Topics for a conversation with a girl: 15 options

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When people meet for a long time, they have a million common themes for conversation.

They can talk for hours without stopping for a minute.

A completely different situation is observed when people only recently met, for example, went on a first date.

You still do not know the person, his tastes, his preferences, desires, plans, moments of biography.

You're not sure what you can ask, but what you can not.

In conversation now and then there are awkward pauses, we have to look for more and more new topics for talking with the girl .

And if you also get a not very talkative young lady, responding to questions monosyllabically, and you yourself - the speaker is still one, then it is possible with a high degree of probability to say that the first date will be a failure.

What should I do not to search frantically for topics to talk with a girl?

Make a wonderful first meeting - a difficult task for both the guy and the girl.

Both are worried, both want everything to go fine and a desire to meet again.

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And yet guys have harder, because they need to take care not only of the place of meeting, paying bills, appearance, but also dragging the burden of conversation on their shoulders, filling awkward pauses

You do not have to constantly look for new topics for talking with a girl, now and again reviving a languid conversation if you:

  1. You master oratory, that is, you will learn to speak beautifully if the word "orator" someone embarrassed.
  2. You will read many books - they enrich the vocabulary and expand the horizon.
  3. You will take care of your self-development and self-education to be able to support the conversation on different topics.

10 rules how to properly talk with a girl

If you do not read anything other than comic books, you are not interested in anything, you can not connect two words, then it's hard to expect a successful first date.

Your only hope is a girlfriend, even more stupid than you.

I really do not know what you're talking about or how.

Some kind of abyrvalg will be solid.

10 suitable topics for a conversation with a girl

Each young person should have his own list of topics and on-duty issues that can save even the most sluggish conversation.

If you do not have such a list, then it's time to get them.

I'm ready to help and provide a list of 10 neutral topics that will serve you well on your first date.

  1. Biography of ( not Alexander Pushkin, of course, but yours and the girl with whom you have a date).
  2. Plans for the future and dreams of ( it is unlikely that anyone will immediately share the hidden dreams with you, but in general outline their plans for the future or describe how she sees herself in 10 years - it's easy).
  3. Music. Questions are standard: "Favorite singer / singer / band / song?", "At whose concerts was?", "At whose concert would I like to get?", Etc.
  4. Literature ( to talk about literature, you need to read books and invite a lady who also reads them on a date).
  5. Cinema - there's a lot of work here: "Favorite movie?", "Which film do you expect to premiere?", "Do you like to go to the movies or do you prefer to watch videos in your home atmosphere", "Favorite actor / actress / director?",etc.
  6. The art of ( not all guys are able to talk on this topic, not all girls can support it).
  7. Sport ( conversation on this topic should not be delayed, if you see that the girl answers without much enthusiasm).
  8. Food : "Favorite food?", "Favorite dish?", "Do you like to cook?", "Crown dish?", "What do you dream of trying?", "Favorite dish from childhood?", "Which restaurant do you consider the best incity? ", etc.
  9. Travel - ask where she was and where she would like to go, talk about her travels.
  10. Hobby - here, I think, you can do without explanations.

Dozens of these topics will be enough for your first date.

Think for each of the topics at least 5 questions, so at a meeting with a girl you will feel fully armed.

Naturally, to ask normal questions, you yourself should at least have a little guidance in the same art, music or literature.

5 inappropriate topics for talking with a girl

Many guys are afraid to take risks when looking for topics to talk with a girl, so they trample around such safe topics as movies, music, literature, etc.

Do not be too cautious.

Just watch closely the reaction of the young lady and, if you see that you touched on an unpleasant topic, turn on the reverse.

And yet there are topics for talking with a girl who better not to be affected, especially on the first date:

  1. Religion.

    An exception to the rule if you met a girl in a church or belong to one religious community.

  2. Intim.

    It is unlikely that you will get so liberated a young lady who agrees to chat about animal instincts already on the first date.

  3. Health.

    First, to ask about health problems is simply indecent and tactless.

    Secondly, doctors, hospitals, tests and other - not the most pleasant topic for conversation.

    Thirdly, you can "step on a sick callus" and ruin a date.

  4. Former girlfriends.

    The time will come, and you will discuss your former ones, count the number of sexual partners, etc.(if you wish, of course), but the first date is just not the right time for it.

  5. Complaints.

    Complaints - this is just the lifestyle of some guys, so I considered it my duty to warn my readers: do not complain to a girl you know not long ago, do not complain about anything.

    A man-whiner - this horror is terrible, no one will want to meet with him.

How to get out of the situation if I chose an unsuccessful topic for a conversation with a girl?

Sometimes it happens that you chose absolutely safe at first glance the topic for conversation, for example, "Literature", but you see from the reaction of the girl that she does not like this topic and she does not want to discuss it.

Do not insist, because the success of the first date depends largely on how comfortable you both feel.

If you see that the topic for the conversation with the girl is chosen unsuccessfully, just change it, without special explanation or lyrical digressions.

I noticed that the girl is having difficulty answering the question "What book are you reading right now?", Save her and say something like:

"You, probably, love cinema more than books? I also adore cinema. Here is the last film that I saw - super. Have you watched it? And what kind of movie do you like? ".

Everything, unpleasant for the girl theme has changed, it will relax and your conversation will take place in a more pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

The video below presents tips to interest the girl in a conversation:

Safe topics for talking with a girl - that's not all, it's also important to behave properly

Once I had a talk with my girlfriends about the most unsuccessful first dates.

Anya told about the boy Sasha( clever, well-bred, cute), who was an interesting storyteller, but behaved so strangely that she wanted to escape as quickly as possible.

Choose the right topic for a conversation with a girl - it's important, but you can not forget about how you behave:

  1. Be sincere.

    If you start to crumble in false compliments or sing songs about the fact that you have been waiting for this meeting all your life, the girl will understand that you are a liar.

  2. Do not shake like a hare, for fear.

    I understand that you are terribly worried, but you need to find a way to hide it.

  3. Smile.

    A gloomy expression on her face will make her think that you are not too pleased with your date.

  4. Conversation is a dialogue between two people, not your wondrous monologue.

    Listen, what a friend tells you, ask her questions and listen, without interrupting, until the end of her answers.

  5. Do not answer monosyllables if she asks you a question.

    Why do you complicate things yourself?

  6. Do not be afraid of pauses in conversation.

    If, for example, you took a young lady to a restaurant, then give her the opportunity to eat.

Now you know which topics for talking with a girl can be raised, which ones are not worth it.

I'm sure that you will not get lost on the first date and it will go smoothly.

  • May 05, 2018
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