Dream interpretation: the former boyfriend, husband. What does the former dream about? The meaning of sleep

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Why does the former husband or boy dream? What is the meaning of the dream in which the ex-husband is present?


  • Dream interpretation: the former husband had a dream
  • To dream a former wife, a girl
  • Why dream of being a guest of a former?
  • Why dream of hitting the former?
  • Why does the former dream with another girl?
  • Dream: ex-husband married
  • Dream-interpreter: former in coffin
  • Dream-interpreter: former asks for forgiveness
  • Dream-interpreter: swearing with ex-husband
  • What does a dream with a former guy or husband say:
  • Video: What does the ex-husband dream about?

Dream interpretation: the former husband had a dream, the guy

If in a dream you see your ex-husband or boyfriend, in most cases, it means that you are passionate about the past. It often happens that past experiences do not leave even when you have a new relationship.

In some cases, you do not need to really experience the last minute. In a dream, the subconscious is turned on and it rolls out all the hidden things that disturb the person. In reality, you can feel dissatisfaction with life, and the cause may be past relationships.

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Dreamed of the former husband of
  • Depending on the context in which the former husband or boy dreams, you can treat different events. And to take a dream is literally not worth it. In every event in a dream, the subtext is encoded, which means something certain.
  • If there is a tender kiss in a dream, then in reality you will meet a great surprise. If the road of sleep has led you to a sexual act with a former guy, expect trouble or conflict. If in a dream you quarreled and swore, you can hope for the emergence of a new romantic relationship with another person.
  • You can interpret dreams in different ways, it all depends on the surrounding situation and the events that are taking place. Meeting with a former boyfriend or husband in a dream can mean that in the near future you will commit a frivolous act, which you will regret
  • . If a person from past relationships shows a feeling of love and tenderness to you in a dream, prepare for unpleasant surprises. Nothing positive such emotions from the past do not bring
The girl sleeps

After a dream that you remember well and accurately determine in it the place of the former guy, you should pay close attention to the current relationship. Perhaps you are comparing the past and the present, this can lead to a quarrel.

According to the teachings of Freud, meeting with an ex-husband in a dream speaks of your fear of betrayal or treason. All the negative emotions of the former guy say that in reality he still appreciates and respects you.

To dream a former wife, a girl

A former wife or girl often dreams when a guy wants to return an old relationship, or people have some kind of understatement among themselves. It often happens that the one who breaks the relationship first, then often sees the second person in a dream. This is due to the subconscious sense of guilt that torments and comes in a dream.

If you meet a former girl in a dream, to which you are friendly without tension - this is a sign to make a new relationship, which, most likely, will be successful. Often, men dream of an ex-wife, when they miss the elements of women's care. In this case, the idea of ​​loneliness, which requires the immediate construction of new relations, is clearly revealed.

Relationship with the former
  • If in the dreams of the former wife passes by and does not notice you, you should understand that she really forgot you. Of course, he finds out in the street, but everything is finished between you and the endlessly.
  • If the former wife or girl came to you in a pregnant dream, then your fault is very great before her. Her current difficult psychological condition will improve a little, if you apologize for all the deed. Only to do it must be sincere and without hidden motives
  • If the former wife cries in a dream, then it is in reality all right. But if she looks at you intently and calls to her, it may well be that she misses her past relationships. However, it is quite possible that you are bored and want to be called to you by

Why dream of being a guest at the former?

Even though the guy is an ex-husband or a guy, you still can not let him go. You want to be with him, or you build his image the way you like it. Despite all the reasons for parting, you create its perfect look and want to return the relationship.

If in a dream, you went to visit a former boyfriend or husband, it is important to understand that subconsciously you miss his attention. Even if the spark of romance or love relationships has not slipped between you in a dream, and you communicated only as friends, you should not think that this is just an unconscious surge of memories.

Tightened attitudes at a visit to the former

Carefully study your condition, perhaps you need to overcome your pride and talk with this person so that you can release him from your life calmly and without quarrels. If on a visit to the former you dreamed of his parents, most likely in reality they regret that their son broke up with such a girl. In a dream they, as it were, apologize to you.

In a dream in which you are visiting a former boyfriend or husband, it is more important that what you or he does at that moment than the very fact of being at his home.

Why dream of hitting the former?

