Apple, honey and various lubricants - And there will be no more cracks on the heels!

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Table of contents:

  1. Foot baths
  2. Folk remedies
  3. Treating deep cracks on the heels
  4. Foods against cracks on the heels

Cracks on the heels are a serious problem, causing a lot of discomfort, causing pain when walking, interfering with active living and wearing open shoes.
Treatment of cracks on the heels should begin after the exclusion of all diseases that are capable of provoking their appearance. In the presence of such pathologies in the body, neither careful care of the feet, nor proper local treatment will help.
If there are no such deviations, and cracks on the heels are available, it is necessary to find the cause that caused it and immediately eliminate it.

To begin to fight with cracks it is necessary with the change of shoes, food, regime of the day. Perhaps these measures will help, and cracks will disappear. Otherwise, they should be treated by professionals in the beauty salon or independently at home.

Foot baths

There are several variants of foot baths, which are used to restore the skin on the heels.

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Contrast baths

Take two basins and fill them with water: one - hot, and the second - cold, and then step from one to the other, while in cold water they keep their feet ten seconds, and in hot water - two minutes. The contrast bath is done for ten minutes.

This treatment procedure not only helps with cracks on the heels, but also removes fatigue, stimulates blood circulation in the legs and strengthens the walls of the vessels.

Sodovo-soap baths

For their preparation, you need two liters of hot water, half a teaspoon of mineral soap and a tablespoon of soda. All ingredients are mixed and kept in such a foot bath for ten minutes. In order for the healing effect to come faster, the heels after the bath should be brushed with a brush with a small rubbing element. Sodovo-soap baths do ten days in a row. The course is repeated after about four weeks.

Bath with starch

In a liter of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of starch and drop the legs there for thirty minutes.

For greater efficiency, this bath is recommended to be done before bedtime.

To ensure that the tub does not cool completely, you should periodically pour hot water. Baths with starch make until the hollow disappearance of cracks on the heels. After each procedure, the skin of the foot is lubricated with a nutritious cream.

Baths with decoctions of herbs

Herbal baths are an effective remedy against cracks on the heels, promoting their healing and possessing pronounced antiseptic properties.

Herbs used to make the baths: chamomile, St. John's Wort, oak bark, sage, string, marigold, all together or separately.

First prepare the broth, cool, make a bath in which the legs are kept for ten minutes.

Folk remedies

  1. Compress with vegetable oil is an effective emollient for cracks on the heels.
    Ideal option is to use for an olive oil compress

    First impregnate with cotton cotton socks, then put on them, top wrap with cellophane and leave for four hours. After the procedure, the feet are washed with warm water and wiped dry.
  2. How to treat cracks on the heels with the help of urinotherapy? This method of treatment is not complicated and consists in using your own urine: collecting it, moistening the bandage and wrapping it with your feet. This bandage is kept on the feet for four hours, after which the feet are washed and gently rubed off the layer of skin that has departed, lubricated with cream. Urine therapy is also used for preventive purposes to prevent the appearance of new defects on the skin.
  3. Vegetable dressings not only soften the skin of the heels, but nourish it. They are made from crumpled leaves of cabbage, onion juice mixed with aloe juice, fish oil, flour or onion gruel. Vegetable dressing is applied and left overnight to achieve the maximum possible effect. They put socks on top and wrap everything with film. After the procedure, the feet are washed and left to dry the skin naturally, then apply the cream.
  4. Fill cracks on the heels with fir balsam, put gauze wipes on top and fix them with a bandage. The compress is left overnight.
  5. Periodic massage of feet with fat cream is a good therapeutic and preventive remedy against cracks and other damages to the skin of the legs. Heat the cream and massage the heels to improve blood circulation and healing of cracks.
  6. Mask from cracks on the heels of flaxseed and potato peelings is very effective. For its preparation, take potato peelings, pour them with water, add flaxseed and cook everything until a mushy consistency is obtained. In it, you need to lower your legs for twenty minutes, and then wash off the mask with warm water. Cracks are then smeared with cream.
  7. Before going to bed, wash your feet with tar soap, wipe dry with a towel and lubricate the problem areas with solidol, rubbing into the thickness of the skin. Put plastic bags and woolen socks on your feet. In the morning, everyone is removed and wiped with a damp cloth.

