Rites at home for a good, happy life. How, with the help of the rite, can one bring health, luck, money, marriage into your life?

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Variants of ceremonies at home and recommendations for their conduct.


  • Rites for attracting luck
  • Rites for attracting money
  • Ancient gipsy money rites
  • Love rites
  • Rites for a fast marriage
  • How to achieve a desired pregnancy with the help of the rite?
  • Rites for Health
  • How to lose weight with a strong ritual for weight loss?
  • Rites for house cleaning
  • Rite for successful and profitable trade
  • Video: Rite for Christmas to attract love from Anastasia

So it is arranged by a person that even after becoming an adult he does not cease to believe in a miracle. Therefore, sometimes he suddenly tries to solve suddenly arising problems by not quite standard methods. As a rule, such people resort to ritual magic in the most minimal trouble.

The most interesting thing is that in most cases it helps them. Their belief that certain words or actions can get rid of problems do contribute to the fact that they are quickly chosen from a difficult situation.

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To conduct such rituals is absolutely possible for everyone, the main thing is that he really believes that after his actions life will change for the better.

Rites for attracting luck

Rituals for luck

Luck helps people feel most happy. If it is present in a person's life, then he manages everything. So that he does not change jobs, move to a new place of residence or start his own business, all his initiatives always have a positive result.

Lack of luck, on the contrary, makes a person deeply unhappy. But there is a way out of this situation, you can try to turn your fortune to yourself with the help of certain rituals.

Rite number 1

In order to attract luck you will have to get up before sunrise, get dressed, wash and read before the prayers prayers Our Father. After this, you will need to take an ordinary glass and collect in it pure water. It is desirable that it was not tap and not bottled. The best option in this case is spring water or well water.

After typing water in the glass, say the following words over it:

  • Voditsa live you poish and wash my body
  • So, give me a couple of drops of happiness, luck and a sea of ​​luck
  • I close everything with key, I draw on my side
  • Let all my plans come true
  • Amen. Amen. Amen

After these words, we must cross ourselves three times and drink water in small sips, constantly thinking about something good and pleasant. Repeat this ritual every day for a month.

Rite number 2

  • To perform this rite, you will need any stone. You can take some precious thing, or even one that you found in your yard or at your dacha. In order that he could draw you luck, you first need to clear everything bad of him. To cope with this task will help you ordinary water and verbena. Take the pebble, put it under a stream of water and rinse, say: I call for luck, I drive off the problems of .
  • Repeat this phrase three times, and then put the pebble on a saucer and for 2-3 minutes smoke it with dry verbena. When this is done, wait until it is completely dry and put it in salt or sugar. When preparing food, you will savor it with magical spices, every day bringing your luck and success closer to yourself.

Rites for attracting money

Rites for attracting money

I want to say that attracting money requires quite a strong concentration on what you are doing and the belief that it will improve your financial state. So if you feel at least a drop of doubt, then do not even start the ritual.

Ways to attract money to the house:

  • If you saw a coin on the street( even a very small denomination), then do not pass by it, but pick it up and bring it home. Be sure to clean it of dirt and dust and read and above it the Orthodox prayer. After that, wrap a coin in a scarf or just a clean napkin and put it under the linoleum or the path in front of the front door. Entering the house, you will always bring energy of money to your home.
  • Another effective rite is the so-called money pot. To conduct it you will need a large bill, a nice pot and any indoor plant. A bill will have to be put on the bottom of the pot, sprinkled with soil on top and a flower planted in it. Caring for a house plant, you will always have to imagine how the money in your bag is multiplied. As the flower grows, more and more money will appear in your house.
  • Also you can try to make so that money literally went behind you on heels. Try to paint an ordinary cosmetic varnish on your socks, pantyhose or shoe sole with a dollar sign or euro. As it will be erased a bit, update it. Do not forget to do this and literally in a month in your house there will be a lot of money.
  • In addition, you can try to activate the energy of money by scratching your left hand. If you do this at least 3-4 times a day, then after a while your financial condition will necessarily improve.

Ancient Romany Money Rites

Gypsy Rites

We all know that Roma have a fairly powerful energy, so almost all their rituals give a positive result in the shortest possible time. In view of this, if you do not want to wait for months while the energy message from the monetary ritual reaches its goal, you can try to speed up this process with the following actions.


