The most harmful products for the figure

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Sweet, salty, fried dishes, fast food like many. The article describes why such products are harmful and describes their harmful effects on the figure and health.

Contents of

  • The most harmful food for the
  • figure( adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []). Push({ });Harmful products for the figure, list
  • Harm sweet for the figure
  • Which fruits are harmful to the figure?
  • Harmful products: advice and feedback
  • Video: The most harmful products

A good fit figure attracts attention, raises an enthusiastic view of others. Sometimes, to bring the figure in order it is enough to exclude or reduce the use of harmful dishes.

The most harmful food for the figure

All foods that are harmful to the figure are different in that, thanks to flavoring additives, people consume them in large quantities. And the further, the more. Although the value of such products is small. Harmful products can be divided into several groups.

  • Foods saturated with chemicals to improve taste and type
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Directly these additives do not influence weight, but they affect metabolism, cause the appearance of diseases, stimulate appetite. All this leads to an increase in waist circumference.

  • Fatty and fried products

In fried foods, caloric content increases due to the combination of products with oil.

  • Particularly detrimental to health and body shape are saturated fats. These fats in large quantities overload the liver, and the excess cholesterol produced by the liver contributes to the blockage of blood vessels, which leads to hypertension, angina, stroke
  • Saturated fats are contained in meat, animal fats, eggs, cheese, butter, milk, which besides fat contains a lot of useful andnecessary elements. Also saturated fats are contained in palm and coconut oils. The use of these products in compliance with diets is desirable to reduce
  • Unsaturated fats, which only benefit the body, are contained in fatty fish, avocado, nuts, olives, vegetable oils, meat, poultry. They can not be removed from the diet, otherwise one can get health problems.

  • Products with carbohydrate content

Simple carbohydrates: white bread, sugar, cookies, honey, jam, syrups, sweet vegetables are quickly absorbed, satiety comes almost immediately, but hunger also appearsfast.

New food intake - and already at the waist 1 cm more.
Complex carbohydrates are useful and not so much affect the weight. These are vegetables, cereals, potatoes, whole grains, which are also rich in useful elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

They are absorbed by the body longer, accordingly, energy is consumed more for digestion and the figure does not suffer. A complete rejection of carbohydrates leads to health problems.

  • Foods that are high in sugar

Sugar is a drug that, if overused, damages the figure severely. Completely from it or him it is not necessary to refuse, but if to reduce the use of sweets to a minimum, it is possible to grow thin for some kg.

All these products are especially harmful when they are used immeasurably.

Harmful products for figure, list

  • Fast food: french fries, shaurma, belyashi, chips, chebureks, pizza. Such dishes contain a lot of fats, fast carbohydrates and trans fats, but not enough protein, fiber and vitamins.
  • The usual dinner of French fries, salad, sandwich and cocktail contains 1500 kcal, which corresponds to the daily norm of an ordinary person.
  • . Taste enhancers contribute to the fact thatSuch food is consumed much more than a person needs to saturate
  • Broth cubes, quick soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, any semi-finished products. It is a storehouse of taste enhancers and harmful chemical compounds that contribute to addiction, metabolic disorders, which leads to diseases and weight gain

  • Sweets, sweets, cakes, pastries, ice cream. These are easily assimilated carbohydrates in combination with glucose and fats. Provoke a metabolic disorder and the deposition of extra pounds. Caloric content of about 400-600 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Carbonated drinks. In one glass of this drink contains about five to six teaspoons of sugar. The organism is difficult to process so much glucose immediately, so most of this sugar will be deposited by the fat layer.
    Regular and excessive consumption of soda leads to a violation of metabolic processes, which also manifests excess weight
  • Sausage, ham, sausages. The amount of meat in sausages is about 20-30%.All the rest - soy, fat, water, bone meal, fillers, preservatives, starch, salt, flavor flavors and dyes. The amount of calories 480-560 per 100 grams
  • Margarine. Products containing margarine contribute to increased fat deposition, since it is more difficult to process a combination of animal and vegetable fats. Therefore, a significant portion of this fat is sent to the sides of the
    Trans fat, which results from the conversion of liquid vegetable oil into a solid substance, is the most harmful type of fat, a carcinogen, increases cholesterol. Caloric content of margarine exceeds 500 kcal
  • Mayonnaise, various sauces based on it, ketchup is a mixture of fats, carbohydrates, dyes and stabilizers, which contains 300-700 kcal.