In a dream, only the woman who is offended can be beaten by her former boyfriend or husband. In this case, temper tantrums and sharpness of character leads to such active actions. In reality, such a dream can mean that you should expect some unpleasant situations that will appear because of your character.

Beat an ex-husband or a guy

You can not change yourself immediately, but it's time to think, maybe it's time to turn off your favorite bitchiness from the main arsenal, which interacts with the outside world. Dream symbolizes failure in past relationships, more so, because of your relationship to the guy.

As it is not sad to admit, but fate tells you that if you do not improve, good and lasting relationships in life can not be sought. This is especially true if the dream is repeated often, and the methods of influencing the guy are always different.

What does the former dream about with another girl?

If the former guy or husband is in a dream with another girl who looks like you, then he wants to renew the relationship with you. If the girl you do not know, then soon you will establish their new relationship. A dream testifies that you are now not connected with the former guy by any ties, everyone has his own life. It frees you psychologically and gives you the right to move forward easily.

Former with another girl

If your ex-husband fights with his new girlfriend, then you still can not forgive him all the negative that was between you. Perhaps he was the initiator of the rupture of relations, and you are offended at him and angry. Try to treat the situation in a philosophical way, the end of old relationships is the beginning of a new life.

Dream: a former husband married

This is a good and kind dream, which indicates that your destiny will soon change dramatically for the better in terms of relations. Here, your wedding, a new relationship or the birth of a child can be laid.

Former husband married

In any case, the dream speaks of a new milestone in life, which finally came after a break with her ex-husband. He completely builds his life, and you become open and free. Now between you there should be no negative, however, as well as positive emotions. Almost two strangers.

Fate gives you a little hint of the cause of failure in a previous marriage, try to understand it and understand that the relationship depends on two people. In your power to change yourself and not allow the mistakes that were made in the past.

Dream Interpreter: former in the coffin

  • If in a dream you see your ex-boyfriend or husband in a coffin, then you have to overcome serious tests in life. The result of these tests will depend on you, but the likelihood of a successful outcome depends on the circumstances. This does not mean that the path will be easy, you may have to give up something expensive or lose an important
  • . You must believe that everything that is not done leads to better changes. It's another matter if you dream about a dream in which your ex-husband or boyfriend has been dead for a long time. This means that you are in real danger for serious troubles that are connected with past actions of
  • . If in a dream, you see how your ex-husband or boy dies, then you will pass all life obstacles with your head held high. In any case, such a dream should make you more cautious and prudent in life. You should give up risky activities and spend the next few months as calmly and calmly as possible

Dream interpretation: the former asks for forgiveness

If a former husband asks for forgiveness in a dream, then your personal doubts about any event from the past are vain. You do not have to worry, solving important questions in reality, if you have forgiven a person in a dream. To give forgiveness is to make the right decision.

The former asks for forgiveness

If in a dream you do not forgive your ex-husband or boyfriend, then in real life you will repent for some of your actions. Most often, such a dream is associated with new relationships, be attentive to small things, they can tell a lot of useful information about what lies ahead.

If in a dream the husband rejoices that you have forgiven him, then your inner circle will soon receive a lot of joy after a long black streak in life. Such a state will affect your personal well-being.

Dream interpretation: swearing with ex-husband

If in a dream you are arguing with an ex-husband, then in real life you will reconcile. Such dreams are usually filmed after a long quarrel or a tense relationship that is inevitable after the divorce. Reconciliation does not mean that you will become best friends, just now you will not feel a sense of rage at the sight of your ex-husband.

Quarrel with ex-husband

What does the dream with a former boyfriend or husband say: tips and feedback

  • After you wake up, do not delay, try to remember from memory the dream in the smallest detail.
  • Remember all that was in a dream during the day.
  • Do not try to perceive everything that happens in a dream literally.
  • Your dreams speak more about your destiny than about the destiny of other people. Identify your role in a dream.
  • Record your dreams to make a trend. Some dreams have several "series".

Review: Olga, 32 years old

I dreamed that I strongly swear with my ex-husband. In a dream on the basis of a quarrel I hated him very much. The subject of the quarrel was our son. Precisely all the details of sleep remember hard, but I woke up very upset. In reality, everything turned out to be quite the opposite. On the birthday of his son, the former husband came and congratulated him, they had a very good time together. We did not quarrel, but communicated like old friends.

Video: What does the ex-husband dream about?

  • Apr 30, 2018
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