Simple homemade masks from white clay give a luxurious result!

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  1. Valuable qualities of
  2. Ways of using

If white clay is in your medicine cabinet, then you can no longer refer to cosmetologists. Home preparations on its basis are safe means, which are very simple in cooking and in use. Make your skin at home ideal - nothing is easier! To help weakened hair regain natural strength - it's easy! Tighten the skin on the hips and buttocks, completely eliminating cellulite deposits - yes! And all this can easily be realized, if you use white clay.

White clay is one of the first cosmetic products that women used to preserve beauty and youth.

Valuable qualities of

The second name of white clay is kaolin. And this name is due to the fact that it consists of kaolinite, which is a natural mineral. This substance is endowed with useful properties that can positively affect our skin.

The first and most important quality of white cosmetic clay is absorbent, due to which it has the ability to absorb and neutralize harmful substances such as toxins, gases and various allergens that accumulated on our skin and even inside the body. And therefore, due to the use of home cosmetics based on it, the foci of inflammation present on the skin disappear, and acne and acne quickly pass. From the pores all the contaminants are drawn out, the sebaceous plugs are dissolved, and the process of sebum production comes back to normal.

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Astringent, cleansing and antimicrobial properties of white clay are very important for the beauty and health of the skin of the face and body. It contains valuable microelements and mineral salts, which nourish and enrich every cell, setting up blood circulation and supplying oxygen. This tool is able not only to effectively clean the pores, but also gently remove the keratinized particles, lightening and leveling the tone and removing the pigment spots.

White clay is also useful for teeth. Very few people know, but expensive tooth-pastes in the structure now contain not chalk, namely kaolin. Previously, to create and maintain the necessary consistency, special substances were added to the pastes, which did not have the most favorable effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. White clay not only acts as a stabilizer of the mixture, but also takes care of the health of the teeth, strengthening enamel, eliminating tartar, gently whitening and negating the risk of caries.

The main secret of the dazzling whiteness of your teeth and oral health is hidden in the presence of white clay

White clay is used to strengthen hair, restore its structure, remove excessive greasiness and as an assistant in the fight against dandruff. It absorbs fat from the scalp and exhibits astringent properties. After applying such cosmetics, the hair becomes light, fresh and healthy.

Note! Preparations based on white clay can cure a dermatological problem like seborrhea!

How to use

Use kaolin is recommended when taking care of oily, combination, normal and problem skin. In this case, on its basis, therapeutic masks are prepared, which can be multicomponent or consist only of white clay, which is introduced into the water.

This product can be a part of massage compositions and mixtures for wraps. Such procedures are carried out when it is necessary to get rid of cellulite and even out the relief of the skin.

In the care of hair, clay is a part of the rinsers and masks. The latter is distributed over the entire length of the hair, the head is wrapped with a towel and washed off with a normal shampoo.

Home cosmetics for the face

White clay can be applied to the face in almost any type of skin and at any age. But especially it shows itself in the care of sensitive, prone to allergic skin rashes. This product is carefully taken care of and does not injure the tender covers.

  1. For oily skin. Combine 10 ml of vodka with 5 ml of juice. Add a tablespoon of white clay and mix. Keep the mixture for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Note! This mask normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and neutralizes the effect of pathogenic bacteria. Do it preferably 1 time in 3 days!

  2. Mask made of white clay from acne.5 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice mixed with the same amount of mineral water, add a tablespoon of kaolin powder and stir. The mask should have a consistency of thick sour cream. To sustain a quarter of an hour, then to wash off with cold water.
    White clay eliminates acne and removes traces left after them.
  3. Mask made of white clay for face from black dots. A tablespoon of kaolin is combined with 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Fresh parsley grind in a mortar and add to the mixture a teaspoon of the resulting green gruel. Enrich the mask with 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The procedure is carried out for a quarter of an hour, no more than 3 times a month.
  4. Whitening mask from white clay for face. From tomatoes to squeeze out the juice and in a small amount to dissolve kaolin. Bring the mixture to the density of sour cream and apply to the skin. As a result of the action of this drug, the skin tone becomes lighter and the pores narrow.
  5. Exfoliating remedy. Spread a tablespoon of white clay with fresh milk. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and the same amount of cottage cheese. To sustain a quarter of an hour.
  6. From wrinkles.5 ml of liquid honey mixed with a tablespoon of kaolin. Dilute the formulation with milk until creamy consistency. Keep the mask for about 10 minutes, then remove with warm water.

    Tip! Areas with wrinkles should be treated with special care, applying a mask in two layers!

White clay is one of the most inexpensive, but at the same time highly effective cosmetics

. After the first application of preparations based on kaolin, you will see a pleasant result. And after a month of continuous course, your skin will become much younger, get a healthy look and be significantly cleansed.

Simple and effective means for hair

Kaolin is able to take care of damaged, thinned and weakened hair. Masks, in which it will be included, give volume, strengthen, restore the structure of each hair and awaken sleeping bulbs. Just a few procedures and your hair will again become elastic, healthy and every day on the hairbrush will be less and less.

  1. Mask made of white clay for oily hair.40 g of Kaolin powder pour water at room temperature. Bring the mixture to a creamy state and pour 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask on pre-washed wet hair and hold for half an hour. After this time, rinse with warm water and apply balm.
  2. Nourishing mask for brittle hair. A couple of teaspoons of white powder to grind with a tablespoon of butter. Enter a raw yolk, 5 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of dry mustard and a teaspoon of honey. Ingredients to mix, rub the composition into the scalp and apply to the hair. Leave for 50 minutes.
  3. Mask for dry hair from white clay. Bulgarian pepper to grind in a meat grinder. Combine the resulting gruel with 25 ml of kefir and add a tablespoon of kaolin. To sustain 25 minutes, then to wash off.
The problem of dandruff will disappear if you rinse your hair with clay water - 4 tablespoons kaolin per 1 liter of water

Clay wraps

White clay can help you get rid of cellulite in just a couple of months. Similar procedures are now being carried out in many world salons, but it is quite possible to do so at home.

The simplest composition for wraps is prepared from kaolin and mineral water. The mixture is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, applied to the skin and wrapped with a film. After that, it is necessary to lie down and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. After half an hour the mask is removed with warm water.

Note! After such wraps, there is no need to moisturize the skin with lotion, since white clay breaks down cellulite and does not disturb the water balance at the same time!

  1. With coffee. In the clay mixture it is necessary to add a couple of spoons of insoluble coffee, previously diluted in 4 tablespoons of warm milk. This wrapping will not only allow you to get rid of the tubercles on the skin, but it will also have an easy scraping effect, gently removing the keratinized particles.
  2. With honey. For 150 grams of kaolin, you need to add a couple tablespoons of natural honey. Blend the mixture with warm water and apply to problem areas. Such a composition can be used no more than once a week.
Clay wraps will bring skin tone, give it the perfect relief and will make it elastic

. As a result of using kaolin at home, your skin and hair will become healthy and will acquire a natural radiance. Their strength will be restored and freshness will return. And all this without any harm and allergic manifestations!

  • May 02, 2018
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