The healing properties of sage. How correctly to drink a sage?

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Salvia officinalis cures for a variety of diseases. How to be treated with a sage?


  • The healing properties of sage, photo
  • How to apply sage for treatment?
  • Properties of sage for men
  • Properties of sage for women
  • Use of sage for eyes
  • Sage for gums
  • Cough sage
  • Sage for cold, properties
  • Contraindications for application of sage
  • How to use sage for treatment: advice and feedback
  • Video: Sage treatment. If I get sick, I will not turn to doctors

The healing properties of sage, photo

Salvia officinalis

Salvia was used by ancient Greeks to treat various diseases.

Sage has more than 500 subspecies, but only salvia officinalis is a therapeutic , and one that grows everywhere in meadows has little therapeutic properties.

Not all of the plant is used for treatment, but only the upper part of stems with flowers and leaves.
Sage treated

  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Stomach
  • Well helps with colds: bronchitis, sore throat
  • instagram viewer
  • And even relieves asthma attacks
  • Apply sage medications for women's diseases
  • Radiculitis, neuritis
  • Also applying lotions of sage cures such skin diseases as ulcers, boils, burns, wounds

Sage contains essential oils - about 3%, resinous and bitter substances - 5-6%, tannins - 4%, flavonoids, phytohormones, vitamins.

How to apply sage for treatment?

Decoction of the leaves and flowers of the sage rinse the sore throat and gums, do the washing of diseased skin areas outwardly, and douching with female diseases.

Recipe for decoction of :

  1. 1 tbsp. Spoon the ground grass with water( 1 cup) , put it on the water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Then remove, we strain through a sieve, add boiled water to a full glass.
  3. Use immediately, and if left, keep in a cool place no more than 12 hours. Rinse before rinsing.

Sage infusion is drunk to enhance the separation of bile. It also helps with flatulence. Drink the infusion before meals( 20 minutes), 4 times a day, ¼ of the glass.

Recipe for infusion :

  1. 1 tbsp.a spoonful of detailed leaves and flowers of sage fill with boiling water( one glass) , cover and insist 30 minutes.

sage oil is very concentrated and suits only to use it externally. Application of oil:

  1. Aromatherapy .To spread the aroma in the building, oil is dripped into a special pendant or lamp( 1-2 drops), enough to take an aromatic bath 3 drops.
  2. Rinse of gingival and gingival patients .In warm water( one glass) add sage oil( 4 drops) and soda( 1 tea spoon).Such a solution gargle gums and throat 3-4 times a day.
  3. Prevention of colds and flu .In autumn and winter, when there are epidemics of influenza, perfume the premises, a room of 15 m2 is enough 3 drops.
  4. Heating compresses for applying to diseased joints, with stretches and injuries. For 100 ml of water, 10 drops of oil, wet gauze, squeeze it and attach it to a sore spot. At the top of the gauze, apply cellophane, and then wrap it in a warm blanket for 3 hours.
  5. Wraps with sage oil for hair ( after wrapping, hair grows faster).Take 4 tbsp.spoon olive and 5 drops of sage oil, rub into the roots of hair, wrap it with a film, and then a towel for 30 minutes. Then wash off hair with shampoo and rinse with sage broth.
Sage Oil

Sage tea is drunk to prevent colds, increase immunity, improve memory.

Important : more than one glass per day of sage tea can not be drunk.

Recipe for tea .

  1. Dry leaves and sage flowers( 1 teaspoon) pour with boiling water( one glass) and drink hot.
Sage tea

Sage powder is often added as a seasoning to food. It tastes bitter and, taking it, improves the condition of the stomach with gastritis with a low acidity of gastric juice.

Properties of sage for men

Treatment of baldness in men with sage
  • Sage of sage, if you apply lotions from it and wash the broth with hair, helps men with baldness .How does this happen?

Thanks to the decoction of sage hair follicles strengthen, thereby slowing or stopping the process of alopecia.

  • Another sage man's disease is treated with sage together with other herbs - vesiculitis( inflammation of the seminal vesicles that is near the prostate).

Recipe for broth:

  1. Take dry herbs: 2 parts of sage, 3 parts of poplar buds, 5 parts of burdock roots of large , mix and pour into a dry jar.
  2. The broth is as follows: 1 teaspoon.spoon mixture of herbs pour into the thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water , we insist 10 hours and take ¼ of the glass 3 times a day.

For greater effect, with this decoction, it is possible to do microclysters , 15 times a day.

Sage properties for women

Sage has phytohormones , which help cure gynecological diseases:

Sage infusion helps reduce:

  1. Tides in the onset of menopause, profuse sweating and nervousness.
  2. If you drink an infusion of sage, then the bleeding will decrease with abundant menstruation.
  3. Decoction reduces lactation in nursing mothers. This should be remembered when you want to take the child from the chest.
  4. Presence of all the same phytohormones that act as estrogens, even more ancient than the Egyptians treated infertility. The causes of infertility can be many, but more often there are violations of ovulation.
  5. Sage helps the synthesis of estrogens and also makes up for their lack of blood.

Before beginning to treat infertility with infusion of sage , a woman needs to be examined, by observing the temperature in the rectum and ultrasound, when the egg reaches its largest size.

Take sage infusion every day, from the 3-4th day of the month until the time when the egg will be the largest.

Important .In the first days of the menstrual cycle, you can not drink infusion of sage, because it has a hemostatic effect.

After reaching the largest ovum, that is, ovulation, sage infusion is contraindicated, as it supports the uterus in the tone, and can prevent the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity.

