Why do birthmarks appear dark and light spots? The meanings of birthmarks on the legs, arms, back and head

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What are the birthmarks? Why do they appear? The importance of spots on people's signs. You will learn about this in this article.


  • Why do birthmarks appear?
  • Many birthmarks on the body, causes
  • Light birthmarks, causes and significance
  • Dark birthmarks, causes and values ​​
  • Birthmark on the head, value
  • Birth marks on the hands, value
  • Birth marks on the legs, value
  • Birth spot on the back, value of
  • Why does the birthmark appear in the newborn?
  • Can I delete my birthmark?
  • Video: It's interesting to know. Where do moles come from?
  • Birthmarks - even or convex formations on the body, brighter or darker than the rest of the skin. With birthmarks people are born.
  • Birthmarks can also appear throughout life on the skin and on mucous membranes.
  • Birthmarks are large and small, of a variety of colors: brown, pink, red, black, someone is disfigured, and others are decorated, being a highlight.

Birthmarks divide into 2 large groups of :

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  1. Nevus - birthmarks of dark color .They are rarely congenital, most often appear in the first years of life and during puberty.
  2. Vascular Angiomas:
  • Lymphangiomas are markings on the skin of the lymphatic vessels of a darker color than the rest of the skin, intrauterine formations.
  • Hemangiomas - formations from the blood vessels, congenital birthmarks.

Why do birthmarks appear?

Freckles - this is also the birthmarks of

The cause of birthmarks is the incorrect development of tissues in the body .There may be several reasons:

  • In adults, produces an increased amount of hormones, which means melanin, which is responsible for the pigmentation in the body, then spots appear on the body.
  • The increased content of hormones in adolescents .In this period in children birthmarks can appear, disappear or grow - this is normal.
  • Because of hormones birthmarks can appear in pregnant women.
  • Hereditary birthmarks.
  • Birth marks can appear after a long sunbathing in the sun or after a tanning bed.
  • Emergence of birthmarks after injuries, viruses or other diseases.

Many birthmarks on the body, causes

After intense sunbathing, many birthmarks of the body can appear on the body
  • Many birthmarks of the on the body can appear both in infancy and in adults, especially in women, during pregnancy or afterher.
  • European and American scientists do not name any reasons for the appearance of moles in adults, except for the long-known: from sun rays, a spike in hormones or after skin injuries.
  • And here representatives of Chinese traditional medicine have a new opinion about the appearance of moles in adults , different from the previously known.
  • The appearance of moles is nothing more than inflammatory processes inside the body and latent chronic diseases .With illness, the body accumulates a lot of bad energy, and when there is a lot of it, it is thrown out, in the form of birthmarks.

In order for moles to not degenerate into melanoma, people with a large number of birthmarks should follow the following rules :

  • Do not visit countries with tropical climate
  • Sunbaths take up to 10 o'clock in the morning and after 18 o'clock in the evening
  • As little as possible be in the sun
  • On hot days, put on cotton or linen clothes
  • After bathing, wipe the skin in the shade with a towel, and then go out on thesun

Important .Hair growing on the birthmark, you need to carefully cut it, and in no case pull out, so you can bring an infection or provoke a birthmark to degenerate it into a malignant tumor.

Light birthmarks, causes and significance

Congenital birthmark in a child

Vascular angiomas have several kinds:

  • Birthmark of strawberry , color is bright red, convex formation. It can appear on any part of the skin in the first month of life, and only 6% of babies are born with these spots. The spot is clearly visible only in infancy, and then it disappears.
  • Cavernous or cavernous birthmarks of have a loose, knotty surface of deep red or purple color, develop in children of the first 4 months of life, and then dry out.
  • Wine birthmarks have a purple color, they do not disappear with age, but they can increase, they are for life.
  • Hemangiomas - red pigmentation spots, 1-30 mm in size, can appear in children and adults: after skin injuries, pancreas and liver diseases, with lack of vitamins K and C.

Dark birthmarks, causes and values ​​

This is the casewhen birthmarks adorn

Birthmarks - nevi or birthmarks .Physicians believe that birthmarks are safe and do not remove them. They can be reborn in a malignant tumor only in rare cases, then they must be immediately removed.

Also doctors advise to remove birthmarks in such cases:

  • If the birthmarks were formed on the feet, and prevent walking.
  • Birthmarks are located on a part of the body where they constantly rub against clothing.