    This tool helps to get rid of cracks on the heels in ten days.

Treating deep cracks on the heels of

  1. Treating deep cracks on the heels is to use petroleum jelly and preparations based on it. First, the legs are steamed in hot water, the petrolatum is applied to the affected area, and then the patch is left overnight.
  2. Paraffin, beeswax and salicylic acid are taken in equal volumes and heated. Apply the cotton swab to the cracks first in a single layer, and after drying it is covered with another layer. Then fix the compress with a bandage and leave for the whole night. In the morning, rinse with soapy water and lightly pumice.
  3. Cracks on the heels are the entrance gate of infection, and deep cracks are a short way of penetration of bacteria and fungi into the human body.
    To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the cracks with ointment consisting of an antibiotic and an antifungal agent. Ointment from cracks on the heels, containing vitamin A and propolis, also gives a good curative effect.
  4. Olive oil makes the skin of the heels gentle, smooth, soft and elastic, reduces the risk of deep cracks on the heels. After taking a shower and a bath, slightly warmed olive oil is rubbed into the cracks.
  5. Tomatoes treat deep cracks on the heels. To do this, prepare a fresh tomato puree, spread it on a piece of cloth, put to the cracks on the heels and wrapped with a bandage. Such a compress moisturizes deep cracks and gradually reduces them to none.
  6. The root of elecampane helps to heal deep cracks. It is used in the form of lotions or hot compresses every day.
  7. If cracks on the heel become inflamed regularly, then you should visit a doctor. The dermatologist will determine the cause of this pathology and will prescribe the correct treatment. Deep cracks on the heels are treated with vaseline-based medications that simultaneously moisturize and soften the affected skin. First, the heels are steamed in hot water with two tablespoons of boric acid, and then the ointment is applied.

Foods against cracks on heels

  1. Carrot oil is used to treat cracks. One hundred grams of carrot tinder on a fine grater, put in a jar and pour half a liter of vegetable oil, best of all olive. Insist ten days. The resulting carrot oil is treated with cracks on the heels every day before going to bed.
  2. Undress the heels, grease them with bacon, and top with fresh cabbage leaf.
  3. Warm up the heels of the heels with honey and cover them with cabbage leaves, paying special attention to the cracks. The compress is fixed with a bandage. Cracks on the heels are treated until they disappear completely. Excellent for this purpose honey from cotton - it has a strong antibacterial effect. In detail about all its properties and application, read in the article: Cotton honey softens the skin, it increases the protective properties!
  4. A very effective folk remedy for cracks on the heels - boiled potatoes. Tubers boil in a uniform, crush together with a skin, put on the night to sick heels and wrap up cellophane.

  5. To get rid of thin incisions and small cracks on the heels helps onion lotion or grated apple, which is applied to the wound. To do this, rub the apple on a small grater or raw onion, spread the resulting mass on a piece of cloth and fix it with a bandage on the feet.
  6. Lemon juice is mixed with grated potatoes in equal quantities. Put such a compress on your heels every two hours.
  7. Quite effective is such a recipe from cracks on the heels: in the milk they cook prunes and apply it hot to the heels for thirty minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  8. Make a gruel from apricots and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Apply the remedy on the heels for half an hour and rinse everything off with warm water.
  9. Grease cracks with mayonnaise, sour cream or cottage cheese and stand for one hour.
  10. A large onion is ground and fried in oil until golden brown. In fried onions add a little beeswax and boil for a couple of minutes. After steaming the legs and treating them with pumice stone, the heels with the mixture obtained are lubricated, and cellophane and socks are put on top.
  11. How to quickly remove cracks on the heels? Get rid of this ailment will help the recipe, consisting of the following ingredients: interior fat, onion, camphor oil. These components are mixed and spread the mixture on a polyethylene film, which is tied to the heels. This procedure is very effective and helps to get rid of cracks at a time.
  • May 04, 2018
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