Pregnancy after a dead pregnancy. Through how many after the frozen pregnancy it is possible to become pregnant? Treatment after a stiff pregnancy

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Required tests and treatment after a stiff pregnancy. Prepare for pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy.


  • Monthly after a stiff pregnancy
  • Analysis after a stiff pregnancy
  • Histology after a stiff pregnancy
  • Treatment after a stiff pregnancy
  • What if there are already 2, 3, 5, 7 frozen pregnancies?
  • Through how much after the frozen pregnancy it is possible to plan the next pregnancy?
  • How to give birth to a healthy child after a stiff pregnancy?
  • Video: Pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that a long-awaited pregnancy ends in a terrible tragedy - the fading of the fetus. When a pregnant woman is frozen, a scraping procedure is usually performed-the release of the uterine cavity from the dead cells by removing the upper layer of the endometrium. This operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation process after curettage can last several months. After a woman comes to herself from such a strong shock and grief, she often wants to become pregnant again and again give birth to the desired crumbs in the light.

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But when will she be pregnant again? How long will her body be restored? How to make it so that this time everything went well? In all this we try to understand this article.

Monthly after the frozen pregnancy

When will the menstrual period after the frozen pregnancy?
  • Menstrual cycle after scraping of pregnancy in norm should be restored in a month. That is, after 25-35 days a woman should begin the first month after surgery. However, there are cases when menstruation is restored only after a couple of months. In this there is nothing terrible
  • The body of every woman is purely individual. The process of recovery of the monthly cycle after a stagnant pregnancy is affected by the hormonal background, emotional state and the ability to heal the sexual organs themselves
  • The fact is that when scraping, it can be said that the upper layer of endometrial tissue is ripped off. In other words, you get a live wound. On how quickly this wound will last, and the period of rehabilitation of women's health will depend on
  • . Immediately after the operation, the patient may experience minor bleeding. They do not carry any danger in themselves, but only are evidence that the endometrium is recovering. However, the woman will need to be alerted if such discharges become abundant, produce an unpleasant smell and cause severe pain. In this case, it is better to inform the doctor about the presence of such symptoms. They can be signs of infection and infection in the uterine cavity of
  • . The first months can have slightly different manifestations in comparison with the usual monthly ones. Bleeding is sometimes less intense and less prolonged
  • And sometimes vice versa, the allocation is more intense and lasting. All these deviations are quite understandable. The female body has suffered so much stress that it is still very difficult for him to fully recover to his usual state.
  • Pain sensations at the first after curettage of menstruation can be several times stronger than during menstruation before surgery, and may not be accompanied by pain. With unbearable pains, of course, it is better to seek advice from doctor
  • . The nature of the first menstruation in general can be affected by the time at which life inside a woman was cut short. The longer the period, the more difficult and longer the recovery will be The more difficult and longer the recovery will be

. Analyzes after a stiff pregnancy.

. Analyzes after a stiff pregnancy.

. To determine the cause of fetal fading and when planning the next pregnancy, a woman will need to undergo a series of laboratory tests:

  1. Fetal histology analysis
  2. Hormonal assays. Such studies are conducted when there is a suspicion of hormonal changes in the body of a woman.
  3. A smear on the flora of the vagina. Such an analysis allows to exclude the presence of such dangerous sexual infections as genococcus and streptococcus group B
  4. Genetic or chromosomal studies of the fetus on karyotype. Such analyzes allow to find out whether any violations of the fetus inherited from the
  5. were the reasons for not carrying the pregnancy. Analysis for hidden infections such as chlamydia, papilloma virus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma or mycoplasma
  6. Immunogram is a study that allows to determine the conditionof the female's immune system
  7. Coagulogram and hemostasiogram - blood coagulation assays
  8. A test for the presence of an autoimmune disease, such as the antiphospholipid syndrome
  9. Typingby histocompatibility antigens of the second class for both parents - a study that allows to identify the immune form of missed abortion

is worth noting that some of these studies are quite expensive, and they are assigned only in case if there is a very good reason to suspect a particular disease.

Histology after a dead pregnancy

Histology in a stiffened pregnancy
  • Histological studies after a frozen pregnancy can roughly determine what all the same caused the death of the fetus
  • For this analysis, tissues scraped from the uterine cavity are taken. Sometimes a thin ball of epithelium from the uterine cavity or the fallopian tube
  • is also handed over for analysis upon analysis. When all materials are collected, they are sent to the laboratory for careful examination under a microscope and to identify the causes of pregnancy fading.

. During such studies, the following factors affectinginterruption of fetal development:

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • diabetes
  • pathology of the development of the uterus
  • viral infectious diseases( hepatitis or rubella)
  • xonicheskie disease female genitals
  • hormonal processes in the body of a woman

All of these diseases can be detected by histological examination of the fetus. However, such a study gives only the direction in which to search for the cause.

To accurately identify the disease and its effects on pregnancy, you will need to undergo other tests. They will give a clearer picture, help determine the treatment and prevent a repetition of the situation.

