Herpes on the lips - the causes of appearance, treatment

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The appearance of herpes on the lips - a common phenomenon. This disease is caused by the HSV-1 virus and is very contagious. It appears as watery bubbles on the lips, along with them there are unpleasant, painful sensations.

From herpes it is impossible to completely get rid of, the treatment leads to the elimination of only external manifestations of the disease. It is very easily transmitted from person to person, which contributes to its wide distribution.

What are the causes of herpes, its symptoms and ways of treatment? And whether it is possible to be saved from this illness or disease?

Contents of

  • Reasons for occurrence and provoking factors
  • What will point to the problem?
    • What is different from allergies and other rashes on the lips
  • What can I do?
    • Medication treatment
    • Folk remedies
  • How to never face the problem?
  • People are interested in

Causes of appearance and provoking factors

Herpes virus is present in the body of more than 90% of the world population. At the same time, he can manifest himself regularly or "sleep" for a long time. The causes of herpes, as well as the factors that provoke its appearance, are very diverse.

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There are two main ways of penetrating the virus into the human body:

  • airborne;
  • pin.

Airborne droplet transmission may occur during normal conversation with the carrier of the virus, through the dishes, if the healthy and sick person use one of the cutlery and plates, with a kiss.

The contact path involves the use of one towel, bed linen and other household items. You can transfer and during a kiss or intercourse.

Once in the body, the herpes virus does not necessarily begin to lead an active life, until a certain time it can be in a latent state.

Providing the transition of the disease to an active form can, for example, reduce immunity. Lead to this may be hypothermia( colds) or stress. These conditions of the body often cause a sharp activation of the virus and the appearance of rashes on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes.

Regularly repeated herpes usually occurs in people with a weak immune system, leading to the same irregular lifestyle. If the disease manifests itself very often( at least 2 times within 3 months) - this is a serious reason to think about your health and undergo an examination of the body.

In addition, the weakening of immunity and the manifestation of herpes on the lips can cause a seasonal deficiency of vitamins, body overheating, physical exhaustion, poisoning, diseases( angina, flu, etc.), a prolonged allergy.

What will indicate the problem?

In the photo, herpes on the lips

Primary infection and relapse of the disease show similar signs. In the first 6 - 8 hours of virus activation, a person feels a tingling and a slight burning sensation on the inner or outer surface of the lip. A little later in this area there is an itch.

In the next few hours( up to a day) there is local redness of the affected area. After a while, transparent bubbles filled with liquid appear in this region.

Eruptions on the inner surface of the lip

Initially, it is transparent, but later becomes turbid and white bubbles appear. Often this stage is called "cold on the lips"( photo left).

After a few days, the bubbles burst, and the liquid in them flows out. Then on this place a crust is formed, which after a while begins to peel off. On average, the disease lasts 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the course.

Herpes sores on the inside of the lip are often accompanied by a small swelling of the affected area, fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Than differs from an allergy and other rashes on lips

On a photo an allergy

Herpes is difficult to confuse with other diseases, including allergies. With it, there are very characteristic eruptions, radically different from allergic rash. There are watery bubbles also in certain places, characteristic mainly of herpes.

Allergic rashes on the lips( cheilitis) are similar to herpes externally, but they are characterized by other localization sites. Diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, can also be similar to a "cold" on the lips. But this disease begins with the appearance of sores in the mouth( on the gums, internal surfaces of the cheeks, throat), during herpes sores appear only in the middle of the disease.

What can I do?

Treatment of herpes rashes is mostly symptomatic, since it is impossible to completely destroy the virus in the human body at the moment. Therefore, external manifestations of the disease are treated to reduce the time of an acute period.

Drug treatment

Since herpes is caused by the corresponding virus, antiviral drugs are used to treat it effectively. Basically, these are different cyclovir in the form of agents for external or oral administration.

The most popular representative of these antiviral drugs is Acyclovir in the form of ointments or tablets.

