the cycle is shorter, then the yield of the egg can be expected earlier, but if it is longer, then later
  • . Calculating the ovulation day, you can use the same method as the date of conception, that is, two hundred and sixty-six days should be added to the day of ovulation. The resulting number will be the prospective date of delivery of the
  • . It's worth to clarify one nuance. Many couples consider the date of conception as the date of conception. However, the moment of the decisive sexual intercourse can not be accurately called the day of conception. After all, spermatozoa are able to live in the sexual organs of a woman for up to seven days, and it is not known exactly when they fertilized the egg. Because the error in such calculations can be from one day to a week

How to calculate the date of birth accurately on a monthly basis?

Date of birth according to the last monthly

The date of birth for monthly can be determined in two ways:

  1. First, you can use the calculation method for ovulation, only in this case the first day of the month should be added already two hundred and eighty days. This is explained simply: the difference between the first day of the cycle and the time of ovulation is approximately two weeks.
  2. The second method involves using the formula of Negell. According to this formula, it is necessary to take three months from the first day of menstruation and add seven days and one year to

. Well, if we take into account the fact that gynecologists make their calculations based on the monthly ones and use the formula of Negeyl, we can assume that this number will be the mostjustified from the point of view of medicine.

There is one more nuance - these calculations are relevant only if the woman has a regular monthly cycle.

How to calculate the date of birth with an irregular cycle?

Irregular cycle of

Very often due to various ailments and problems with the sexual organs in the fair sex sex cycle or breaks occur with monthly. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then the expected date of childbirth( PDR) for her at the last monthly and ovulation will be incorrect, since the deviation in this case may be even around

As a rule, in such a situation, doctors are guided by ultrasound indicators. Also it will be possible to calculate PDR according to the first movements of the fetus.

How to correctly calculate the date of birth for the first ultrasound?

Date of birth according to US

Ultrasonic examination of the fetus allows to establish the expected date of birth with an accuracy of several days. Ultrasound determines the day of ovulation and the precise duration of pregnancy. Withdrawing from the date of the study period of pregnancy, you can easily calculate the day of conception or the day of the last monthly, and then, using one of the above methods, calculate PDR.

However, the accuracy of the indicators of ultrasound will directly depend on the period of pregnancy. If the study is conducted up to twelve weeks, the probability of determining a clear term of pregnancy is the highest. In the second trimester the accuracy of calculations is lost, as each baby develops in its own way, and judging by its development about the date of its appearance is very difficult. Well, in the third trimester to establish the timing of pregnancy is impossible.

How to calculate the date of delivery after IVF?

Date of delivery at ECO

Perhaps the easiest way to calculate PDR after IVF.Since the entire process of fertilization and transplantation of a fertilized egg into the womb of the future mother is completely controlled by doctors, then the timing in this case is already more accurate.

The day of "replanting" can be considered a day of fertilization. Therefore, to this day it is necessary to add two hundred sixty-six days or thirty-eight weeks. The resulting number will be the estimated date of birth.

How to calculate the date of birth by the first movement of the fetus?

The first movement of the fruit
  • This method among doctors is called intuitive and is considered inaccurate. After all, the first movements of the fetus - a thing very thin. To feel these very perturbations and immediately recognize them among other processes in the stomach, not every woman
  • is capable. It is believed that the baby should normally begin to manifest itself at the first pregnancy in twenty weeks, and at the second - at eighteen. However, sometimes moms feel these manifestations either a couple of weeks later, or a couple of weeks earlier. Therefore, the inaccuracy can be the same for two weeks
  • To determine the PDR a woman should add to the day of the first stir twenty weeks at the first birth and twenty-two weeks - with the second

How to calculate the date of the second birth?

Date of birth in the second pregnancy

The date of the second birth can be determined in the same way as the date of the first birth. It's just the opinion that the second woman is wearing a couple of weeks less than the first. This is absolutely unconfirmed and unreasonable opinion. Sometimes the second kid can stay in the mother's tummy to a crescent. But it also happens that it is born before the deadline.

Because, as in the case of the first pregnancy, the second term is a relative number.

How to determine the exact date of birth on your own: advice and feedback

Determining the date of delivery

Whatever method of calculating the expected date of birth the woman has used, she should understand that all her calculations are approximate. A child is born only when nature wants it.

In any case, Mom needs to rely on something to orient and prepare to prepare. Therefore, she can determine the birthday of her baby by any of these methods, but bear in mind that this day may come, as a few days and weeks earlier, and later.

Video: How to determine the estimated date of delivery

  • Apr 26, 2018
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