What can not be pregnant? How can you not sit pregnant? Why can not you raise your hands up, sleep on your back?

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What can and can not be done during pregnancy? Dispersal of myths about many prohibitions.

Contents of

  • Why can not pregnant women lift their arms up and stretch?
  • Why can not pregnant women be stroked and beat cats?
  • Why pregnant women can not sunbathe and go to the solarium?
  • Why can not I get pregnant with a massage?
  • Why pregnant women should not be nervous and crying?
  • Why pregnant women should not take a bath and go to the bath?
  • Why can not pregnant women squat and leg by foot?
  • Why can not pregnant women walk on their heels?
  • Why can not pregnant women sleep on their backs?
  • Why can not you cut hair to pregnant women?
  • Why pregnant women can not be tolerated in the toilet?
  • Why pregnant women can not be heavy?
  • Why can not pregnant women go to church?
  • Why pregnant women can not go to the cemetery?
  • Why pregnant women can not go to the funeral?
  • Why not scare pregnant women?
  • Why can not I touch the belly of a pregnant woman?
  • instagram viewer
  • Why can not I take pictures of pregnant women?
  • Why can not you sew to pregnant women?
    • Video: Bath during pregnancy
    • Video: Why you should not be nervous during pregnancy?

Often a woman in an interesting situation is tormented by doubts about what she can do, and what can not. In addition, she wants to know why certain prohibitions and conditions are put before her. To understand all this will help this article.

Why can not pregnant women lift their arms up and stretch?

Can I lift my arms up during pregnancy?

It was considered for a while that a woman, in anticipation of a baby, is forbidden to raise her hands and reach out. Some gynecologists to this day agree with this statement.

Other experts say that there is nothing wrong with such gestures, it's only necessary to perform them smoothly and in moderation. Here are a few myths and theoretically grounded facts about raising hands to pregnant women:

  1. It is believed that by raising her hands to the top, a woman runs the risk of provoking a cord with the baby's cord or turning it over. Indeed, with the arms raised in the uterine cavity, there is a little free space and the crumb becomes easier to move around. However, in the late term, the fetus is already so large that the usual raising of hands is unlikely to help him change his location. As for the umbilical cord, then the baby has all the chances and without her mother's help to obvits. In addition, the accusation is dangerous and can provoke hypoxia only if the umbilical cord is naturally short in length. Parameters of the umbilical cord on the uzi will be established by the doctor, and, if necessary, warns the future mother about the risks
  2. . The second theory is based on the fact that with prolonged upraised hands in the uterus blood circulation is disrupted, which can lead to hypoxia of the fetus. This version has a scientific justification. In fact, the blood begins to flow into the placenta with interruptions, if the woman raised her hands and does not lower them for a long time( for example, hangs curtains or glues wallpaper).Because of such long exercises it is better to refuse
  3. The third theory is also scientifically grounded. It is that when the hands are raised up the uterus may come into tonus and provoke the outflow of amniotic fluid. This is true, but such risk arises already at later dates( after the thirtieth week).Some women, by the way, perenashivayuschie kid, use this theory to provoke the long-awaited delivery
  4. Another dangerous factor for a pregnant woman is that with a sudden rise of hands up her head may be dizzy. If a woman is at an elevated position or there is no one nearby, she can simply lose her balance and fall

. Analyzing all of the above, it can be concluded that raising hands by itself is not very dangerous. However, it is better to refuse from a sharp movement at a later date without the support of someone and the doctor's permission.

Why can not pregnant women be stroked and beat cats?

Can I get pregnant by ironing cats?
  • There is such a sign that if a pregnant woman strokes or hits a cat, then her baby will be born with hair in unaccustomed places.
  • Of course, all this is utter absurdity. There are no pathologies in the fetus from contact of the mother with the cat. However, some cautions regarding pets, during pregnancy still exist
  • First of all, the cat can become the source of such a rare virus as toxoplasmosis. This disease affects the cells at the molecular level and is quite dangerous, both for the fetus and for his mother
  • However, to determine the presence of this disease or immunity to it, it is possible to pass an analysis on the TORCH infection. Such tests pregnant in any case will take place while being registered with
  • But if she is worried about a living animal in the house, such laboratory tests can be done even while planning a pregnancy. Then the question of toxoplasmosis will be closed
  • If there was no pet in the house of the expectant mother before pregnancy, then it is better to abandon the institution in this position
  • Another risk for the health of the pregnant and fetus may be bacteria and parasites leaving the cat's body withfeces
  • Therefore, for the next nine months, it is better for a woman to shift responsibility for cleaning a cat's toilet to her husband or other relatives. If the future mother lives alone, it is better to get rid of the life of the animal in rubber gloves and thoroughly wash the hands afterwards.