In addition to Acyclovir, the following drugs are used to treat "colds" on the lips: Valtrex, Vectavir, Famvir, Rhodoxol Ointment, Zovirax, Kacogel. Ointments should be applied to the affected area up to 5 times during the day.

Tablets are drunk according to a specific regimen recommended by the doctor in charge or indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Given the fact that the rash in the vast majority of cases appear due to a weakened immunity, during treatment, in addition to antiviral, immunostimulatory drugs are also recommended. These include: Lycopid, Isoprinosine, Ridostin, Cycloferon, Viferon, Arbidol and others.

Treatment should begin when the first signs of the disease, then it will be possible to significantly shorten the term of the acute form and the severity of the eruptions on the lips.

Folk remedies

Effective in the treatment of herpes and traditional medicine. There are a lot of recipes, but to achieve an optimal result, they should be used along with drug therapy.

The most effective of them are:

  1. Tea tree oil .To treat "colds" on the lips a few drops of liquid should be applied to a cotton swab or a sterile bandage and leaned against the place of injury. Repeat the procedure should be 3 - 5 times a day. Tea tree has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, prevents the spread and progression of the disease.
  2. Aloe .It is necessary to apply the flesh of the leaf of the plant to the inflamed part of the lip for several minutes. When she loses all the juice you need to take another sheet. Aloe can be fixed on the lip for a long time. The juice of the plant has a healing effect and promotes regression of the rashes.
  3. Garlic is a natural antiviral agent. To treat herpes sores on the lips it needs to be crushed and rubbed into the affected area at least three times a day.
  4. Wiping "cold" decoction of celandine helps to temporarily get rid of the problem. The procedure should be repeated every 2 hours.
  5. Lemon juice helps to reduce pain when rashes appear and speed up their disappearance.

How to never face the problem?

Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. In the situation with herpes also a huge role has prevention. It reduces the likelihood of primary infection and reduces the frequency of relapse, makes the disease less aggressive and pronounced.

The first and main preventative measure is compliance with hygiene rules: regular hand washing, use of only personal toiletries. The person himself can personally spread herpes from the lips to other parts of the face and body, just touching them with dirty hands.

Since infection with the virus and relapse of the disease occur mainly at the time of reducing the protective properties of the body, to prevent the disease, it is necessary to systematically strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to temper the body, eat right, give up bad habits.

In case of any disease, you need to try to do without taking antibiotics, since these drugs adversely affect the immune system. Strengthening the immune system is promoted by the regular use of broth of wild rose.

If the disease has a chronic form with frequent relapses, the patient is recommended periodic treatment with antiviral agents to prevent rashes. Most often as a drug Valtrex is administered in the form of tablets.

During seasonal epidemics of viral diseases, it is necessary to avoid crowded places, dress in accordance with the weather, in winter and spring, use vitamin complexes.

People are interested in

The most frequently asked questions of people who have encountered this problem.

Why does not the disease let go?
The main cause of frequent recurrences of herpes is the weakened immunity of the carrier of the virus in combination with other unfavorable factors.

The most likely recurrence of "lip fever" in people suffering from colds, frequent stress, insomnia, working in harmful production.

In any case, the main reason is the weakening of the protective functions of the body.

The virus on the lips - how much will it be?

Usually from the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease until the disappearance of the rash completely passes 7 - 10 days .In the case of a severe form of herpes and a large area of ​​damage, it can be delayed for a longer period.

Than it is possible to treat at pregnant women?

During pregnancy it is possible to treat herpes sores with the help of Panavir. You can also use Acyclovir, Zovirax, Atsigerpin in the form of an ointment.

Oxolin ointment may be used as prescribed by the doctor. Of folk remedies: fir or sea buckthorn oil.

Herpes is a very contagious disease. It's impossible to get rid of him completely, but it's quite possible to restrain him. To do this, you need to regularly strengthen the immune system and carefully monitor your health.

And if you have the first symptoms of a violation, you should immediately begin treatment.

Video helps to understand what the true cause of herpes development on the lips and what methods of treatment offers modern medicine:

  • May 06, 2018
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