Vitamins during pregnancy in trimester. Tips and feedback

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Every woman expecting a child heard about the benefits of vitamins for pregnant women. How to find out what vitamins are required for a future mother and her baby? How to choose a multivitamin complex with a lack of many elements? How to avoid an overdose of vitamins, which is so dangerous for a child during intrauterine development? The answers to all these questions you will find later in the article.

Contents of

  • Do I need to drink vitamins during pregnancy?
  • Mineral substances and vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Omega-3 in pregnancy
  • Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
  • Dangers of calcium and iron deficiency in pregnancy
  • Vitamins in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
  • Vitamins in pregnancy: tips, reviews
  • Video: Vitamins and Pregnancy

Do I need to drink vitamins during pregnancy?

Many people think that the question of the vitamin needs of pregnant women should not be at all. The future mother and her baby need a complete complex. But if you treat his choice negligently, there is a risk of seriously harming the fetus. What are the pitfalls of taking vitamins during pregnancy?

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Often the choice of women in the position falls on multivitamins. It would seem that this is the right decision, because pharmacy complexes allow you to get all the elements necessary for healthy fetal development. However, when taking multivitamins, the expectant mother hardly takes into account the degree of lack of this or that component, the growth stage of the child, the season, etc. The vitamin complex contains the amount of substances needed by to an adult person every day. It is designed for adult human .

Vitamins, which will not rework the body of a pregnant woman, through the umbilical cord will reach the fetus. Such chaotic saturation of the child with elements is fraught with premature aging of the placenta, that is, its dysfunction. And at the same time, Multivitamins contain vitamin E, C, A, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, necessary for pregnancy.

To find the golden mean, to accept or not to take multivitamin complexes, because they contain the necessary microelements for fetal formation, experts still recommend pregnant women to take natural ( not to be confused with artificial) multivitamins for children .

IMPORTANT: The organism of the expectant mother should not be deficient in any nutrients. Even with a balanced and nutritious diet, the expectant mother needs an additional intake of natural vitamins and microelements , which are made from plant food components and are meant for children, not for adults.

Especially natural multivitamin complexes for children are needed:

  • for women with a poor diet;
  • for women who before pregnancy experienced acute shortage of a vitamin;
  • to mating females who had previously lost a child, or they had pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • pregnant women, whose age has passed for 30 years.
    In winter, their presence in the list of compulsory drugs is explained by the vitamin deficiency of the future mother, because the stale vegetables and fruits are not as useful as in the season of their ripening. In summer, it is better for a woman to take care of enough fresh raw vegetables on the menu to provide the child with the required substances.

Admission of pharmacological drugs should be reduced to specific vitamins, the deficit of which will be revealed after the examination in the clinic.

IMPORTANT: Before using any complexes and individual vitamins, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Mineral substances and vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Vitamin B9 , otherwise referred to as by folic acid , physicians are classified as a critical element in planning and in the first phase of gestation. It is recommended to take it during pregnancy planning, so that the body at the time of conception, was saturated with folic acid.

Under the influence of a vitamin, the following phenomena occur in the body:

  • cells multiply more intensively, which has a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of the fetal egg;
  • correctly passes the child's genetic code to the child;
  • develops the placenta;
  • a woman gets protection from miscarriage and a stiff pregnancy;
  • synthesizes hemoglobin, with the participation of which the delivery of oxygen to the fetus;
  • forms the neural tube of the embryo - the rudiment of the baby's brain.

IMPORTANT: Folic acid deficiency can cause anemia of the pregnant woman, malformations of the child's brain.

The amount of vitamin B9 in 100 g of product and the approximate percentage of the daily requirement of a pregnant woman.

The daily volume of vitamin B9 trimester is 400-800 μg. A specific dosage is determined by a gynecologist, an independent definition of the norm is unacceptable. Folic acid enters the body with food( liver, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lentils, flour products).

Green tea does not contribute to the absorption of vitamin B9 , which means that the combinations of these products should be discarded. In a similar way, Biseptol medicine works, gynecologists forbid its use during pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Folic acid is poorly absorbed from food. Get the necessary amount of food is not possible, so doctors recommend to fill it with pills.

Pharmacies offer such drugs as " 9 months folic acid ", " Mamifol ", " Folic acid ", etc. Each contains a different dosage of the vitamin B9 , so the one that appointswoman doctor based on the results of the survey.

Also necessary for the formation of a healthy nervous, hormonal, digestive system of the fetus is the complex of vitamins group B( B6, B1,)

Omega-3 in pregnancy

. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is the second most important for the formation of the fetus. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences , the deficiency of consumption of omega-3 in most of the child and adult population of Russia is about 80% of .

IMPORTANT: But Omega-3 is involved in the formation of the brain and retina of the eye in a child, as well as healthy blood vessels.

The results of a 15-year study conducted in the UK showed that mothers who used Omega-3 before and during pregnancy gave birth to children with higher mental intelligence.

Omega-3 is found in fatty marine deep-sea fish, and linseed oil, cold pressed, in which the Omega-3 is destroyed by light and heat. And after the destruction, the oil becomes filled with carcinogens.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to take Omega-3 before the pregnancy, throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Products that contain Omega-3

Vitamin E is valuable before conception. He controls the timely production of female sex hormones. At the initial stages of gestation, the daily norm of this element is 15 mg. This is an extremely important vitamin in the first trimester, because it is responsible for the development of the placenta and does not allow the female body to perceive the embryo as a foreign body and to tear it away.