Why can not pregnant women get sunbathing and go to the solarium?

Can I get pregnant with sunbathing?
  • Sunbathing, in principle, pregnant can be, because when taking sun baths in the body of a woman, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. However, the time of the woman's stay in the sun should be strictly controlled
  • Doctors are allowed to sunbathe to their patients until ten in the morning and after six in the evening. At the same time, a woman must always cover her head with a panama, and her bare stomach with an easy sheet. Do not overheat the baby inside the womb
  • When taking sun baths, it is advisable for a woman to use a special cream to protect against ultraviolet light. The best for these purposes is a children's series or a special series for pregnant women
  • Excessive stay of a pregnant woman in direct sunlight can lead to skin pigmentation, sunstroke or overheating of the baby
  • But the question with solariums remains open and rather controversial. It is not known thoroughly whether irradiation of a pregnant woman occurs during sunbathing in it. In any case obstetricians recommend future mothers to refrain from going to the solarium for the entire period of pregnancy.

There is a category of women who are strictly forbidden to catch ultraviolet rays, both in the solarium and directly under the sun. Contraindications to sunbathing can serve as the following indispositions:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • diabetes
  • dermatological skin diseases
  • mastopathy
  • thyroid problems
  • blood diseases
  • risk of premature birth
  • threat of miscarriage

Why pregnant women can not massage?

Can I get pregnant with a massage?

Massage is considered an excellent means of relaxation. Women in an interesting situation, like anyone, sometimes you want to relax and have fun. Because they just need a massage.

As a rule, massage of various parts of the body( hands, feet, head, neck, shoulders) is applied to pregnant women. Techniques for massage the abdomen and back can also be used, but they must be performed only by a very qualified specialist.

There are a number of contraindications to massage in pregnant women:

  • venous vein dilatation
  • blood diseases
  • severe toxicosis
  • back problems
  • acute viral diseases
  • skin diseases
  • body temperature increase
  • gestosis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • diseases of the digestive tract
  • threat of miscarriage
  • epilepsy
  • high pressure

Why pregnant women should not be nervous and crying?

Can pregnant women be nervous?
  • During pregnancy in a woman's body, the hormonal background changes radically. Such changes are provoked by frequent mood swings, touchiness, tearfulness and nervousness of the future mother
  • All this is quite natural and understandable. However, it is worthwhile to understand how such a woman's psycho-emotional state can affect her baby
  • It is believed that women who during pregnancy are very nervous, restless, hyperactive babies are born. Such children, as a rule, very poorly or little sleep, while constantly showing their discontent through the vagaries and shouts of
  • There is an opinion that women with unstable psyche have a risk of having a baby, which will be located to the bronchial asthma
  • Because the future mothers in sucha beautiful period of their lives you need to try to abstract from all bad things, tune in to the best and relax more often. Because the health of their babies is the most important

Why pregnant women should not take a bath and go to the bath?

Can I take a bath with a pregnant woman?

As for the bath, the prohibition on its reception is effective only at a high water temperature and the presence of certain contraindications. In other words, if a pregnant woman feels well, does not suffer from chronic illnesses, then a warm bath is shown to her. When taking bathtubs, several conditions must be observed:

  1. The temperature of the water in the bathroom should not be more than thirty seven degrees, but not less than thirty-six
  2. . It is not desirable to fit in the bathroom completely. This is especially true for those who have heart problems. Such ladies are best to immerse themselves in water just before the chest
  3. In order to avoid overheating of the body, it is best for a woman to shake her legs and hands alternately from the water.
  4. When a pregnant woman is engaged in water procedures, it is desirable that someone else is in the apartment. In this case, it is necessary that, if necessary, you have access to the bathroom
  5. . At the bottom of the bathtub, it is better to put a rubber mat to avoid slippage.
  6. The bath time should not be more than fifteen minutes.
  7. . At the slightest discomfort, the pregnant woman should stop the procedure
. Is it possiblepregnant women go to the sauna?
  • The situation with the sauna is completely different. Many doctors forbid their clients to visit the steam room. The fact is that too high a temperature in an enclosed space can provoke miscarriage in the early stages and premature births on the last
  • . Moreover, if a woman is hard to breathe in such a room, then the access of oxygen to her baby will also be violated.
  • Some mums do not representof life without a bath. They go there for years and consider it an excellent way to relax and relax.

