Miramistin was created as a powerful antiseptic drug with a wide range of its effects. Originally it was intended for the space industry, this means processed the inner surfaces of ships and the skin of astronauts. The drug is able to withstand viral, fungal and bacterial infections, so it is often used to treat sore throats, complicated diseases. The drug so gently affects the focus of the disease, that it is recommended for use in angina, even pregnant women and babies.


  • 1 Action
  • 2 Side effects and contraindications
  • 3 Usage for simple and purulent angina
    • 3.1 For adults
    • 3.2 For children
  • 4 Reviews

Action drug

The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect that can destroy most types of bacteria and viruses. It can affect infections that have "passed" to a person in a hospital setting, faster and more efficiently than any antibiotic.

Miramistin is popular with angina due to its properties:

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  • Anti-inflammatory. Due to it, the drug helps to quickly remove the swelling and inflammation in the throat, serving as the primary symptoms of angina.
  • Antiseptic. This property improves the human immunity, its body begins to actively fight the disease, and the bacteria weaken and become very sensitive to antibiotics, thus speeding up the recovery of a person. miramistin with angina
  • The ability to accelerate the healing of small wounds and ulcers, on the mucous membranes of the larynx.
  • The intake of active substances of the drug occurs through the mucous membranes, not affecting the human organs. This makes it safe to use for the treatment of newborns and pregnant women. Miramistin is not toxic to the fetus.

The benefits of the drug include:

  • High antibacterial activity of its constituents.
  • Versatility. The drug can be used in various fields of medicine.
  • Stimulates increased local immunity.
  • Has a high anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Accelerates healing of damaged skin.
  • Quickly destroys fungi and bacteria.
  • Antiallergenic.
  • Destroys even the herpes virus.
  • Odorless, colorless.
  • The medicine has no contraindications, it is safe when swallowed.

Miramistin is applied externally, and immediately eliminates swelling and plaque, while using it, you do not need to take medication inside, only you need to treat the throat as often as possible.

Side effects and contraindications

After applying this medication, dry skin and mucous membranes can be observed, and mild itching may occur. miramistin with angina

The drug has no contraindications, since hypoallergenic, even with prolonged use on it, the dependence does not arise.

The agent can be used for the prevention of chronic angina, in those who already know when the peaks of its occurrence occur. It is possible to irrigate the throat before this period, especially after walking.

There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug, if this is observed, then the drug should be discontinued.

chlorhexidine bigluconate in angina And here's how to use chlorhexidine bigluconate in angina, and as far as this remedy is effective, is described in this article.

It will also be interesting to know whether Bioparox can be used in angina.

What to do when there was angina in the second trimester of pregnancy, and what medicines can be used.is specified here in the article: http: //prolor.ru/g/lechenie/ angina-pri-beremennosti-vo-vtorom-trimestre.html

But what complications are after angina, and what can be done with such a problem at home, will help to understand this information.

Application for simple and purulent angina

Miramistin can be used for both rinsing and throat irrigation. Most often they are rinsed, it should go according to the following rules:

  • Rinse the throat with tap water to remove food debris.
  • Open the vial of medicine.
  • To tilt the head back, this is a prerequisite for the medicine not to flow into the nasal cavity, otherwise there is a risk of spreading the infection.
  • When rinsing, it helps to better treat the throat if you pronounce the letter "s".
  • After the procedure for half an hour you can not eat or drink anything.

Rinse is repeated 3-4 times per day. For adults, the medicine can be used in pure form, whereas for children it needs to be diluted with water.

Improving the effect on the throat Miramistin will help the parallel use of non-medicamentous means of various infusions of herbs, solutions of salt and soda. Adults can use iodine solutions, which children can not.

On video miramistin with angina:

If the gargle is problematic, then you can buy Miramistin for yourself in the form of a spray. This method is often used for children. Dosage with such treatment is indicated by the doctor.

Miramistin is supplied ready-made, only it is necessary to remove the protective cap from the bottle and place a special nozzle-sprayer in its place. To activate the spray, you need to press the nozzle several times.

