Table growth of children by birth by months and years: the growth rate of girls and boys by age. The formula for the growth of a child by the growth of parents

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One of the first things that you hear after the birth of a child is his height and weight. This information is primarily entered in the child's medical book, it is also reported to friends and relatives. I propose to understand why these indicators are so important.


  • Growth of the child at birth
  • Growth of the premature baby
  • Table of the growth of children: growth rates of boys and girls from birth to 18 years
  • How to calculate the growth of the child in terms of the growth of parents: formula
  • The ratio of height and weight in children, tables
  • Periods of intensive growth of children: growth spikes
  • Problems of very high growth in children
  • Little growth in a child, what to do?
  • What height and weight can a child have, video

First, the height and weight of the child, as well as the circumference of the head and chest, help doctors to correctly determine the state of the newborn, to assume or exclude a number of diseases and pathologies. In the future, as the baby grows, these indicators serve as an indicator of the child's physical development.

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It is on the ratio of height and weight, as well as the speed of development, experts determine whether the sleep and rest regime is correctly chosen, how to adjust the nutrition, and what physical loads will have a beneficial effect on the children's body.

Importance of growth and weight indices

Growth of a child at birth

  • The growth of a newborn at a gestation period of 38-40 weeks, as an important anthropometric indicator, can range from 46 to 56 cm. It depends on the blood flow of the placenta, nutrition of the future mother, heredity, and also on the sex of the child.
  • When assessing the condition of a newborn, not always a small growth is a sign of poor development or prematurity of the fetus. For example, if the child's parents are low, then the newborn can also be small
  • . In addition, the rates of the norm also fluctuate for a multiple pregnancy, in which children are born lower and lower in weight. However, each case is evaluated by pediatricians individually for general anthropometric indications and the physical condition of the newborn
  • . The ratio calculated by the weight / height formula( the Quetelet index) is important. For full-term children, the normal figure is 60-70

. In the first year of life, taking into account the active development of the baby, growth is extremely important for assessing the state of health and the balance of nutrition. It is believed that the norm is an increase to an increase of about 25 cm per year. Here is an approximate growth growth table for the first year of a child's life:

Growth and weight gain in the first year of life

In the first six months of life, the baby's weight is calculated by the formula: the weight of the newborn is 800 * the number of months. So, if at birth the weight of the child was 3200g, then in 4 months the weight should be no less than 3200 + 800 * 4 = 6400g.

After 6 months, the formula becomes more complicated. Now we add 400g for each month from 6 to 12 months. So, take the same data for the child 8 months: 3200 + 800 * 6 + 400 * 2 = 8800 - the average weight of the child.

Important: Height and weight are important indicators of the child's development, and if you have any doubts about the growth of the baby - share it with your pediatrician.

Norms of growth and weight of a newborn

Growth of a premature baby

A child is considered prematurely before the term of 38 weeks. Naturally, the rates of growth and weight in these children is different, in addition, further development also occurs on a different path. So, for example, the rate of growth of a premature baby at birth is 35-45 cm.

  • Preterm infants develop differently. Parents in such a situation should calm down and do not customize events
  • If babies with normal weight gain their bulk and growth in the first months of life, the premature baby begins to grow actively, catching up with peers, only after 3 months
  • This is due to the fact that the baby needs to diallost at birth weight( and it is up to 15% of the total weight) and gain weight to the norm

Growth increase for the first year of life is about 26-36 cm, in the first half a year the increase is 2-5 cm per month. Premature babies not only differ in size, they have different physical and mental development, which frightens many parents, because the child later starts to hold his head,later walk, etc.

Important: Remember, the kid will not be lagging behind, he will necessarily catch up with his peers. Sometimes, to help him develop can strengthen the massage.

Growth of a premature baby

Growth chart for children: growth rates for boys and girls from birth to 18 years

Many factors influence growth: physical development, nutrition, the well-adjusted sleep and rest regime is important. In addition, one should not forget about heredity and the fact that each child develops in different ways.

Growth chart for children

Anthropometric centile tables will help determine your approximate growth rate for your child. They are compiled on the basis of an analysis of the growth of several million children, as a result of which the average age indicator is derived.

It is worth noting that the growth rates for boys and girls differ. Find the age and height of the child in the table and see which column it is in.

Growth and Weight Growth Chart for Girls

The growth rate is listed in the columns that are highlighted in red. All that is indicated to the left: 10% - below the norm in the permissible limits, 3% - beyond the permissible limits. The situation is the same with the columns to the right, only in the direction of increasing.