Treatment of infertility in women with sage

Infertility and other female diseases apply such infusion :

  1. Pour out the salted sage leaves( 1 tablespoon) with boiling water( 1 cup), close, insist about 15 minutes, drink 4 times a day,on 1/3 parts of a glass.

Important .If after the first course of treatment with sage infusion did not become pregnant, you can continue to be treated, but not more than 3 courses, and then contact your doctor.

Sage broth women syringed and make a sessile bath with thrush, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, erosion of the cervix .These procedures should be carried out 2 times a day. They give positive results.

Important : optimum decoction temperature for procedures 38 ° C.

Use of Sage for the eyes

Treatment of the initial stage of the inflammatory processes of the eyes and edemas under the eyes
  1. With reddening and the initial stage of the inflammation of the eyes, an infusion of sage proved to be quite good. Eyes are washed with warm fresh infusion.
  2. Sage infusion removes swelling under the eyes.

Recipe for infusion of .

  1. Dried sage leaves( 1 tea spoon) pour half a cup of boiling water , close and insist for about 30 minutes.
  2. Infusion filter and pour into 2 containers: one warm infusion, the other - cold.

Wet cotton swabs first in a cold infusion and apply to the eyelids, then in a warm, and so 5-6 times each infusion. The procedure is done at night.

Salvia for gums

For sore gums and throats, a sage broth is an excellent remedy.

The decoction contains such useful substances:

  • phytocid salvin( plant antibiotic) fights bacteria
  • natural gums that create an invisible film on the diseased gums and prevent contact with bacteria
  • astringents with analgesic effect
  • deodorizing agents responsible for fresh breath
Rinse throat and gums with sage tea

Rinses with sage decoction will help with stomatitis( inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivitis ( inflammation of the gumsN), inflammation after tooth extraction unsuccessful, gingival redness after wearing dentures. Rinse the broth up to 6 times a day.

Toothpaste with sage "Forest Balsam" helps with gingival inflammation

For the treatment of gums, there is now sold a special toothpaste with the sage "Forest Balm", which improves blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism in the gums and the oral cavity.

Sage from cough

Milk with sage

A good cough remedy is milk with sage.

Recipe for .

  1. Heat 1 glass of milk in a saucepan, add to it honey( 1 tea spoon), cinnamon( 0.5 teaspoonful), ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and sage powder , mix and drink warm sage milk1 glass 3 times a day, and so 2 days.

Important .Milk with sage and spices irritates the stomach, so you can not drink it on an empty stomach, and 30-40 minutes after eating.

With a strong cough, lozenges with sage help. They dissolve in the mouth between the rinses, and the essential oils found in the sage soothe the throat.

Sage tea

If the cough lasts long, then you need to drink sage tea .

Recipe for .

  1. 2 tbsp.spoons of dried herb pour 1 cup of boiling water , cover and insist half an hour.
  2. We use as welding. We drink tea from sage with honey.

Sage for cold, properties

Inhalation for cold

Salvia is a part of breastfeeding, it treats lung diseases, and even with pulmonary tuberculosis from the infusion of sage comes an improvement.

  1. For better effect of with bronchitis , instead of boiling water , sage is brewed with boiling milk .Drink it should be hot, you can with honey, half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. With bronchitis, laryngitis, angina with a warm sage broth rinse the throat of , and to get better quickly, they also drink a glass of broth for the night.
  3. Also inhalation is good for colds of .They are carried with sage oil, adding 1 drop to the hot water poured into the inhaler, and breathe this steam. If there is no sage oil, inhalation can be made from a decoction. Inhalations can be done and over an ordinary pan, covered with a towel. Inhalations calm cough, soften the tissues of the sore throat.

Contraindications for the application of sage

Sage is contraindicated in pregnancy

There are medications( decoction, infusion, tea) of sage and contraindications to , and there are quite a few:

  • It is forbidden in pregnancy.
  • Do not use nursing mothers.
  • It can not be used if there is an elevated state of estrogens in the body, usually it happens with such diseases: endometriosis( inflammation of the uterus), breast tumors and after excision of breast and uterus cancer.
  • Do not use hypertension.
  • Be careful with low blood pressure.
  • Limit in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Limit if inflammation of the kidneys, acute form.
  • Do not drink with a strong suffocating cough - perhaps even more.
  • It is forbidden for serious nervous diseases and epilepsy.

Important .Sage medicine for prolonged use, more than 3 months, can cause poisoning in the body, since the constituents of sage have the property of accumulating.

How to use sage for treatment: tips and reviews

Sage treated a lot of diseases. In addition to the above diseases, which cure infusions and decoctions of sage, it has such amazing properties of :

  • strong rejuvenating
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system
  • treatment of kidneys due to diuretic action
  • reduction of tooth pain
  • decontaminating action followed by treatment of fungal diseases on the skinand psoriasis
  • improves memory
  • helps to concentrate attention
  • helps with strong sweating

Reviews about the

sage Inga .That the sage acts soothingly on the nervous system - I knew and even drank with a sage amazing wine. This wine is very easy to make: for grape red wine, add 100 grams of dried sage leaves, allow 1-2 weeks for infusion, and you can be treated, but not more than 2 gulps a day after eating.

Elena .I always liked the name of the plant - sage, but I did not know that it had so many healing properties. We must study them all, it can come in handy.

Although sage has contraindications, it is still a wonderful remedy for many diseases.

Video: Treatment with sage. If I get sick, I will not turn to doctors

  • Apr 30, 2018
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