How is the fasting day on buckwheat?

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  1. Features of buckwheat days
  2. Options for buckwheat days
  3. Results
  4. What should I remember?

Why do you think that a buckwheat day on buckwheat is practiced much more often than other cereal mono diets? In fact, this is due to the unique composition of this product - it contains the optimal amount of micro and macro elements necessary for our organism, including iron and magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, iodine and many others. In addition, buckwheat is a supplier of fiber, which takes an active part in purifying the intestines and improves its functioning. Thus, this groats are ideal for a day of unloading, as a result of which you can not only take care of the digestive system, but also get rid of one or two extra kilos.

Buckwheat - it's quite a satisfying product, for this reason the unloading day on it will pass easily enough.
But buckwheat groats are rich not only with mineral substances and food fibers. It also contains vitamin PP and rutin, which is very useful for the cardiovascular system. Still this product has in its composition valuable amino acids, among which lysine is especially distinguished: thanks to it, normal assimilation of calcium occurs. And vitamins of group B, present in buckwheat, help our body resist stress and favorably affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
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Features of buckwheat days

Duration of a fasting day on buckwheat - no more than a day. After all, it's called "day".But sometimes there may be two in a row, but this must be preceded by the following:

  • is some kind of table measure, due to which the body was heavily overloaded with heavy food;
  • several one-day buckwheat mono diets, which were applied repeatedly at intervals of a week.

If you spend the fasting day for the first time and before that your menu was usual, the buckwheat diet should not take more than 24 hours. However, the body should be prepared: for a couple of days before discharge from the diet should be omitted fatty, fried and smoked foods, fast food and do not overeat. After the buckwheat day, you need to restrain yourself and return to the usual food very smoothly.

The buckwheat diet is quite simple and brings tremendous benefits to our body

Buckwheat days options

The buckwheat fasting day can be strict, that is, you do not consume anything other than this cereal within the next 24 hours. But for some, this option may be too complicated. In this situation, buckwheat is allowed to combine with other dietary products, for example, with kefir, apples or with soy sauce.

Only buckwheat

So, before you talk about holding such a day, you should describe the process of preparing the main product - buckwheat.

  • First, it must be purchased - for one day you will need one glass of raw cereal. Exceed this amount is not recommended.
  • Secondly, the previous night, buckwheat should be poured into a container and pour steep boiling water, then cover and cover with a blanket. Thus, the heat will remain for a long time and in the morning the porridge will be completely ready for consumption.
  • Third, in addition to water, you do not add anything else - salt, sugar, butter and any spices are strictly forbidden both during the preparation of the product and during its use.
Buckwheat preferably not to cook, viz. Steaming!

The resulting portion of porridge is divided into five equal parts. This will be those portions that you should eat every 2.5-3 hours. During the day you can also drink purified water or infusion of rose hips in unlimited quantities.

Important! Compliance with the drinking regime is a mandatory condition, however, there should not be tea, coffee or carbonated water among the beverages you choose. Alcohol is also completely excluded!

Buckwheat + kefir

Unloading day on buckwheat and kefir is the most common option. This combination has a particularly beneficial effect on the work of the intestines and is sure to please all the adherents of protein foods.

Recommendation! Buckwheat combined with kefir gives a laxative effect, and therefore on this day it is advisable to constantly be at home and not plan any trips or events!

  • To the fasting day on buckwheat and yogurt, the body should also be prepared in advance. And the preparation of the main product should proceed according to the scheme described above: we exclude spices and other additives and fill buckwheat with boiling water only, and in the morning we divide the porridge into 5 equal portions.
  • As for kefir, you can drink about 500 ml per day. But at the same time the fermented milk product should be defatted, in the extreme case - no more than 1% of fat content. The recommended volume is divided into 5 parts. It turns out that after each buckwheat porridge you need to drink 100 ml of kefir.
  • However, despite the fact that the liquid is already present in the diet, in addition to the fermented milk product, it is also necessary to drink still mineral water or green tea without sugar: about 1 liter throughout the day.