Important: If the height and weight of your child is in the extreme columns, consult with specialists: pediatrician, endocrinologist, therapist.

Growth and weight growth chart for boys

How to calculate the growth of a child according to the growth of parents: the formula

Naturally, it is impossible to determine exactly what growth the baby will have, but it is still possible to assume, based on the hereditary factor. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular formulas for calculating the growth of boys and girls.

Folk Formula of Dr. J. Hoker from the Mayo Clinic Formula G. Gorbunova Formula V. Karkusa Folk 2
Girls ( mother's growth + father's growth) * 0.51 - 7.5 ( mother's growth + growthfather): 2 - 6.4 ( mother's growth + father's growth - 12.5): 2 ± 8 ( mother's growth + father's height * 0.923): 2 growth in 1 year + 95cm
Boys ( mother's growth +growth of the father) * 0.54 - 4.5 ( growth of the mother + growth of the father): 2 + 6.4 ( mother's growth + father's growth + 12.5): 2 ± 8 ( maternal growth * 1.08 +growth of the father): 2 growth in 1 year + 100cm

Any of the above citedThese formulas help determine the ideal weight of a child, referring to the genetic factor. You can also use it to calculate the online growth calculator.

Parental Growth Formula for Parental Growth

Ratio of height and weight in children, table

  • Equally important is the ratio of height and weight in the child, which reflects its physical development. Observation of indicators in dynamics will help to prevent a child from falling behind or developing obesity
  • Even if your child is a couple of centimeters above or below his peers, or his height or weight does not fit into the age norms, attention should be paid to their ratio
The table of the ratio of height and weight for boys
Table of the ratio of height and weight for girls

Based on the above tables, you can make an approximate conclusion about the anthropometric indicators of your child.


Please note that you can also use the calculator to quickly calculate the mass-to-height ratio of a child. You just need to enter age, height and weight to determine the body mass index and level of development.

Periods of intensive child growth: growth spikes

In the first year of life of a newborn, about 5 so-called growth spikes are noted:

  • 1-3 weeks
  • 6-8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

During growth, your child can becometearful, most likely, he will significantly improve his appetite and will need more time and food to meet his desires. If you are breastfeeding a baby, you might think that milk is no longer enough. The main thing - do not worry and continue feeding. Your body will do everything for you.

  • It should be noted that in infants the growth spikes last very briefly - on average 2-3 days. In addition to increased appetite, you may notice increased anxiety, the emergence of new
  • skills during these periods. Sometimes a sudden sleep disturbance may indicate a jump in growth - a child wakes up more often or does not sleep at all, or, conversely, falls asleep unusually hard and permanently
Growth spikes in children beforeyear

After a year the child is gaining weight and growing already more stable. The next tangible jump in growth occurs around 6-7 years.

  • You need to understand that at this age in the child's body are extremely important changes, among which in the first place is the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the strengthening of the skeleton
  • Pay attention to the child's posture, right now you can earn problems with the spine. The average increase in height is about 8-10 cm per year

Important: In the 6-7 year period, it is difficult for a child to withstand a single posture or is stationary.

The next major jump in growth occurs during puberty. In this case it is impossible to guess at what age it will occur. At girls puberty comes in 10-12 years, at boys it is usual for 1-3 years later. Growth for the year can reach 8-10cm, sometimes more.

  • The growth jump is accompanied by hormonal changes in the child's body, secondary sexual characteristics of the
  • appear. Moreover, often the child's organism is adversely affected by rapid growth and weight gain.
  • Teenagers may begin to worry about convulsions, headaches, tooth problems
  • Hormonal rearrangements affect the child's behavior:it can become whiny or aggressive, quickly fatigue

During this period, it is important for you to provide the child with all the necessary substances and vitamins. Note that during the growth jump, the liquid need may increase by up to 20-30%.

Growth spikes in children

Problems with very high growth in children

For reasons that affect the growth of a child, factors that lead to high growth, as well as recommendations for parents of a high child, you can find out more here.

Little growth in a child, what to do?

If your child's weight is much lower than normal, do not rush to draw conclusions, because to influence growth is possible until the growth zones have closed.

Important: Before you take any steps yourself, consult a doctor - the incomplete centimeters may in some cases be a symptom of gland failure.

Factors that can affect the growth of the child:

  • Complete nutrition
  • Healthy sleep, properly adjusted sleep and rest mode
  • Sports load
  • Favorable psycho-emotional situation

What height and weight can the child have, video

  • May 02, 2018
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