When contacting a person with a sore throat, it is worthwhile to use Miramistin at home for preventive purposes and then the risk of getting sick will be reduced to "zero", such an action has both irrigation and rinsing.

For adults

You need to apply the drug at least 5 times a day with the sore throat, you can not be afraid of overdosing it, since such cases have not yet been registered. miramistin with angina for adults

For one rinse you need 10-15 ml of medicine. The solution is made in the form of a transparent liquid, which, with shaking, foam. After its preparation, the indicated dose should be divided into several sips and the procedure should be carried out. It is recommended to use a 1% solution of the drug.

When a spray is used, a dispenser is inserted into the throat and pressed on it three times.

The chosen treatment regimen is performed daily, until the angina is completely gone.

For children

Miramistin can be used to treat any form of sore throat. In its plastic bottles there is a special dispenser that ensures a uniform distribution of the drug. Their varieties in the form of a spray have a spray pump and protective cap. Such a medicine package makes it possible to conveniently carry out the irrigation procedure even in infants.

The drug solution removes all symptoms of angina in the shortest possible time.

For a child who is already able to perform the procedure himself, you need to watch that he does not swallow the solution, it is better for them to buy a spray.

Procedure is carried out three times, and sometimes four times a day. The dosage depends on the age of the child.

Age, years Rinse Irrigation
from 3 to 6 take 3-5 ml( about a teaspoon) three times a day one spray directly into the neck of the baby. Repeat per day 3-4 times
from 7 and up to 14 in the amount of 5-7 ml three to four times a day double tap on the dispenser, repeat the procedure three times
over 14 take 10-15 ml 4 times a day 3-4 irrigation, and the same procedures per day

The duration of use of the drug depends on the complexity of the disease, on average, the treatment can be from 4 to 10 days.

If several people get sick in the family, then you need to buy your own spray for each, so that the dispenser does not become a carrier of the virus between them, as not all households are ill with one type of sore throat.

The fastest recovery will depend on compliance with several recommendations:

  • Compliance with bed rest.
  • To prevent sore throats from spreading to all households with a child, it is best to contact only one of the parents.
  • Parallel drug intake with Miramistin should be agreed by the doctor.
  • Use only warm drinks and soft food so as not to irritate the throat.
  • Regularly perform all medical procedures prescribed by the doctor.

In combination with rinsing, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs will usually be prescribed.

Miramistin, as medical practice shows, is prescribed more often than other medications. It is chosen at the expense of efficiency, it is an additional painless way to eliminate sore throat. To speed up the recovery or when the forms are started, it is prescribed together with antibiotics.

Perhaps you will also be interested to know what effects of quinsy during pregnancy can be, and how you yourself can prevent such problems.

But what are the popular methods of treatment of purulent sore throat, and how to make a choice, is described in this article.

For those who want to understand what they are and what the angular angina looks like, you should go to this link.

For those who want to understand how the treatment of angina in children 2 years old, you should go to this link.

What antibiotic names for angina exist, and how they are used, is indicated here in the article.


  • Mila, 34 years old: "My daughter often has a sore throat during the winter. I learned about the Miramistin solution just recently, suggested by a doctor called at home. She already has a sore throat in a chronic, so we can not do without inhalations. After taking antibiotics, it does not always get better, but I'm afraid to give very strong medicines, and Miramistin can strengthen the action of the weakest of them. This winter, thanks to him, he was ill only once, I hope that his effect lasts as long as possible. "
  • Svetlana, 44: " Miramistin was prescribed to me with pharyngitis. The first use of it gave me anxiety, I did not expect that such a liquid can be burned. The burning sensation was gone in a couple of minutes, but from the first irrigation with spray, I almost got a tear. The second time was more calm. He helped me on the fourth day. About this trouble in the form of burning in the instructions to the drug is stipulated, but still it was unexpected. "
  • Nastya, 33: " As far as I judge from my experience, the speedy recovery from angina is directly related to the frequency of rinses. I apply Miramistin in conjunction with a decoction of medicinal chamomile, it serves as a soothing agent for inflamed mucous membranes. I apply this method to myself and my child, and he has been helping us out for several years. "