Fish oil for hair - the best remedy for dryness and brittleness

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  1. Use and composition of fish oil
  2. Ways of using
  3. Contraindications

Do you know what is useful in fish oil for hair? With regular use this simple tool can transform the most neglected curls. But it is because of the state of hair that judging the health and success of the lady.

What tricks do not go modern women of fashion to achieve smoothness and shine of hair. But at the same time forget about simple grandmother's recipes that can restore dry strands no worse than salon procedures.

Regular application of fat cod will make strands thick and shiny

Benefits and composition of fish oil

Fish oil is extracted from liver fish of cold seas, usually cod. Some countries, for example, the United States, sometimes use herring, mackerel and other types of fatty fish to produce an active supplement. In one small capsule contains a huge number of useful compounds needed to maintain beauty and health of hair:

  • omega-3 - fills the voids, gives the strands elasticity and smoothness;
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  • hexadecanoic acid - strengthens weak curls, accelerates growth;
  • oleic acid - moisturizes and restores;
  • fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E - saturate the hair with useful substances, make it healthy and shiny.

Warning. The natural product is especially effective for dry and damaged ringlets that have undergone chemical styling or reusable painting with aggressive compounds.

Fish oil will nourish the hair with vitamins, restore the structure and return the shine

So, what is the use of fish oil for hair? BAA actively struggles with brittleness and loss, prevents the appearance of split ends and accelerates growth. With regular use, the product has the following effects:

  • strengthens and nourishes the bulbs;
  • gives shine and smoothness;
  • restores the damaged structure;
  • moisturizes;
  • makes the strands elastic and elastic;
  • heals the scalp, eliminates dandruff, heals the damage.

After several procedures, the hair stops to puff up, get volume and look stronger. This beneficial effect is due to the complex effects of vitamins and essential acids.

Especially useful for weakened ringlets of Omega-3.PUFA sows bulbs from the outside and from the inside, increases metabolism in the body and activates the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles and scalp.

Another important advantage of cod oil is that it can be used for colored strands. The drug does not affect the color of the hair and the speed of washing out the pigment.

Ways of using

Cod fat for restoration of ringlets is recommended to be taken inside and added to various masks and complex oils. Such an integrated approach is most effective and always gives a quick result.


The adult generation probably remembers bottles of dark glass with a viscous and disgusting smell of liquid. Those times are long past, and unsightly bottles have replaced bright boxes filled with golden capsules without color and smell.

For hair restoration, dietary supplements should be taken inside

Fish oil in hair capsules is taken by courses. The daily dosage should not exceed 3 grams. The duration of treatment is 60-90 days, unless the doctor has appointed otherwise.

Warning. The break between the courses should not be less than 2-3 months, since fat-soluble vitamins have the property of accumulating in the liver and with a long-term use have a very unfavorable effect on the body.

To improve the condition of the ringlets, it is recommended to take 3-4 courses a year, taking the required number of capsules during meals. Regular use of food additives will have a beneficial effect not only on curls. Improve the condition of the skin, nails and the whole body as a whole.

Recipes for therapeutic masks

Masks for hair with fish oil are prepared quickly and easily. It is more convenient to use a liquid product in bottles, but if there is none, ordinary capsules that cut and squeeze the contents will do.

Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the preparation is mixed with vegetable oils, honey, yolk, herbal decoctions. To fight off an unpleasant smell, essential oils with a bright aroma are introduced into the prepared mixture: mint, ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium. Wash off the product with plenty of water, applying shampoo 2 times. In the rinse liquid, add apple cider vinegar or citric acid.

"Hot" cap will make hair treatment more effective

After applying the mixture, the hair is covered with a food film. If there is a "hot" hat, it is advisable to use it or wrap the head with a hot towel.

Combs from fragility and dryness

With lifeless and split hair, fish oil is combined with honey or egg yolk. In principle, the mixture can be prepared with any ingredient suitable for such ringlets - sour cream, mashed banana, yogurt.

For a mask you will need:

  • two raw eggs or 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 4 spoons of slightly warm fish oil.

Ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. They are covered with a shower cap and insulated from above. Hold for 30 minutes. Treatment is carried out twice a week.

Good effect on brittle and split strands of fish oil and strong infusion of fresh or dried nettle leaves. Half a glass of liquid is taken from the spoon of the remedy. The warm composition is rubbed in strands and left for an hour.

Tip. If there is absolutely no time or desire to tinker with the preparation of the mask, you can use the product in its pure form, applying it over the entire length of the curls. After an hour, they wash their heads with hot water and rinse.

Mask for hair growth

Use fish oil for hair growth. The constituent vitamins and Omega-3 activates the process. To prepare the medicinal mixture use:

  • 4 spoons of any natural oil;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether;
  • 4 spoons of cod fat.
Masks based on fish oil will help to grow hair
Ingredients are mixed and in a warm form applied to the head. Hold 1,5-2 hours, carefully wrapped. If there is no special cap, curls should be periodically heated up with a hairdryer.

To hair glisten

Regular use of fish oil will make the head of hair smooth and silky, save from the tips of the tips and restore the structure. For a mask it is necessary to take:

  • 2 spoons of castor oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of fish oil.

A warm mixture is applied to the hair, rubbing well into the scalp. The mask perfectly removes dermatoses and eliminates dandruff. After 40-45 minutes the composition is washed off.

Result of therapeutic masks: photos before and after

Advice. Castor oil is poorly removed from the curls, so it is better to use a little hot water, applying shampoo 2-3 times. At the end of the procedure, the head is rinsed with a cool jet.

All these recipes are effective and harmless. Such masks are suitable even for children to improve their scalp. If desired, they can take advantage of men.


When applying fish oil to treat hair, a number of precautions must be followed. The remedy is forbidden to people who are allergic to fish. In addition, the internal and external use of dietary supplements should be agreed with the doctor in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Contraindication to taking a dietary supplement is enterocolitis in the period of exacerbation and hypervitaminosis.

With regular application, fish oil will become a real hair salvage. If after 2,5-3 months of visible improvement does not occur, you should consult a trichologist. Perhaps the reason for the poor condition of the curls lies in the internal pathology. In this case, therapeutic masks will be a good addition to drug therapy.

Caution. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.

  • May 02, 2018
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