Nail fungus on legs and hands: than to treat at home? Effective remedies for nail fungus on the legs

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Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is a common problem that is not talked out loud. In the article about the causes of the disease, traditional and folk methods of its treatment.

Contents of

  • Why do nails leave? You have settled a fungus!
  • How does the nail fungus look like? Stages, causes and symptoms of the disease: photo
  • Diagnosis of onychomycosis
  • Which doctor should be treated with nail fungus?
  • How to pass an analysis on nail fungus?
  • How will irunin, warner, loceril, mycosan, nitrofungin, oflomil, terbinafine, exoderil, fluconazole, Nogtivit help from the nail fungus?
  • Remedies for nail fungus. Oral antifungal agents
  • Local remedies for onychomycosis
  • What is the effective cream for nail fungus?
  • Treatment of a fungus: nail polish from a nail fungus
  • Video: Antifungal nail varnish
  • Treatment of a nail fungus with a laser
  • How to treat a nail fungus at home?
  • Treatment and prevention of nail fungus - antiparasitic monastic tea
  • instagram viewer
  • Treatment of nail fungus with iodine and iodine
  • Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide
  • Treatment of nail fungus with tea tree oil
  • Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar
  • Manicure and pedicure with nail fungus
  • Nail fungus on hands and feet:Reviews and useful advices
  • Video: Than to treat a nail fungus?

Why do nails leave? You have settled a fungus!

Why nails leave, you can quickly come to the conclusion that you have settled a fungus! This ailment is quite common and very unpleasant, and its treatment continues for months and even years.

How does the nail fungus look like? Stages, causes and symptoms of the disease: photo

An infectious disease in which various kinds of fungi affect the nail plates on the fingers and toes, in medicine is called onychomycosis.

Medical statistics show that every fourth European suffers from this disease. What can we say about the inhabitants of Africa and Asia, sometimes unfamiliar with the elementary rules of personal hygiene?
Symptoms and causes of nail fungus can be very different.

In case of onychomycosis, infection with fungi occurs via a contact-household way - from person to person or through objects.

You can catch a nail fungus in the family, if someone from the family is already sick. Therefore, having found out at itself signs of disease, it is necessary to experience not only about own health, but also about safety of associates.

Infection can occur in places such as swimming pools, saunas and saunas, water parks, gyms, bathrooms of hotels and hotels, if cleaning and disinfection are performed poorly or not at all.

A greater risk of getting onychomycosis in people with weakened immunity, as well as those who neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

The fungus on the nails of the hands and feet looks repulsive. It can be seen in the early stages, in which case the treatment will be easier and faster. With onychomycosis:

  • nail plates change color - their shade becomes gray, brown, yellowish or greenish, sometimes there are spots;
  • they become denser, but brittle - they break and break;
  • the skin on the ridges becomes inflamed, itching appears.

The initial stage of the disease is manifested by the destruction of the fungi of an insignificant area of ​​the nail plate and not expressed symptoms. As the disease develops, onychomycosis spreads over the nail, the symptomatology increases.

Depending on where the fungus "settled", the lesion of the nail plate happens:

  • distal - along the free edge of the nail plate;
  • lateral - on the sides of the plate;
  • superficial - over the entire surface of the nail;
  • proximal - the fungus affected the nail roller.

If treatment is not undertaken, the disease progresses, the nail plate is affected by the fungus in total.

You can not treat onychomycosis as a purely aesthetic problem. A spoiled manicure or pedicure is just the upper part of the iceberg.

Mushrooms literally poison human life: they reduce immunity, cause diseases of all organs and systems.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately so that he can prescribe the most effective in the particular case of nail fungus.

Diagnosis of onychomycosis

Suspected of onychomycosis, the patient should go to a local polyclinic, a dermatologic dispensary or a private dermatological office.

To which doctor should I handle the nail fungus?

Two specialists are engaged in the treatment of a fungus: a dermatologist( able to relieve all skin diseases) or a mycologist( a specialist in a narrow profile who exclusively deals with the diagnosis and treatment of fungal diseases).

How to pass an analysis on nail fungus?

If a doctor suspects onychomycosis, the doctor will take a scraping from the patient - remove the horny scales from the nail plate. Analysis under a microscope and culture in a nutrient medium will help the doctor answer two questions:

  • whether the nail plate is actually affected by the fungus;
  • if so, which one.

How will irunin, wartner, loceril, mycosan, nitrofungin, oflomil, terbinafine, exoderil, fluconazole, Nogtivit help from the nail fungus?

Self-medication of the nail fungus can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous - the organism will become addicted to the antifungal drug.
A specific medicine for onychomycosis will be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the type of fungus and the stage of the disease.

All antifungal drugs are divided into two large groups - for internal use and local.

Remedies for nail fungus. Oral antifungal agents

If the fungus "sits" on 2/3 of the nail plate, the patient is weakened immunity or there are chronic diseases( for example, diabetes mellitus) that promote the development of onychomycosis, it is advisable to drink antimycotics.

These are preparations in tablets and capsules Lamisil, Terbinafine, Fluconazole, and others. Having a wide range of action, they destroy the fungi of various species at the cellular level. The course of treatment has a duration of 2 months, but often the doctor advises to drink the drug until the nail plate is fully refreshed.
Unfortunately, many oral antimycotics cause adverse reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, impaired appetite, abdominal pain, taste disturbance, and so on.

Local remedies for onychomycosis

As a rule, they are presented in the form of creams, gels, ointments, sprays and varnishes. Effective use of such funds at the initial stage of the disease.

What is the effective cream for nail fungus?