Note .If the mole is located on the face, where solar radiation is constantly occurring, then it should be observed especially.

Note .Sunbathing with moles can not be, and if you have birthmarks in the open area of ​​the body, then they should be closed.

Birthmark on the head, value

Birthmark on the head of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev

Birthmark on the head, according to popular belief, means the following :

  • Birthmark located on the forehead on the right - the owner of the spot is waiting for a happy future, he is talented, lucky, with developed intelligence.
  • The birthmark is located on the forehead on the left - the person is very wasteful, and therefore will live in poverty.
  • Birthmark in the middle of the forehead - a person has great success on the love front.
  • Birthmark on the face - well-being in marriage and love.

Birthmarks on the hands, meaning

Birthmarks transmitted from the parent to the child

According to the folk signs, it is judged: the more bright the spot, the more favorable it is for the person, and vice versa.

The stains on the hands can be differently decoded, depending on where they are located:

  • Birthmark on the wrist means that the person will be successful at work, and in life he will have material prosperity.
  • Birthmark on the outside of the hand means a special talent of a person and his giftedness.
  • Birthmark on the shoulder means trouble and hard work in life.

Birth marks on the legs, meaning

Birth marks on the legs of a child may be congenital or appear in the first weeks of life

According to folk signs, if the birthmark is covered with hairs, then this is a bad sign, in life a person faces a difficult financial situation.

Birthmarks on the feet, according to popular beliefs :

  • If the birthmark is located below the knee - this indicates the selfishness, idleness and slovenliness of a person.
  • Birthmark on the ankle - the person is optimistic, hardworking, energetic and bold.
  • Birthmark on the right knee - success in love, on the left - a kind and sympathetic person, but often makes rash acts.
  • Birthmark on the thigh - the owner promises numerous offspring.

Birthmark on the back, meaning

Birthmarks on the back

According to the popular signs of , if the birthmark of a person on the back of , then he has the following qualities: a romantic nature, kind, open and generous, with dignity, butthere is also a small drawback - he likes to act on display and give advice haughtily.

Why does the birthmark appear on the newborn?

Birthmarks of a baby can appear in the first weeks of life

Some babies are born with clean skin, and others with birthmarks on the body. If the child at birth did not have birthmarks, they can appear in the first months of life. What is the reason for this?

Why babies are born with birthmarks, doctors do not give a specific answer, but in people say that cause birthmarks in a child can be :

  • A strong woman's fright during pregnancy.
  • Great stress, suffered during pregnancy.

In the first months of life, special attention should be paid to:

  • Preterm infants
  • White babies
  • Girls, as they have birthmarks much more often than boys

This group of children who have a predisposition to the appearance of moles.

Newborn babies can have the following birthmarks:

  • Pink small dots or solid spot on the eyelids, nose and the back of the head .Such spots are harmless and will pass in the first year of life.
  • The cavernous and strawberry birthmarks of of red color can appear in the baby in the first weeks after birth on any part of the skin. Spots can increase. With age they lighten and by the age of 10 completely disappear.
  • Wine birthmarks burgundy color grow together with the child and do not disappear anywhere, that is for life. They appear on the head and face. They can be treated with infrared radiation or a laser.

Can I delete my birthmark?

Birthmarks can not be removed from the specialist
  • before removing birthmarks, if they do not disturb, or spoil the appearance of the face, neck.
  • But if you want to remove the birthmark for some reason, you first need to go to the doctor's office and be examined.
  • Often, appearing birthmarks, at a not young age, indicate some kind of processes that take place in the body.
  • Removing the birthmark, you will not get rid of the hidden problem in the body. First you need to figure out what the problem is, examine it, and then remove the stain.
  • Oncologists advise for people who have birthmarks to examine them themselves. If the birthmark is small, symmetrical, even and solid, then you should not worry.

Refer to the oncologist immediately if :

  • Birthmark starts to grow
  • Birthmark starts to grow hair on the birthmark
  • Birthmark and place around it itches and hurts

The birthmark can be removed by the following methods :

  • Surgical
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electric current
  • Lasertherapy
  • Hormone therapy

Birthmarks should not be deleted if they do not bother. But if the mole begins to itch or grow, then you should immediately contact a specialist, and remove it.

Video: It's interesting to know. Where do moles come from?

  • Apr 28, 2018
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