Treatment after a stiff pregnancy

Treatment after a stiff pregnancy

First of all, when fetal fetalization in a woman's uterus is established, the woman is assigned a cleansing, that is, getting rid of dead cells. To date, the world practice knows three ways to clean the uterine cavity from a dead fetus:

  1. Medical abortion. This kind of cleaning involves taking special medications that provoke miscarriage. Typically, this method is applied for a period of not more than eight weeks.
  2. Mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. This procedure involves removing unnecessary contents of the uterus with a special vacuum. It is conducted under general anesthesia
  3. Spontaneous abortion. Foreign experts in the field of gynecology consider this method to be the most humane and sparing. They just wait, when the uterus itself starts to reject the foreign body and pushes it out. Spontaneous abortion is carried out under the regular supervision of doctors. If a woman has signs of inflammation, she is given a mini or vacuum abortion.

In addition to cleaning, a woman can prescribe a course of antibiotics. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed if there is an infection in the uterus.

  • As mentioned above, after a stiff pregnancy a woman will need to undergo a series of tests. It is on the basis of the results of these tests and the adequate treatment of
  • is prescribed. If the hormonal disorders in the woman's body are the cause of fetal fading, she is prescribed hormonal medication. The same drugs can be prescribed and with a long absence of monthly to restore them. The use of hormonal drugs can also serve as an excellent contraceptive for
  • . If a woman has had sexually transmitted infections or other diseases, the doctor will first take care of their treatment.
  • It is very important to protect the unhappy woman from additional negative emotions and experiences
  • during the rehabilitation and care. In some cases, when the psycho-emotional state of a woman is at a peak, the doctor can prescribe a course of sedatives and tranquilizers for her.

. What if there are already 2, 3, 5, 7 frozen pregnancies?

Multiple dead pregnancies
  • After the first frozen pregnancy in almost ninety cases out of a hundred women manage to bear and give birth to healthy children. In the same families that this tragedy was not for the first time, the chances of a positive result only fall
  • In order to prevent such a sad event, the future parents first need to go through all the necessary research. Do not ignore the directions for tests written by doctor
  • . The doctor must have full information about the reasons for not bearing the child in order to prescribe the correct treatment. Sometimes a small difference in diagnosis can lead to the next fading of the fetus. At what to analyzes it is necessary to concern seriously to both partners
  • At passage of the appointed or nominated treatment it is not necessary to hurry up with new pregnancy. It is better to listen to the doctor's recommendations and wait until the causes provoking previous miscarriages are completely eliminated.
  • In some cases, doctors advise to give up the next attempts for the physical and mental health of the woman
  • . Every failure entails a number of consequences and an aggravation of the situation. Sometimes a doctor can recommend a married couple to consider the issue of surrogate motherhood or adoption of

. How much after the frozen pregnancy can you plan the next pregnancy?

Planning a new pregnancy after a dead
  • A woman is able to get pregnant immediately after the previous pregnancy fades. Her cycle can very quickly recover and already in the first ovulation the fertilization of
  • is possible. However, this does not mean that pregnancy will be desirable. The fact that the woman's body has not yet gained strength and has not moved away from the strong stress from miscarriage
  • The endometrium of the uterus may not fully heal, the hormonal background is not yet stabilized, and all metabolic processes in the body do not return to normal activity. In such conditions, a new pregnancy does not come in handy
  • Doctors, as a rule, recommend taking a pause from six months to a year. This time will be enough for the full recovery of the woman
  • . Also, if during the tests the causes of the previous interruption are identified any partner diseases, then before planning a new pregnancy, you need to exclude these reasons
  • It happens that after a single miscarriagea woman becomes pregnant after a couple of months and safely nurses a second pregnancy. However, such cases are rather an exception than a rule. It is always better to hedge and follow the advice of the doctor
  • . During the delaying of the second pregnancy, the term on which the fetus is frozen is also affected. The bigger it was, the more time it takes for a woman to recover and gain new strength.

How to give birth to a healthy child after a stiff pregnancy?

How to give birth to a healthy child after a stiff pregnancy?
  • In preparation for the next pregnancy, it is worth considering all the mistakes made during the first unsuccessful pregnancy. Future parents, at least three months before conception, should give up harmful habits( alcohol, smoking)
  • Ideally it would be if they switched to a healthy diet, started actively doing sports and more on fresh( clean) air
  • Futuremum it is desirable at the same time to take multivitamin complexes. The essential elements necessary in sufficient quantity at the time of pregnancy are folic acid and iodine. There are special preparations containing only such trace elements( for example, Jodomarin).
  • Women working in heavy work or harmful enterprises, it is desirable to moderate the burden on their bodies. The same goes for the emotional background. In such a critical period they should not worry and experience stress. Future mothers need to tune in to the positive, forget about previous failures and believe in the best
  • A prerequisite is the passage of all tests prescribed by doctors, and, if necessary, and treatment of
  • . As a rule, most of the subsequent fetal pregnancies end successfully. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely
  • . Moreover, to establish the cause of frequent miscarriages with the current level of medicine absolutely will not be a problem. Treated and prepared for a new pregnancy, future parents have every chance of a positive result

Video: Pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy

  • Mar 04, 2018
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