Otitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs most often as a complication after a cold infection. The disease is characterized by acute ear pain, sometimes - suppuration and other unpleasant symptoms, so you need to know exactly what can be cured. To date, otitis of any kind are treated, mainly, with ear drops.

We will tell in the article about these preparations: we learn which drops are suitable for otitis different forms, which ones are better for treating children, and which ones are suitable for pregnancy. Among other things, consider inexpensive but effective drugs.


  • 1 disease Description
  • 2 Which drops are
  • 3 How to choose a means
    • 3.1 Otitis media
      • 3.1.1 Ear drops Sofradeks
      • 3.1.2 Kandibiotik
    • 3.2 Otitis external ear
      • 3.2.1 otinum
      • 3.2.2 Dioxydin
    • 3.3 Purulent otitis
      • 3.3.1 Normax
    • 3.4 Pediatric Otitis
      • 3.4.1 Anauran
      • 3.4.2 Otofa
    • 3.5 In pregnancy
      • 3.5.1 Otypax
  • 4 Recommendations
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Description of the disease

Otitis more oftenoccurs with acute symptoms. If you do not engage in this stage of the disease, then it will go into a chronic phase, when longer and more intensive therapy is needed.

The inflammatory process in this disease can occur: drops in the ears with otitis

  • in the external ear;
  • in the middle ear;
  • in the inner ear.

There are several reasons for otitis media. The main thing is that the catarrhal diseases that have not been treated or that have not been sustained are severe, and have caused a complication because of this. In addition, sometimes to otitis lead to mechanical injuries of the ear canal and tympanic membrane, as well as an elementary lack of hygiene. In the latter case, otitis causes sulfur accumulated in the ear aisles.

To begin treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only on the recommendation of a specialist, having completed the examination, you can use these or those drops. It is important to take up therapeutic procedures as early as possible: in this case, the disease usually succeeds quickly and easily enough to win.

What drops are

When otitis used to treat three types of drops:


  • Otofa;
  • Cipromed;
  • Normax, etc.


  • Anauran;
  • Dexon;
  • Sofradex.

Anti-inflammatory with analgesic components:

  • Otinum;
  • Otypax.

Modern means are increasingly complex, combining several types of impact. This is certainly more convenient and effective.

On video drops in the ears with otitis:

How to choose the tool

Because modern pharmacology offers a huge number of different ear drops, an unprepared person will not be long in them and get confused. We will find out exactly which drugs are suitable for the treatment of different types of otitis media.

how to warm your ear with a blue lamp for otitis For those who want to learn about how to heat your ear with a blue lamp at the otitis, you should go to the link and read the contents of this article.

How the treatment of chronic otitis with perforation of the tympanic membrane is going to help, understand this article.

What consequences of tubotitis can be, is described in great detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/bolezni/otit/ tubootit-simptomy.html

Perhaps you will also be interested to know how the treatment of tubo-otitis in adults is taking place.

Otitis media of the middle ear

Which drops are suitable for instillation with the most common form of otitis media - the middle ear.

Ear drops Софрадекс

Ear drops Софрадекс-Efficient means, recommended especially for otitis media. The composition includes an antibiotic and a steroid component, which has an immunomodulatory effect. Drops relieve pain, remove burning sensation, relieve the feeling of stuffiness in the ear.

drops of Sophradex


The drug has a hefty list of contraindications. Including it is not recommended when:

  • allergies to its components;
  • viral infection;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • fungal infections in the ear;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Children are allowed, but with caution and only after medical advice. The course of treatment is a week: four procedures per day on three drops. It is forbidden to exceed the course of treatment, as there can be serious side effects.

The price is from 140 to 190 rubles.


These drops are extremely effective, but they have a number of contraindications: they are also prohibited for children under six years of age, and the question of their use during pregnancy is decided individually. In the free sale of this product is not, they can be purchased solely on the prescription of a doctor.

drops Candybiotic

Drops Candiabiotic

It is a multifunctional complex preparation, effective practically for any kinds of otitis. Do not use it only if the disease has already led to perforation( tearing) of the membrane. The course usually lasts a week, in some cases the doctor can extend it up to twelve days as much as possible. But what analogs of drops Kandibiotic exist, help to understand the information from the article.

Price - from 230 to 290 rubles.

Otitis of the external ear

What modern means will be most effective if otitis externa has developed.


The product is effective for external and medium acute otitis media. Drops effectively eliminate pain, and even soften the sulfur plug. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

drops of otinum

Drops in the ears Otinum

The product has a number of contraindications, among which:

  • immunity to the drug components;
  • shortness of breath;
  • inflammatory infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • skin rash;
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Do not use drops if the eardrum is damaged. The course of treatment - up to two weeks: twice a day for five drops. You can find out about the existing feedbacks of ear drops, Ootinum, from this article.