  • Alcohol, beer, alcoholic beverages. These products slow the metabolism, prevent the burning of stored fat. The body starts to take energy from muscle mass and build up fatty layer.
    Alcohol also provokes an appetite and reduces the intelligibility in food, which increases the consumption of delicious, harmful, high-calorie foods.
  • Salted nuts, croutons, etc. Salt delays water, which provokes swelling, cellulite. In addition, such products are characterized by high caloric content, which is also affected by fat deposition, especially in tandem with
  • Tinned beer. Canned vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, fish, juices contain sugar, salt, flavors, dyes in large amounts, which is also harmful for the figure

Harmful for the figure

  • Sweet brings harm to the figure due to the fact that sugar is usually found in foods,where many simple carbohydrates. This ice cream, cakes, donuts, gingerbread, chocolate, desserts, buns
  • In the process of digestion, simple carbohydrates are quickly broken down and converted into glucose. It turns out - a shock dose of glucose, which the body can not absorb in such a short period of time. Therefore, the body leaves excess glucose in reserve in the form of fat
  • In addition, the sweetness contains a lot of fat, which only increases the subcutaneous deposits of

Which fruits are harmful to the figure?

Even fruits rich in vitamins and minerals can damage the figure. Some fruits contain a lot of fructose, which refers to simple carbohydrates. Therefore, the excessive consumption of such fruits can lead to an increase in the parameters of the figure.

The grapes contain a huge amount of sugar. There are 10-15 large berries a day, then only good. If you grape a dense dinner, then the gain in weight is assured. Caloric value is 69 calories.

Bananas contain glucose, fructose and sucrose( 23g per 100g banana), which refers to simple carbohydrates. Caloric content 89 kcal.

Mango contains a large amount of vitamin C and glucose. Caloric content is 60-70 kcal.

Papaya. Caloric content is only 43 kcal, but contains a lot of carbohydrates, fructose, glucose.

Figs. .Dried fruits contain 37-71 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. Caloric content is 257 kcal in dried fruit.

The dates of contain 44-88% of carbohydrates, half of which are sugars. Calorie 274 kcal in dried fruit.

Although these fruits are quite high-calorie and rich in sugar, but the harm to the figure will come, if only they are beyond measure. If they are used a little, they will benefit and even contribute to weight loss.

Two dates or figs a day, for example, will replace sweets. Mango and papaya contribute to the improvement of the body, and the banana will be cheerful for a long time. But they should be used moderately.

Harmful products: advice and feedback

  • Palm oil is harmful by impurities, if not completely and qualitatively cleaned. If it is completely cleaned, it can become an alternative to butter
  • . If it is not possible to completely abandon harmful products, reduce their consumption to their minimum, for example, one bottle of beer per week or one packet of chips per month. So gradually, "without breaking" it will be possible to abandon such food habits and correct the figure of
  • . Refusal of several frequently used harmful products will have a beneficial effect on cash reserves. Count how much per month goes to sweets and cakes or chips with beer and nuts

During the whole season( 2.5 months) ate grapes at 1.5-2 kg per day, the father is engaged in viticulture. As a result - plus 7 kg.

A beautiful figure can only be found in healthy, fit, full strength and energy of people. However, it may be far from the model parameters. A harmful products do not just add extra centimeters to the waist, but also steal health, beauty and energy, because they do not bring the body benefits, but only clog.

Video: The most harmful products

  • Mar 04, 2018
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