Creams and ointments from onychomycosis, as a rule, are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. The best are Exoderyl, Nizoral, Zalain, Lamicon, and other drugs. Instructions to each of them should be read carefully, as these funds differ in the duration of the course of treatment and the way they are used.
Very often the nail fungus is diagnosed in pregnant women. The organism of the future mother is weakened, so a pathogenic microorganism can easily attack it. Given the contraindications and possible severe adverse reactions, the oral remedy for the fungus for pregnant women is prescribed only in extreme and especially severe cases. Do not let the disease progress, destroy the fungus the doctor will advise with the help of local drugs, in particular, Exoderil.

Treatment of a fungus: a varnish from a fungus of nails

One of modern forms of chemist's means from an onychomycosis are varnishes. The most effective and easy to use are Lotseril( manufactured in Switzerland) and Betrafen( produced in France).Acting locally, their active substances penetrate deep into the affected nail plate nail plate, destroy the fungus, while in the blood fall in small amounts. How and how much to apply these varnishes, you can find out from the doctor, in the instructions or on the video.

Video: Anti-fungal nail polish

There is also a cheaper analogue of Loceril or Betrafen - the demikten lacquer produced in Russia. In the reviews say that its effectiveness is no less.

Lacquers, as preparations of the latest generation, are treated with nail fungus in children from the age of 3.

The antifungal agent in young children is prescribed only by a doctor!
To treat onychomycosis of hands and feet can also be sprayed, for example, Lamizil.

Treatment of nail fungus with laser

Laser treatment of onychomycosis is a modern and very effective method. Fungi are destroyed by the infrared spectrum of laser radiation, there are no side effects in the procedure. It is absolutely painless, it is not necessary to use any local antimycotics after it. A complete cure comes after 5 to 10 procedures. A lot of public and private dermatological clinics provide laser fungus treatment services.

How to treat nail fungus at home?

It is necessary to understand that it is possible to use any folk remedies in the treatment of nail fungus only in parallel with medicamentous, and not instead of them. Mushrooms are very hardy microorganisms, if not completely destroyed, onychomycosis can recur.

Treatment and prevention of nail fungus - antiparasitic monastic tea

Monastic tea is a phytopreparation that has been officially tested and received a patent. It is used in alternative medicine to get rid of parasites. Many speak about the effectiveness of tea in the case of onychomycosis. Tea producers claim that it completely relieves the disease in 97% of cases.

The advantage of monastic tea as a remedy for the fungus is also that it not only kills pathogens, but also strengthens the human immune system. It is safe for pregnant women and young children.
RECIPE : One tablespoon of phytopreparation is poured with boiling water( 250 ml) and insisted for half an hour. Take every morning before breakfast. The initial dose is a quarter of the glass, then it increases to a full glass. The course of treatment with monastic tea is only three weeks.

Treatment of nail fungus with iodine and iodine.

Iodine is the most famous antiseptic. The fungi that cause onychomycosis have a protein structure. The effectiveness of iodine and iodinol is that they coagulate these proteins. But these drugs are very aggressive, inept use of them can lead to burns and allergies.
There are several ways to use iodine in fungal lesions of nail plates.

RECIPE lotions :

  • The sick nail is steamed, the upper damaged layer of the
  • plate is peeled off with a nail file. Cotton swab dipped in iodine or iodinol.
  • . Wipe the nail plate.
  • . Repeat the procedure for 1 month; then take a break for 2 weeks.

RECIPE bath : 0, 5 liters of warm boiled water, add 5-7 drops of iodine and a couple drops of orange essential oil. Hands or feet with mushroomed fingernails are lowered into the tub for a quarter of an hour.

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide

It should be noted that perhydrol is used rather not for the treatment of onychomycosis, but for preparing the nail for the use of other drugs. Hydrogen peroxide softens the nail plate, contributing to a deeper penetration of other substances into it. It also has a disinfectant effect.

RECIPE : Per-hydrolym impregnates cotton wheels, after which they are applied to the steamed nails. This compress is done 5 minutes so that burns do not appear.

Treatment of nail fungus with tea tree oil

Tea tree ether is used to treat many diseases, including onychomycosis. Scientifically proven that it destroys dermatophytes.

RECIPE : The strong ether before use should be diluted with olive or almond oil( 3 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil).Wadded stick dipped in an oil mixture, wipe its nail plate. The procedure is carried out every other day for a month.

Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar

For therapeutic purposes, use 9% apple or table vinegar. Antifungal baths are made with it.

RECIPE : 2 liters of water is heated to 40 degrees, add a half glass of vinegar to it. Put your feet in the bath for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the nails are treated with other antimycotics, pharmacies or non-traditional ones. The baths are repeated every other day.
Cleanser from nail fungus
Cleiron air is a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal agent. Baths and compresses are made with it. A very good remedy for onychomycosis is a soda bath with celandine oil.
RECIPE : Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 5 drops of celandine oil to 2 liters of room temperature water. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
Compresses are made from cotton-wool soaked in essential oil.

Manicure and pedicure with nail fungus

Fingernails affected by fungi require special treatment.
Manicure and pedicure with nail fungus is done in this way:

  • nails are steamed;
  • the free edge of the plate is cut off, the upper patient is cut;
  • antiseptic is used;
  • antimycotics is used( if it is a varnish, after it you can even apply a decorative varnish coating).

All instruments for manicure in a patient with onychomycosis should be individual. They are disinfected after each use.

Nail fungus on the hands and feet: Feedback and helpful advice

Reviews in the forums suggest that timely and responsible treatment is a guarantee of a rapid disposal of onychomycosis.

Even if the appearance of the fungus is gone, the course of antifungal drugs can not be interrupted. At the slightest preserved focus of infection, the disease can resume.

Despite the modern blessings of civilization, onychomycosis continues to be a common phenomenon. Fortunately, in the arsenal of medicine there are means and drugs with which you can cure this ailment.

Video: Than to treat a nail fungus?

  • Apr 29, 2018
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