Angular cheilitis: the causes, symptoms and treatment of candidiasis snacks in the corners of the mouth

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Angular cheilitis( candidosis convocation, cheilosis) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the corners of the mouth, causing the formation of painful seizures.

In medical reference books, this disease is also called angulitis and angular stomatitis. The symptoms are similar to herpes, but angular cheilitis causes completely different microorganisms and provokes other causes.


  • What causes the disease
  • Seizures are. ..
  • Features of the clinic and symptomatology
  • Diagnostic tests and methods
  • Methods and directions of therapy
  • Consequences and preventive measures

What causes the disease

The most common cause of Angulitis is dermatosis. Also, the disease occurs with syphilis, tuberculosis, red flat lichen and erythmatosis.

The causative agents of the disease are yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus of streptococci. The reasons for the jam are also unfavorable climatic conditions( hot and cold air, abundant insolation, wind, etc.).Often the seizures appear against the background of a shortage of vitamin B2, swelling of the skin and mucous corners of the mouth and diabetes.

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Sometimes cheilosis is formed due to the presence of brizheek in the corners of the lips. In turn, the folds are formed with loss of myotonus and with a decrease in occlusion, which is the result of the absence of teeth or their abnormal abrasion. Also, folds in the corners of the mouth may appear due to inadequately made orthopedic structures.

In addition to all the above reasons, the disease appears against the background of the following accompanying factors:

  • poor hygiene of the face and oral cavity;
  • detergent microcomponents that are part of hygiene products can adversely affect the skin of the lips and cause inflammation;
  • addictive habits in the form of licking and biting the lips;
  • chemical or mechanical burn of lips;
  • predisposition to allergy or its presence - in most cases irritants are medicines and food;
  • deprive, manifested by pink or red flat on face;
  • psoriasis is an infectious disease that affects the joints and skin, its symptoms also appear on the face and lips.

Seizures come. ..

Variety of snacks:

  1. Candidamycotic is manifested by the appearance of bright red erosion in the corner of the mouth. The crack is not covered with a crust and is visible only when the mouth is open. In some cases, erosion is covered with a slight greyish-white coating. Quite often, the disease has a protracted recurrent form and subsequently appears each time with a shortage of vitamins and with reduced immunity.
  2. Streptococcal .Initially, with this form in the corners of the mouth formed a vial, which soon disappears. In its place there is a crack with a crust, which can periodically be ripped off. After ripping off the crust, a red bleeding surface forms with a small crack in the center. After several hours, the erosion surface is again covered with a crust. When opening the mouth, painful sensations arise.

The form and type of seizure is established through laboratory analyzes.

Streptococcal angular stomatitis

It should be noted that the seizures are similar to erosive papules with syphilis, in which small formations are probed at the base of erosion.

Features of the clinic and symptoms

One of the main symptoms of angulitis is the peeling of the lips and the appearance of cracks on them. Sometimes on the lips may occur significant swelling. Deep cracks form in the corners of the mouth( seizures).In some cases their hyperemia is noted.

A white layer is formed over the cracks, which is easily separated. At the edges of the affected areas, a detachment of the epidermis is observed. In patients with cheilosis, the lip rim is inflamed, which eventually becomes bright red. Sometimes the process of inflammation and formation of congestion takes on a chronic form.

In general, the symptoms manifested depend on the causes of angular stomatitis. For example, the lips can be either just inflamed, or with the formation of bubbles and crusts. The manifestation of the clinical picture also depends on the form of the disease.

Candidomycotic form of the disease shows such symptoms:

  • formation of erosions and cracks without crusts;
  • formation on the affected area of ​​an easily removable gray-white plaque;

With closed lips, the seizures are almost invisible.

Streptococcal angulitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • formation of vesicles with a crust;
  • formation of slit-like erosion in the corners of the mouth;
  • manifestation of acute pain after taking salty, spicy and sour food;
  • itching and burning on the affected area;
  • refusal to eat food( in young children).