The price - from 170 rbl.


Effective agent for treatment, including, and external otitis media. The drug quickly stops the inflammatory process, stopping the multiplication of harmful microorganisms. In addition to ear problems, it is also used to stop inflammatory processes on the skin, in the nasopharynx, on the mucous membranes.



Prohibited for use by pregnant women. And children are prescribed only by a doctor. This tool is buried not directly in the ear, but on gauze turunda, which is then injected into the auditory canal, and left for several hours. Change turundas every 3-4 hours. How do inhalations for sinusitis with Dioxydinum, and what can be the effect of this, is described in this article.

Price - 170 rubles.

Purulent otitis

In the most neglected cases or with improper treatment, the disease can reach and the stage of suppuration. In this case, there is severe pain and a great danger that perforation( rupture) of the tympanic membrane will occur. Not all medications will be effective in this difficult case. We will find out which of the drops can cope with the problem at this stage.


These drops can be used in the treatment of other types of otitis, not only purulent. The product may cause an allergic reaction, so use it only after a doctor's examination. The composition is digested four times a day for 1-2 drops.



After full recovery, it is recommended to instill the remedy for a couple of more days for reliability. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Normax drops is prohibited.

Price - 150 rubles.

Children's otitis

Because of the fragile child's immunity and the body that has not yet formed to treat otitis in the baby, any drops do not fit. It is necessary to choose the safest means, but with sufficient efficacy to cope with otitis media at any stage. We learn what means can be used.


This product contains an antibiotic, local anesthetic and an antifungal component. Due to such a diverse composition, the drug has a complex effect, and even copes with severe cases of external otitis media. Can be used for otitis media.

Anauran drops

Drops in ears Anauran

The course of treatment - no more than a week. In some cases, the drug leads to an allergic local skin reaction, which stops after using the drug. The remedy is incompatible with certain medications, so you should carefully read the instructions before using it. But what analogs of ear drops Anauran can be, is told in this article.

Price - around 150 rubles.


This remedy can be successfully used in the treatment of purulent otitis in the middle and outer ear. Allowed for use by children up to the age of five.

The course of treatment with this remedy is no more than three days: five drops three times a day. Children: three drops three times a day. Keep in mind that this tool paints the ear canal and membrane into a pinkish color, so do not be scared. If the product gets on clothes, bed linens, then leave a stain on them: be careful and careful.

Otof drops

Drops in the ears of Otofa

Price - tentatively 197 руб.

Advice: very small children should not bury drops in the ears. In this case, it is more logical and more convenient to use cotton turunas moistened in a medicinal solution.

When Pregnancy

What to do to a woman "in position", if there is a problem of otitis. Because of the risk of causing harm to the fetus, it is not allowed to use all means. We will find out which drops can be used in this situation.


These drops are among the safest types of earwy local remedies. Therefore, they are allowed for use by pregnant women, as well as children from infancy. The product has an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In its composition, all known lidocaine, as well as phenosol - an anti-inflammatory component. Within 5-10 minutes after instillation the pain noticeably subside, which can not but rejoice. Along with eliminating the symptom - pain, Otipax effectively destroys the very cause that caused the disease.


Drops Otypaks

The preparation is especially effective if you start applying it immediately if you detect the first symptoms of otitis. But with a deformed membrane you can not use it, so you'll first have to go to the doctor's office for an examination.

Among the side effects: the possibility of an allergic reaction with individual intolerance of the ingredients of the drug. In addition, Otipaks gives a positive result in the passage of doping tests.

Price - 220-270 rub.


After you have started to dig in this or that drug, carefully observe your or your baby's condition. If there is no relief, you should again go to see a doctor, so that he recommends another remedy. To understand whether or not there is a positive result, two or three days of regular procedures are sufficient.

Before starting the instillation procedure, it is necessary to warm up the bottle of medicine in the hands. So the drug will work more effectively, and there will be no unpleasant sensations when the drops fall into your ears. And if you instill the medicine to children, the pipette should be disinfected after each use.

When burying, it is necessary to tilt the head, and pull back the earlobe so that the liquid falls exactly as intended.

To avoid the risk of drips falling onto the perforated eardrum, even if you doubt it, first insert a cotton turun in the ear and drip it. Thus, the impact will be more gentle.

On video ear drops for purulent otitis in adults:

Keep in mind that in otitis media, drops are only part of a comprehensive treatment. They can not be considered a panacea. Along with local treatment, it is necessary to use internal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Only in this case the recovery will be complete and guaranteed.

We examined the features of ear drops in otitis. Now you know what can be cured all kinds of otitis, and how to apply the drug. Do not forget before you start treatment, first consult with a doctor - then you will have a guarantee of a successful and rapid recovery. Well, our advice will help you determine the choice of drops for treatment.