Note! The unloading day on buckwheat and kefir can be slightly diluted with a small amount of seaweed. But this is the most extreme case, if unsalted porridge for you is quite unusual!

Buckwheat in combination with kefir perfectly cleans the body and improves the intestinal microflora

Buckwheat + apples

Buckwheat can be supplemented with juicy ripe apples, preferably green varieties. On the above volume of cereals we add three fruits of medium size and use them during snacks. The buckwheat itself should not be divided into 5 servings, as in the two previous versions, but by 3. At the same time, the last meal, whether apple or porridge, should be at 19 hours, but not later.

Important! The apple should be eaten about an hour after the cereal, or an hour and a half before it. To connect products in one reception is forbidden!

During the fasting day on buckwheat and apples, you should also consume a sufficient amount of liquid: herbal infusions or mineral water without gases.

Apples included on a buckwheat day give the body an extra portion of fiber and vitamins

Buckwheat + soy sauce

Natural soy sauce is an ideal replacement for salt. Plus, he is a great help in losing weight. So, to conduct such a day:

  • cook porridge as described above, stealing it in steep boiling water;
  • the next morning we add 4 tablespoons of soy sauce to the prepared cereal and mix it;
  • divide all into 5 portions and consume throughout the day.

Soy sauce not only helps make buckwheat porridge more delicious, but also reduces the probability of a "breakdown" to a minimum. And in order to comply with the drinking regime, you should use purified water or chamomile tea. In addition, this day, you can diversify your diet by adding a small handful of dried fruits and cherries.

A buckwheat fasting day with soy sauce is the shortest way to lose weight

As you can see, a fasting day on buckwheat is not so terrible as it might seem at first glance. It can very well be tasty and varied. And in order not to concentrate on thoughts about food, it is desirable to plan as much home affairs as possible for a mono-diet. So you can pass the time in the walls of the house and calmly use the prescribed portions at regular intervals. With such a "scenario", the days on buckwheat are carried very easily.

Results of

If you take the buckwheat day with all responsibility and take into account the above recommendations, you can get rid of not less than 1 kg of excess weight. Caloric content of such a mono-diet will depend on the option you choose and can be about 600-900 calories per day.

Observing the optimal drinking regime, you make up for the lack of liquid and ensure the removal of toxins, slags and other harmful substances from the body. In addition, the metabolism comes to normal and a gentle cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

During a fasting day on buckwheat, physical exercises are not prohibited. However, it is better to postpone high-intensity sports and strength training for another day, because against a background of a large expenditure of energy without sufficient replenishment, the body will experience stress, which can result in a noticeable decrease in strength. Therefore, on this day it is necessary to limit oneself to morning jogging, cycling, yoga or fitness. And do not forget that restraint in food for the next day will help to fix the achieved result.

Practicing buckwheat days regularly, you can not only cleanse the body and give it a rest, but also give extra strength, since the main product is exclusively for the benefit of

. It's quite easy to organize a fasting day on buckwheat. Try it and you will be surprised by the results. And in the future such a mono-diet is quite capable of becoming the main part of your individual program for improving health and preserving natural beauty.

What should I remember?

  1. Practice unloading buckwheat day can be no more than once a week.
  2. If for the rest of the time there is everything in a row, not denying yourself anything, then you can not wait for any progress in losing weight. Several adjust your daily diet should be mandatory, otherwise you will only be able to cleanse your body for a while.
  3. With the constant use of heavy foods in large quantities, the digestive system will be so congested that it can not rest even during the fasting day, digesting everything that you downloaded it in the last week.
  4. During pregnancy, any diet, including buckwheat, is strictly prohibited, even if it lasts only one day. The diet of the future mother should be as balanced and complete as possible, otherwise the lack of important substances may adversely affect the development of the fetus. And such a risk is unacceptable.

Buckwheat diet brings significant benefits to our body, however, it should choose the right time for it. Follow the rules described above, be beautiful and healthy!

  • May 03, 2018
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