You can get vitamin E with any vegetable oils, herbs, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, peas. Less substances contain meat and dairy products, chicken eggs. Take vitamin E is recommended together with vitamin C with - ascorbic acid or in the diet include enough fresh fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamin C .

Vitamin A is necessary for a woman before conception in the volume of 5000 IU per day. His rate in the early stages of pregnancy is reduced by half. Exceeding this figure is fraught with malformations of the heart and nervous system in the fetus. A woman with increased doses will feel sluggish, sleepy. It is also possible to increase hunger or the appearance of nausea.

With the participation of vitamin A, bone tissue, the visual apparatus and the nervous system are formed. Therefore, its shortage is fatal, like an overdose.

The element can be found in apricots, peaches, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, dairy products, liver.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble element, therefore for its assimilation, fats that can be obtained with food are required.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Remain the same as in the first trimester.

Iodine is important during the entire gestation period, but its importance is acquired in the second trimester. Iodine monitors the functioning of the thyroid gland as a mother and a child. The hormones that synthesize the thyroid stimulate the metabolism of the fetus and the growth of the baby. With the participation of the microelement, the skeleton is strengthened and the child's mental development is carried out.

The lack of iodine causes a malfunction in the women's metabolic processes, which is why it begins to gain weight. For a future mother, iodine deficiency is also a risk of dysfunction in the thyroid gland, which leads to the appearance of goiter. For a child, a micronutrient deficiency is dangerous for slowing development. The absence of iodine can cause an abortion.

The element's rate is 250 mg per day. In Russia, iodine deficiency is a common phenomenon, so in addition to eating products with it, doctors recommend taking iodine in tablets additionally. The microelement is found in seafood, sea salt, as well as food, which indicates that it is enriched with iodine.

IMPORTANT: Iodine is destroyed by heating, so products with its content should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Dangers of lack of calcium and iron during pregnancy

Calcium is the most important element for creating bone tissue and baby teeth. In addition, it is necessary for the proper formation of the endocrine system of the fetus and its kidneys. Calcium is needed for proper blood coagulation and reduction of muscle tissue. The micronutrient deficiency will slow the development of the skeleton of the baby, and will also make the mother's porous and weak bones.

Daily calcium intake is 1500 mg. The element is found in low-fat sour-milk products, vegetable food. Getting enough calcium from food is quite difficult. Doctors are advised to refer to preparations with its content, such as Calcemin, Calcemin Advance, Vitrum Osteomag.

IMPORTANT: Fat inhibits calcium absorption, so you can not combine fatty foods with this trace element. Prevents the assimilation and chocolate desserts, coffee, drinks with gas. It contributes to the absorption of the vitamin D element, which is why many manufacturers of synthetic trace elements combine these two substances in one preparation.

Iron is a constituent element of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transportation of oxygen to the tissues and organs of the mother and child. If there is a lack of a microelement, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation. In these conditions, the development of anemia of pregnant women is possible.

For the full nutrition of the baby, the organism of the future mother creates more blood approximately per liter. For the formation of this liter, the presence of iron in sufficient volume is also important.

Iron is also needed for protein synthesis, which is involved in the structure of the child's muscles. Deficiency of the element increases the risk of tonus of the uterus.

A lot of iron contains meat, in particular turkey, rabbit, young beef, pork. From plant foods, the element is absorbed extremely poorly, so when calculating the volume of the substance to be obtained, emphasis should not be placed on vegetables and fruits.

The daily iron norm for a pregnant woman is 30 mg, provided that the pregnancy is correct. According to the survey, a doctor can prescribe to a future mother preparations with elevated iron content. Especially it concerns women who experienced a serious lack of a microelement before pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin C contributes to good assimilation of iron. But copper and zinc prevent this process, so it is worthwhile to refrain from using these elements together. Too much iron in the body can cause depletion of zinc stocks.

Vitamins in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Remain the same as in the first two trimesters, except for calcium.

Calcium in the third trimester should be reduced and after 32 weeks no further calcium should be taken, and should not be influenced by products with a high content of calcium. Otherwise, the bones of the child will be firm, not elastic, and this will make it difficult to move along the generic paths.

Vitamin C strengthens the body's immune mechanisms. Be careful when using it. Too much ascorbic acid will cause increased filtration of this element in the placenta. Thus, an overdose is fraught with the fact that the child will not get a vitamin at all. Lack of vitamin will disrupt the structure of the membranes of the fetal egg and the growth of the placenta. It is necessary to strictly observe the daily volume, which is 100 mg.

Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits, which, however, are potent allergens, so doctors do not advise them to consume before delivery. It is worth paying attention to such sources of the vitamin as potatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, greens, currant berries.

Vitamin D , important for the growth and development of bone tissue of the baby, is almost not part of the food. You can get it from sunlight during a walk or sunbathing. In summer this will be enough to make up for the lack of vitamin D in the body. In winter, doctors will prescribe drugs with the content of the element. The daily dose of vitamin D is 400 IU.

At the 3 stage of gestation, in addition to the listed vitamins, it is important to continue taking iron and vitamin A .

Vitamins for Pregnancy: tips, reviews

When choosing vitamins, many expectant mothers decide to purchase multivitamin complexes for adults .If you treat this process lightly, you can get a shortage or an overdose of various elements, because each complex contains a different number of them. In this case it is better to trust the competent opinion and visit a doctor for individual selection of vitamins.

IMPORTANT: The appointment of a complex of vitamins and trace elements occurs according to a survey of a pregnant woman, during which a lack of specific substances and possible risks in the development of pregnancy.

Video: Vitamins and Pregnancy

  • May 07, 2018
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