  • Buy a silver coin and consecrate it in the temple. It is necessary to do this, because only so you can be sure that money will come to your house, where there is nothing wrong. Put this coin in your pocket and carry it with you all the time. On the full moon day, be sure to turn it several times, without taking it out of your pocket. The same night, go out into the street, take out a coin and hold it on the open palm, as if showing the moon. After that, hide it back in your pocket and carry it until the next full moon. Repeat the rite until you get what you want.
  • You can try to attract money with the following ritual. In the afternoon before the full moon go to the forest and find there 3 white pebbles, 7 acorns and moss( you will need to tear off a palm-sized piece).Bring everything that you found home, wash, dress with clean clothes and proceed to the ritual. First wrap the pebbles and acorns in the moss, tie it all with a red satin ribbon and put it under your pillow. Lie down to sleep before sunset. At midnight, get up, get the moss from under the pillow and bury it under any prickly bush. Go around it three times clockwise, all the time imagining large cash bills. Having done this, feel free to go to sleep. If you do everything right, then until the next full moon your financial condition should improve.

Love rites

Love rites

Immediately I want to say that love rituals must be performed in the most extreme cases. Before you do something or say, first think about whether you are ready to live with a person for whom you want to have a magical effect all your life.

After all, if you fall in love with him, and then in him you will be disappointed, then it will be quite difficult to change your own and his fate. In view of this, it is necessary to make love rituals only if you like everything in your chosen one, even the small minuses of his character.

Rites of Love:

  • Draw a red heart on a white piece of paper and write in it your name and the name of your loved one. Carefully fold the sheet and put it in a book with a beautiful love storyline. Please note that it should be yours( donated or bought) and it is advisable that no one reads it except you. Water the book on the window in such a way that light from the moon fell on it. Do not open it and do not read it until your loved one shows you its favor.
  • Christmas holidays are coming soon, which means that you have a wonderful way to attract love to yourself without much effort. To perform this rite, you will need the largest church candle and Christmas star. After you buy these two things, take a sheet of paper and write on it about how much you want to reunite with your loved one and be sure to include his full name. Put your note in an envelope and place it on a table or bedside table by the bed. Every evening before going to bed, light a candle and a Christmas star and send their light to your note. If you sincerely believe in the Christmas miracle, then by the end of the holidays you will already be in a pair.

Rites for a fast marriage

Rites for a fast marriage

To our great regret, even in the modern world, rituals for marriage have not lost their relevance. Due to employment and a very fast pace of life, men and women simply do not have time to find their soul mate. Some magicians claim that if a person misses a favorable moment for acquaintance and marriage, then, in general, they can remain lonely for life.

In case you also realized that you can not get married in the same way that others do, try to help create a family special ritual for marriage.


  • Buy a red envelope and 18 sheets of paper of the same color. Bring all these things to the bedroom, lay them on the bed or on the bedside table and looking at them, imagine your future family life. Meditate on them for three days in a row, and then proceed to attract a loved one. Every day, take a sheet and describe on it your soul mate. After all the leaves have been written and put into the envelope, it will have to be placed in the south-western part of the house. As practice shows, in about three months this love magnet will bring you to the home of your future husband.
  • Buy in any store transparent white fabric, red satin ribbon and 7 small decorative flowers. Make of all this a small veil with a wreath and gently put it on your photo. Set it so that you can see it as often as possible. Every day, find time to sit next to her and dream about her future husband. If you want to further strengthen the energy message of the ritual, you can put two rings connected with a red ribbon near the photo.

How to achieve the desired pregnancy with the help of the rite?

Ritual for fast conception

Very often a couple can not conceive a child because somebody just envies them with happiness. Negative energy, as a rule, blocks chakras, which are responsible for reproduction, and as a result, a completely healthy woman can not become pregnant.

The most unpleasant thing is that in this situation traditional medicine is powerless. If you also had similar problems, then try to get rid of them with a special ritual.