Diagnostic tests and methods

First of all, the diagnosis is established based on the symptoms and the clinical manifestation. But due to the fact that I can be confused with other dermatological and infectious diseases( syphilis), then together with a visual examination it is necessary to conduct the laboratory tests.

For the diagnosis, the patient is scraped to candidiasis, herpetic and streptococcal infection. The physician must collect the necessary material from the surface of the erosion site and send it to a bacteriological study.

If streptococci and yeast cells are detected, the diagnosis will be confirmed. The patient must pass a general blood test and be tested for anemia.

Methods and directions of therapy

After diagnosis, it is necessary to begin treatment urgently, since the angulitis can go on in a protracted form. Traditional treatment is divided into two types: local and general. Local therapy helps to quickly restore the external structure of the affected areas.

Candidomycotic form of sneeze is prescribed antifungal creams and ointments. The most effective means are Levorovnaya, Nistatinovaya, Sernosalicylic and all ointments, which include Fluconazole. All these ointments contribute to the removal of pain and accelerate the healing of external injuries.

The streptococcal form of the disease is treated with ointments with antibiotics. In most cases, Liniment Synthomycin and Erythromycin Ointment are prescribed.

Vishnevsky ointment is no less effective, but it is necessary to apply it with extreme caution, as if accidentally entering the oral cavity, undesirable side effects may occur.

When using topical treatment at the initial stage, general therapy may not be necessary.

As for general therapy, its essence lies in the internal administration of medicines. It can be antibiotics, vitamins or antifungal agents, depending on the origin of angular cheilitis.

Diflucan, Ketoconazole or Nizoral are prescribed from antifungal drugs. The choice and purpose of the medication depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In the presence of streptococcal infection, antibiotics are prescribed. But this is only necessary if there is a significant damage to the dermatological cover.

The leading course of treatment should be combined with the use of immunomodulators and multivitamin complexes. From the vitamin-containing medicines preparations with the maintenance of vitamins A, B, C and RR( Aevit and Aerovit) are appointed. Multivitamin complexes should be taken for one month.

In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes for various drugs that contribute to the treatment of candida zaed:

  1. Application of emollients .Before going to sleep, lips can be spread with honey or cucumber juice. To soften the skin of the lips uses Vaseline, which is able to catalyze the healing process of microcracks. Lips can be lubricated with vegetable oil. The most effective is flaxseed and olive oil. Eliminate seizures with an oil solution containing fat-soluble vitamins( A and E).In addition, for the healing of painful areas, goose fat, butter, melted beeswax and infusions of medicinal herbs are used.
  2. Application of medicinal plants .A good antimicrobial and disinfectant is an infusion from the snake mountaineer. Since the main ingredient of the infusion dries the lips, then after its application, to soften the skin of the lips, you need to use children's Vaseline. Speed ​​up all the recovery processes will help aloe. To prepare the infusion from aloe, it is necessary to put the cooled leaves of the plant in boiled water( 400 mg) and leave to infuse for several hours. Ready-made infusion should be wiped the affected area several times a day until complete recovery.

National treatment of jaed:

Consequences and preventive measures

Untimely treatment of jaedins can lead to the following consequences:

  • increased wounds to large sizes;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • development of an abscess;
  • inability to eat normally.

As a rule, complications of angular cheilitis occur after a two-week absence of treatment.

Prevention of cheilosis consists in the following activities:

  • regular intake of vitamins( at least 2 times a year);
  • timely treatment of patients with teeth;
  • high-grade food and rest;
  • refusal from smoking and taking excess alcohol;
  • thorough oral hygiene;
  • use of correctly selected dentures;
  • reception of immunosupplement preparations.

All of the above methods of prevention help maintain the body in good shape, preventing the occurrence of microscopic injuries of the lips. In addition, strengthened immunity prevents the appearance of many other diseases.

  • May 06, 2018
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