Application of plantain with honey in folk medicine and cosmetology

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  1. Useful properties of honey and plantain
  2. Application in folk medicine
  3. Application in cosmetology

Perennial herb plantain with a lush root rosette of large leaves can be found along roads, in parks, near houses, in villages and other places where a person lives. This grass in the people is called a fellow traveler, because her seeds can stick to the sole of the person's shoes and follow him. The leaves of the plant, as well as its seeds and to a lesser extent the roots have been used for a long time to prepare various medicines. Very often in folk recipes you can find a combination of plantain with honey. These two components have a wide range of useful properties, which, when applied together, reinforce and complement each other. Fresh leaves or juice of the plant with the addition of honey is used to treat colds, coughs, digestive disorders and in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin of the face and hands.

Useful properties of honey and plantain

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The effectiveness of joint application in folk medicine of plantain with honey is due to the healing properties of each component individually and together.

Plantain leaves have found wide application in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. The most valuable means is the juice of the plant, it contains the highest concentrations of all useful plant compounds, including polysaccharides, flavonoids, saponins, organic acids, amino acids, vitamins C and K, tannins, iron minerals, zinc, potassium and calcium. Means from the leaves have the following curative effect on the human body:

  • promote wound healing;
  • accelerate regeneration processes;
  • have a bacteriostatic and antiseptic effect;
  • normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the secretory activity of the digestive glands;
  • helps stop bleeding;
  • relieves pain, spasm, inflammation and swelling;
  • increases tone and strengthens the body;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • facilitates the passage of viscous thick sputum when coughing.
Juice of plantain can be prepared on its own or purchased from the pharmacy

Honey is a very valuable product for human beekeeping. It normalizes the work of internal organs, increases immunity, has antibacterial and antiviral activity, improves metabolism, normalizes blood composition, adds energy to the body, protects against premature aging. There are many useful compounds in honey. For example, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, vitamins( H, K, B5, B9), macro- and microelements( zinc, chlorine, iron, aluminum, chromium, nickel, boron, titanium, lithium, etc.).It is used for diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and urinary system, as an emollient for treating cough and sore throat caused by a cold or SARS.In addition, honey has a wonderful aroma and taste.

Warning: Honey, when heated above 60 ° C, loses most of its useful properties and even becomes harmful to the body. With the systematic use of overheated honey, food poisoning by toxic substances formed in it during heating can be possible, as well as an increased risk of developing tumorous diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Application in folk medicine

Plantain with honey is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tracheitis, peptic ulcer, inflammations of the gastrointestinal mucosa, oncological diseases of the stomach, lungs and intestines.

Mucoplant - cough syrup with plantain and honey

Remedy for stomach ulcer

Fresh leaves of plantain are very finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is placed in a jar, the top is added with enough honey to completely cover the ground vegetable material. The bank is tightly closed and placed for three weeks in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp.l.once a day on an empty stomach, washed down with water.

Remedy for diseases of the digestive system

The ground leaves of plantain( 2 - 3 tbsp.) Are mixed with an equal volume of honey, cover the container with the mixture and put it in a warm place for 10 - 15 minutes. Take 1 tsp.4 times a day for half an hour before a meal. The drug helps with ulcers and other gastrointestinal inflammatory pathologies.

Important: When used to treat prescriptions based on psyllium with honey, it should be taken into account that the plantain is contraindicated in people with high blood coagulability and gastric juice secretion, and honey - if there is an allergy. With care, you need to consume honey to patients with diabetes.

Cough remedy

With a strong cough against the cold, the following remedy is made from plantain with honey. Fresh leaves of the plant are ground, add to the mass of ¼ of water, bring to a boil. After cooling, add 100 g of liquid honey and mix. Take the prepared medicinal composition for 1 tsp.every hour during the day until relief of symptoms.

Juice of plantain with honey

To obtain juice of plantain, fresh leaves are well washed under running water, allowed to dry, then grind the vegetable raw material prepared in this way in a mortar and filter the resulting mass through a layer of gauze. The separated juice is poured into a container of dark glass and stored in a refrigerator, using if necessary. To increase the storage time, the juice is diluted with alcohols in a ratio of 2 to 1 or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is also possible to prepare such juice using a conventional juicer. With a cold, cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis it is mixed with honey in equal proportions and take before meals 2 to 3 st.l.such a mixture as a bactericidal and expectorant.

Juice of plantain

Application in cosmetology

The healing properties of plantain with honey have found application in cosmetology mainly for the care of hair, face and hands. For example, the infusion of plant leaves mixed with honey is an excellent moisturizing and nourishing agent for eliminating the dryness of the skin of hands and hair.

Thanks to the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, masks with plantain and honey are also effective for combined and oily skin prone to frequent acne and acne. They activate the processes of skin regeneration, which contributes to its rejuvenation.

Adding honey to cosmetic products gives them an emollient, tonic and nutritive effect, helps to eliminate dryness and flaking on the skin.

Mask for dry skin

Pineapple leaves finely cut, pour ½ cup of boiling water, insist 25 minutes. Then 20 ml of the obtained infusion is combined with 25 g of cream, whipped egg yolk and 2 tsp.honey. Evenly distribute the mask on the face skin, stand for 20 minutes, rinse it with water and rinse the face with the remaining amount of leaf plantain leaves. This mask is especially effective for fading skin.

Mask for dry skin prone to the formation of microcracks

Two fresh leaves of plantain are crushed or ground in a mortar, with mixing, gradually add a little water and honey in equal proportions so that the mixture has a consistency of sour cream. Apply a mask to the face. After 20 minutes, remove the rest of the composition with warm water.

Preparation of facial masks from plantain and honey:

  • May 04, 2018
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