Do you want to look like you should? Make an avocado face mask!

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Avocados are popular in cooking and cosmetology. The unique properties of this fruit make it one of the most beneficial for the human body.
Avocado pulp is a natural antioxidant and moisturizer. That is why the cosmetic industry makes extensive use of it for the preparation of various skin care products.
The most effective mask for the face of the avocado, created by nature itself to protect the youth and beauty of women. Contained in the flesh and oil fruits vitamins are necessary at any age. If at least one of them is deficient, undesirable changes can occur, which are especially evident on the skin.
Avocado facial mask is fairly easy to prepare by yourself.

Composition and useful properties of avocado

Composition of

The avocado contains many biologically active substances:

  • minerals,
  • fats,
  • vitamins,
  • trace minerals,
  • fatty acids.

The microelements contained in the plant include potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron.

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Avocados at home are called "alligator pears" because of the high content of vitamins: A, E, C, B2, B3, B6, D, F, K, R, PP.

Useful properties

  1. Avocados contain a huge amount of vitamin E, which is considered a powerful antioxidant. It, being a vitamin of beauty, protects the skin from the influence of free radicals.
  2. Retinol - vitamin A - has a beneficial effect on the skin, and together with vitamin E and zinc, it effectively cures acne.
  3. The fruits of this plant are rich in easily assimilated fats, proteins, polyunsaturated acids and phytohormones.
  4. Vitamins contained in fruits are absorbed by the body and penetrate deep layers of the skin together with fats, which are many in the fruits of this plant. Fats supply the skin with the necessary substances and vitamins to maintain the natural energy balance and its hydration. Thanks to this, the skin emits beauty and health.

The effect of avocado oil on the skin:

  • emollient,
  • moisturizing,
  • wound healing,
  • regenerating,
  • soothing.

Results of using masks

Regular use of a mask from avocados allows achieving amazing results.

  • In the cold season, the mask protects the skin from frost and wind
    . The skin becomes moistened, protected from drying, peeling and ultraviolet rays.
  • Small cracks, burns and wounds are tightened.
  • Pass symptoms of inflammation in acne, dermatitis, eczema.
  • Various rashes on the skin, including allergic ones, disappear.
  • The processes of premature withering and aging of the skin are slowing down.
  • Smoothes wrinkles around the eyes and naso-labial folds.
  • Blood circulation and oxygen exchange in the skin are activated.
  • The processes of repair of damaged epidermal cells are accelerating.
  • Increases the production of elastin and collagen.

Recipes for making masks

Avocado masks are prepared from ripe fruits with an oily soft flesh, pre-kneaded with a fork or blender before a consistency of puree. Apply the mask to the pre-cleaned face, leave for twenty minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Masks for sensitive and dry skin

  1. Mix a tablespoon of fruit pulp with a spoon of mashed potatoes, olive oil and fatty sour cream.
  2. Take on a tablespoon of puree from avocado and banana, mix, and then add the resulting mixture of yolks and a teaspoon of honey. Apply a mask of avocado on the face with a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. To make the mask look the right consistency, honey should be used liquid. If it is sugared - do not worry! To make it liquid again will help tips from the article: How to melt the honey so that it does not lose useful properties.
  3. Boiled oatmeal is mixed with the avocado pulp, add a half cup of milk, stir.

Masks for combination and oily skin

  1. Drying the oily skin mask from the flesh of the fruit of this healing plant, egg white and lemon juice.
  2. A tablespoon of avocado is ground with two tablespoons of yogurt or kefir. This mask removes greasy shine, matiruet and whitens the skin.
  3. Mix the egg, avocado pulp, flour, honey, mayonnaise, all thoroughly rubbed and applied to the face.

Masks for mature skin

  1. Half of the fruit is mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil and dried yeast, allowed to stand for ten minutes, and then applied to the face.
  2. On a small grater rub one fruit, one carrot, beat the egg, add half a glass of sour cream and three spoons of honey. This mask restores the structure and color of the skin.
  3. To smooth wrinkles, relieve fatigue, fight against dull skin color, use an avocado mask that requires pre-cooling. Mix avocado with eggs, honey, kefir, soda, butter, then put in the refrigerator for twelve hours.
  4. A refreshing face mask is ideal for any skin type: five drops of lemon juice and a pair of peppermint or lemon balm are added to the softened fruit pulp.
  • Apr 30, 2018
  • 56
  • 176