Rite that will help you get pregnant:

  • First, put a new basin and a jug of water in the middle of the room. Dress with a clean shirt and be sincerely praying before the icons. Then get up in the pelvis with both feet and slowly pour out the water on your head saying the following words: As a holy water from me runs away, so my infertility disappears.
  • After that, change to dry clothes, drain the water in a jar with a lid and put it in a place where no one will see it. As soon as the long-awaited pregnancy comes, take a jar of water and bury it as close to the church as possible. Do this necessarily, otherwise it may happen that you can not deliver the long-awaited baby to the desired date.

Rites for attracting health

Rites for attracting health

Rite number 1

  • For its conduct you will need spring water, wormwood, common salt and natural honey. Spring water will give you the power of nature, wormwood will purify the body and soul from all bad, and honey and salt will give energy and protect from the evil eye. Take all these ingredients and mix them thoroughly, pour the resulting solution into a bath and lie in it for at least half an hour.
  • If you are in the right mood regularly to arrange such ablutions, you can, in general, forget about all the diseases. Yes, and do not forget that all the components that you will use for the rite must necessarily be consecrated in the church. In case you did not succeed, then pray and sprinkle them yourself with holy water.

Rite number 2

  • The poppy can also have a positive effect on health, which was sanctified by the Honey Saved. Long since people knew that poppy seeds can protect people from everything bad. The most pleasant thing is that they can help not only get rid of the disease and contribute to the fact that it, in general, does not cling to a person.
  • If you want to always stay healthy, then just carry a small amount of poppy in your pocket. In the event that it turned out that you are ill, then try for three days in a row to eat just a couple of poppy seeds and wash down them with church water.

How to lose weight with a strong ritual for weight loss?

Features of the ritual for weight loss

In order for this rite to act correctly, it must be done at a certain time. It is best to begin the ritual on Monday or Friday. Monday is considered the day of the moon, so it is during this period that rituals should be made to decrease. Friday is the day of Venus, which is responsible for beauty and attractiveness, therefore, it can also help to reduce weight.

Also do not forget that the rituals for weight loss should be carried out on an empty stomach and, if possible, do not eat at least a couple of hours after their end. If you make this ritual pre-tightly, then you will send the highest forces at all the wrong energy message.


  • Buy a small amount of wax on the market or in a pharmacy. If you can not find it, then you can replace it with a church candle, so that it will not be used before in the ministry.
  • You need to mold the cylinder out of the wax, and then cut it into small pieces( there should be as many as you plan to lose a kilogram).
  • Slightly heat the pieces on a steam bath and blind them with a ball. He will symbolize your extra pounds. Be sure to keep in mind that you must make it one week before the full moon.
  • Place the ball under the pillow and sleep on it all week. On the night of the full moon, take it out, put it in a bowl and melt over the church candle.
  • Do not be discouraged if you fail to do this the first time. You can safely drown it for 2-3 days. Weight will still go, just not as fast as you would like.
  • Pour the melted wax into a jar and pour it into the toilet or bring it somewhere far from your home.

Rites for cleaning the house

Rites for cleaning the house

Rite number 1

If you need to clean the house as quickly as possible, then take any church candle that is in your home and from the entrance doors go through all the rooms. You have to go clockwise, a little lingering in the corners. If you notice that the flame began to vibrate more intensely, crackle and smoke, then stop at this place and cross it with a lighted candle. After the whole house is bypassed, put a candle on the doorstep and let it completely burn. Then gather the melted wax and bury it at the intersection of the roads.

Rite No.2

For this ritual, it is best to use the salt consecrated for Easter. Pour it into small saucers and place it in all the rooms. Throughout the week, every day, in the morning and in the evening, recite the prayer of Our Father, or simply sincerely pray before the icons. If you want the ritual to work as well as possible, involve all your household members in prayers. In a week, collect all the salt in one container and throw it into the river. In case you do not have the opportunity to get to the river, then just rinse the salt into the sewer.

Rite for successful and profitable trade

Prayer to be successful

If you want trade to be always brisk, then do not forget to periodically buy off the so-called trade routes. If you give them at least a minimum amount of money, then your business will surely prosper.


  • Take a small amount of coins in your hand and stand with them in the very center of the trading floor.
  • After concentrating well, say the words: Take the money from the trading ways, and return my luck.
  • After that, throw the coins up and tear off your store.
  • Do not let your family or sellers raise money, it's better if they are taken away by the buyers.

Video: Rite for Christmas to attract love from Anastasia

  • Apr 26, 2018
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