. These ladies need to seek advice from their precincts and clarify whether they can visit the steam room. Some doctors do not see anything wrong with this, but give a number of recommendations:

  • to go into a twin woman should only for a couple of minutes
  • not to allow overheating and hypothermia
  • at the first signs of malaise, a woman must leave the bath
  • mandatory hygiene

Why pregnantyou can not squat and leg by foot?

Can I get pregnant squatting?
  • Squatting and leg-foot are indeed considered not the most successful poses for pregnant women.
  • In the first case, pressure on the uterus increases, which can provoke premature labor. Also, in this position under the knee, some capillaries are pinched, which adversely affects the blood supply to the fetus.
  • When sitting on the leg, venous vessels are squeezed, which can affect the development of varicose veins. Those women who already suffer from such an unpleasant disease, such a posture is strictly prohibited
  • In addition, with vein clamping, the transportation of oxygen to the baby's placenta is severely limited, which can lead to the hypoxia

Why can not pregnant women walk on their heels?

Can pregnant women wear heels?

There are a number of reasons why it is better to give up the heels for the gestation period:

  1. When walking on heels, the center of gravity is shifted, and all the load goes to the phalanx of the fingers. When a woman also has an additional load in front in the form of a large abdomen, fingers in general have a hard time
  2. Also heels provoke an increased strain on the back, which compensates for the change in the center of gravity of the
  3. Walking on the heels is a serious check for the legs. During pregnancy, this area is additionally addicted to varicose
  4. . Changing the position of the body causes a shift in the internal organs of the woman, which also adversely affects the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
  5. . Pregnant heel training increases the risk of unexpected falls and injuries.

. Such a list of reasons should make future mothers refusefrom the heels to such a long, and thus so responsible, period of time. They will still have time to sing on thin stilettos in the park with the sidecar.

Why can not pregnant women sleep on their backs?

Can I sleep on my back with pregnant women?
  • At first, while the fetus still has a fairly tiny size, sleep on the back is possible and not dangerous. However, as the baby grows, the force of its pressure on the back and venous vessels that connect with the placenta
  • increases. This fact also caused the ban on sleeping on the back. A woman can feel discomfort and back pain, and the baby does not get enough of her micronutrients and oxygen.
  • During a sleep on her back, a pregnant woman can feel shortness of breath, low blood pressure and lack of oxygen. Because it is desirable for her to gradually accustom herself to sleeping on her side

Why pregnant women can not cut their hair?

Is it possible to cut hair to pregnant women?
  • An ancient belief that cutting hair, a woman shortens the age of her baby, has sunk into oblivion. There is no scientific justification for such a sign.
  • Being in an interesting position, the young ladies also want to be beautiful and well-groomed. Because to do fashionable hairstyles or haircuts they just need the
  • . Besides, she does not only help her hair look healthier, but also gets rid of the negative
  • . If the future mommy is still concerned about the haircut, she should use the lunar calendar of haircuts, where the best days for a haircut will be indicated.

Why can not pregnant women tolerate the toilet?

Can pregnant women tolerate the toilet?
  • Women in any condition, not only during pregnancy, can not be tolerated in the toilet
  • Such deterrence has a very negative effect on the bladder condition, which can cause diseases such as cystitis or bladder inflammation.
  • During pregnancy, the overflowed bladder begins to bulge inuterus, which may well lead to the tone of the uterus

Why pregnant women can not be heavy?

Can pregnant women lift weights?
  • During pregnancy, the cartilage and vertebrae of the female body change significantly and become softer.
  • By lifting heavy objects, a woman risks getting back problems and wresting some muscles. Also, when lifting and carrying heavy weights, breathing changes - a person begins to delay it by an effort, and it is rare and difficult to breathe during the load process. Such differences are also reflected in oxygen saturation of the fetus
  • . Moreover, wearing heavy weights can provoke miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth on later

. Why can not pregnant women go to church?

