Herpes in the mouth

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The herpes virus is otherwise referred to as a "bubble fever".It proceeds very painfully, and it is easy to get infected with it.

Often, a primary acquaintance with it occurs in childhood, when the herpes is acute, and then it occurs when there are provoking factors in the body and the environment. Treatment should be comprehensive in order to relieve painful symptoms and accelerate the process of recovery.

Contents of

  • Reasons for
  • Symptoms and manifestations - how to recognize the disease on time?
  • Than to treat a virus on a mucosa of an oral cavity?
    • Symptomatic therapy
    • Specific therapy
  • Prevention

Reasons for

Herpes is a virus transmitted by contact of an infected person with a healthy one. First of all, it gets into saliva, so non-observance of personal hygiene rules can trigger the appearance of symptoms. To avoid this, you can not use someone else's toothbrushes, kitchen accessories, you should try to avoid direct contact with people who have herpes in active form.

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Oral herpes can be caused not only by direct infection. If there is a virus in the body, the following circumstances can activate it:

  • colds;
  • stress;
  • surgical intervention;
  • period of menstruation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • strong physical activity;
  • environmental impact in the form of wind, frost or sun;
  • oncology;
  • HIV.

Often the source of infection is people who are carriers of herpes, but not sick themselves. They have a virus in the saliva, blood and even tears. The disease is transmitted through direct contact, airborne, through sexual intercourse or during childbirth from mother to child. Symptoms and manifestations - how to recognize the disease on time?

The first type of herpes virus occurs in early childhood. This period is characterized by a weak resistance of the body. In some children, the virus enters the body and does not manifest itself for a long time, others - instantly causes an acute form of herpetic gingivostomatitis. The main symptoms include:

  • In the photo, herpes in the mouth

    the appearance on the mucous membrane of the mouth of white or yellowish bubbles, watery inside. After a few days they independently burst and turn into sores, reaching in diameter three millimeters. As a rule, they are covered with a greyish-white film;

  • inflammation of the gums and surrounding tissue sores;
  • fever;
  • headaches;
  • tenderness in the mouth when eating, drinking;
  • weakness, rapid fatigue.

In the photo elements of inflammation in the language

In children, general symptoms can be added vomiting when eating, disturbed sleep, severe irritability. Disturbed hygiene can not provoke an acute form of the disease, but the risk of developing bacterial complications depends on it. The average duration of the disease is 10-14 days.

Even after elimination of all symptoms, the virus remains in the nerve nodes in an inactive form and is activated again under favorable factors. If the disease recurs, the virus manifests itself in the same place as before. This is its main difference from stomatitis, the symptoms of which can appear in different places.

Symptoms may differ depending on the location of the virus on the oral mucosa. In , there is a rash, swelling, itching and burning sensation. The patient complains of soreness when swallowing and during the conversation. The rash is often accompanied by severe redness. With the development of the disease, pain intensifies. Herpes can also appear on the bridle of the tongue in the form of characteristic vesicles.

On the photo of the manifestation on the inside of the cheek

Sores located on the gums of cause pain in the process of chewing food. The nature of its manifestation is similar to toothache. On the inner surface of the cheeks and lips there is a rash, accompanied by burning and swelling. Painful sensations are enhanced by eating and talking.

Herpes, localized in the pharynx and on the tonsils , resembles the initial stage of angina. The virus manifests itself as a white coating, cutting pain in the process of swallowing. With a complicated form on the tonsils, there are purulent sores, burning sensation in the throat and dryness.

Than to treat a virus on a mucosa of an oral cavity?

If you have symptoms of herpes, you should immediately consult a doctor who can accurately determine the presence of the virus and prescribe an effective treatment. To understand how to treat herpes, you should understand that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the virus. And for the removal of symptoms prescribed treatment, which lasts two weeks and includes symptomatic therapy and a specific approach.

Symptomatic therapy

Treatment of this type involves the removal of the underlying symptoms. To alleviate the general condition of herpes, it is necessary to treat the sores with anesthetics containing a 0.5% solution of diclonin hydrochloride( Caldrex LariPlus ) before eating. For the same purpose, rinse with lidocaine solution 2%.It is held in the mouth for 3 minutes, taking the medication inside is prohibited.

Since it is quite difficult for children to rinse the oral cavity, it is recommended to use anesthetic gels that are easily applied to the affected mucous membrane and act for a long time. Kamistad-gel, Kalgel and Holisal are very popular.

To clean the mucosa from the plaque, rinse the mouth with Chymotrypsin or Trypsin. No less effective antiseptic property is the solution of Geksoral .At the final stage, to strengthen the regeneration, it is recommended to use gel Solcoseryl or oil Vitaon .

In case of symptomatic treatment, fruit juices should be excluded. They must be replaced with a vitamin complex. It is important to eat and drink in sufficient quantities. Compliance with bed rest is the way to an early recovery.

Specific therapy

In a specific approach, the physician prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiviral drugs. The first task is to anesthetize, the latter block the spread of the virus and suppress its effect on the body. As an anesthetic, you can use any drugs based on ibuprofen, nimesulide and acetaminophen .The choice depends on the possibility of taking the drug, given the contraindications.

As antiviral drugs, is prescribed as Zovirax, Ergoferon, Amiksin .In childhood, drugs based on acyclovir, for example, Zovirax, are acceptable. It is allowed to take it from year. Antiviral drugs based on valaciclovir or famciclovir are acceptable from adolescence.

Drugs of this group are taken strictly at the specified rate. In this case, it is advisable to start treatment at the initial stage. After three or five days, a proper result will not follow.


For preventive purposes, it is necessary to exclude all interactions with people with herpes, especially in the stage of the appearance of sores. In addition, it is important:

  • to fully eat;
  • observe the regime of the day;
  • exclude the possibility of injuries to the oral cavity;
  • to abandon bad habits;
  • maintain immunity and promptly treat diseases, in particular, the common cold;
  • use hygienic lipstick and sunscreen.

Herpes in the case of primary infection accompanies a person throughout his life, manifested in the presence of "favorable" factors. And if the acute form, as a rule, has serious symptoms, then the relapse is less expressed. But both of them require specific treatment, which involves courses of symptomatic and specific therapies.

More about the problem will tell Dr. Komarovsky in this video.

  • May 05, 2018
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