Can I go to church for pregnant women?

This belief originated a long time ago, but today it has nothing to do with common sense. In no church will a pregnant woman be forbidden to enter in, put candles and listen to the service.

Some churches even have special icons for those who will soon produce a new servant of God. All priests always gladly meet believing women in an interesting situation and recommend them to visit the church regularly, asking God for health to themselves and their baby, as well as light births.

Why can not pregnant women go to the cemetery?

Is it possible for pregnant women to walk to the cemetery?

To walk or not to go to the cemetery is the business of every woman. As such, no one gives bans or permits. But there are a number of factors that can negatively affect a pregnant woman and her baby:

  • psycho-emotional stress. The cemetery is not a place that charges positive emotions and causes a sense of happiness
  • mystical side. Many esotericists believe that going to the cemetery can postpone the negative imprint on the biofield of the child
  • the probability of getting sick. Cemeteries in our country are fifty percent empty, overgrown with unknown plants, abandoned and abandoned garbage, burial grounds. Stumbling, scratched, breathing in unpleasant odors, a woman can get injured or completely get sick
  • conflict with dissenters. The mentality of our people is structured in such a way that they tend to give advice, impose their opinions and express their indignation, regardless of the faces of
    . Therefore, at the cemetery, the woman runs the risk of engaging in controversy with outsiders considering her being in this place incorrect. Such a conversation can result in negative emotions and stress for the pregnant woman.

Why pregnant women should not go to a funeral?

Can I go to a funeral for pregnant women?

Explanation of the ban on going to the funeral, in principle, coincides with the ban on going to the cemetery. Only here the situation can be more aggravated by a fresh emotional wound from the loss of a loved one. A woman will have to decide for herself whether to go or not to go.

Why can not frighten pregnant women?

Can I frighten a pregnant woman?
  • Fright is the same emotional experience and a manifestation of a little stress that is so contraindicated to a pregnant woman
  • It is capable of provoking active contractions of the uterus that can lead to both a spontaneous abortion and a preterm birth
  • . In addition, such emotional shock can also affectdevelopment of the fetal nervous system

Why can not I touch the belly of a pregnant woman?

Can I touch the belly of a pregnant woman?
  • Touching the belly of a pregnant woman, you feel a rush of energy, inexplicable joy and trembling. However, this does not mean that the woman
  • also experiences the same. If the tummy is stroked by a person close to her or a person whom she trusts, it will not bring her any discomfort. If, however, an unfamiliar or unpleasant person strives to stroke a baby's dwelling, a woman may experience resentment and fear
  • Often such a fear can be associated with something supernatural. It is believed that through the hands can transmit energy, both positive and negative. Therefore, stroking a pregnant woman's belly by a stranger can cause her to distrust and fear for a baby
  • In addition, the lower abdomen is an intimate part of the body, and touching strangers to her can embarrass future mother

Why can not I photograph pregnant women?

Can pregnant women be photographed?
  • The ban on pregnant women is another superstition. Fortunately, today few people pay attention to it - the whole Internet is full of photoshoots of happy young ladies in an interesting position.
  • The only nuance is just putting on display such photos. After all, a dashing eye and a bad word, no one canceled. Publicizing photos on public display can cause a lot of indignation and discussions
  • Because it is possible to leave such intimate photos in the family album or publish them after delivery

Why can not you sew to pregnant women?

Can I get pregnant for a pregnant woman?
  • For a long time it was thought that when sewing, a woman sews the way to her child, and the birth can go wrong. According to other beliefs, doing handicrafts( knitting, embroidering, sewing), the expectant mother provokes a cord with the navel cord
  • Naturally, today such signs have no ground under themselves. However, to abandon the sewing of the pregnant woman is still worth it, but for another reason
  • When sewing something, a woman has to stay in the same sitting position for a long time, which is not very useful for her health.
  • Better still during this period to get involved in active walksin the open air. Well, if you need to immediately sew up some thing, then the troubles will not be from this.
  • . Here, in principle, and all the reliable information about what can and can not be given to a pregnant woman. In any case, in the name of caring for yourself and your baby, the future mommy better to hedge and refrain from many forbidden things

Video: Bath during pregnancy

Video: Why should one not be nervous during pregnancy?

  • Apr 30, 2018
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