Many parents notice that their child after treatment of a certain viral disease still continues to cough. This symptom, although not so dangerous, requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the pathology can develop into a more serious disease and cause a number of complications. Why does not the cough go away?

When he tortured a cough with phlegm, this article will tell you what to do.


  • 1 Reasons
    • 1.1 If 1-2-3 weeks do not pass
    • 1.2 If the month does not pass
  • 2 What to do
    • 2.1 The disease does not recede
    • 2.2 If accompanied with phlegm
    • 2.3 Does not pass in infants
    • 2.4 Ifdoes not pass after a cold
    • 2.5 After pneumonia

Causes of

Factors affecting the formation of a protracted cough, there are many. To determine the cause is very important, since without this criterion it is simply impossible to prescribe effective therapy, and to eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

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dry cough in a child does not last long

If 1-2-3 weeks do not pass

When a cough disturbs the baby for 2 h.weeks, this may indicate the presence of:

  • influenza;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia. inflammation of the lungs in a child

Of course, in medicine, there are other serious pathologies that result in a prolonged and intense cough. The child's organism can sometimes not overcome the main disease independently, therefore, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor.

From this article you can find out how to treat bronchitis and coughing in an adult.

The presence of a cough for 2 weeks may indicate an untreated cold. As a rule, this symptom is accompanied by the departure of thick sputum. Therapy should be aimed at dilution and removal of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract. But there are cases when coughing takes 2 years, in this case, urgently seek medical attention.

If the month does not pass

Such bacteria as mycoplasma and pneumocystis can provoke a protracted cough. Often these microorganisms unite and affect the child's body with a double force. As a result, his body temperature rises, he sweats heavily, and cough catches him at night, preventing sleep.

The reason for a protracted cough for more than 4 weeks may be hiding in the presence of fungi - Candida. But this is very rare. Breasts suffer from this symptom due to cytomegalovirus. The most dangerous terrible cause of an aging cough is tuberculosis. But in children, he is also rarely diagnosed, because most often small patients are grafted from this insidious disease.

For what reason there is a dry paroxysmal cough at night and before going to bed, is told in the article.

The video tells what to do in a child for a long time does not go through a dry cough:

If there is one of the presented reasons, this has a very negative effect on the quality of life of the baby. If the examination is incorrect, the child may develop pneumonia.

What to do

Treatment for a protracted cough should be complex. Often to combat the disease can involve medication, folk treatment, gymnastics, massage. The treatment plan can be made only by the attending physician.

When viscous mucus in the nasopharynx causes a cough, it is worth reading this article.

The disease does not recede the child does not have a cough

If the cough does not go away, the first thing to do is to settle the cough center, which affects the child's poor health at night. For these purposes, the baby should be given an antitussive medication, according to the age of the patient. This treatment has a calming effect and brings the child considerable relief. The duration of therapy should be as long as it takes to eliminate all the symptoms of the disease.

If a dry cough is to be eliminated in older children, the pediatrician prescribes lollipops or lozenges for absorption.

When the sore throat, cough, but no temperature, it is worth reading this article, in order to understand what to do.

In addition, alternative methods can overcome dry cough. With their regular use it is possible to alleviate the condition of the baby. Popular are:

  1. Natural buckwheat honey - take in the amount of a dessert spoon for resorption.
  2. Warm raspberry tea - allows you to permanently eliminate dry, excruciating cough.

If accompanied with sputum

In the treatment of wet( wet) cough in children, it is very important to achieve an effect in which the sputum evacuation will be easy. When using medicines, it is worth using mucolytics. Their goal - the formation of the necessary amount of mucus. Also it is necessary to take expectorant medications, to which include Doctor Mom, Pectusin, Solutan. Doctor for cough treatment in children

Medicines based on herbs should be used with extreme caution, because there is the possibility of forming allergies. Synthetic drugs are more effective and help reduce the viscosity of even very dense sputum.

What to do when a child has a runny nose without coughing and fever, you can learn from this article.

It is prohibited to use antitussive medicines for the treatment of wet cough. If you suppress a cough, then this only complicates the disease, because the result of treatment will be subsidence of sputum.

The duration of drug treatment depends on how quickly the recovery phase comes. As a rule, this is the period when the baby can cough up independently at the time of active movements.

In infants, sputum is much more active if you rub the breasts and back with neat massaging movements. With this external effect on the lungs and bronchi, it is possible to achieve rapid mucus clearance in infants during the allergy period.

Does not pass in infants

During treatment of infants, the room in which it is located should be well moistened. For these purposes, it is worth using wet towels, which should be placed on batteries. The necessary level of humidity can be achieved with a special device. His work is aimed at fixing and creating a given humidity in the room.

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult and what medicines thus to apply, it is possible to learn or find out from clause or article.

A medication used to treat cough in children should facilitate the sputum liquefaction and release it to the outside. All medications used should have expectorant action and the ability to reduce the density of sputum in the bronchi. If coughing in a baby is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, then it is worth using medicines based on natural ingredients: plantain, honey, althea, essential oils. The best in this case drugs are Gedelix and Prospan.

How to cure a cough with teething, you can learn from the article.

The video tells what to do if the baby does not get a cough:

If it does not pass after a cold

When treating post-infection cough, it is worth using plant-based extracts. Also, inhalation, warming, compresses and therapeutic gymnastics have a positive effect on wet cough. Such drugs have an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect. In addition, it is possible to reduce the mucosal edema.

This article describes how to treat asthmatic cough.

a cold at the child obligatory address to the doctor

The healing effect is provided by warming compresses on the basis of lard, badger fat, ointments with a warming effect, which contain essential oils. It is necessary to treat the area of ​​the chest or foot with the selected composition, wrap it with wax paper and put on warm socks

After pneumonia

If there is a lingering cough after pneumonia, the treatment should be aimed at facilitating or completely eliminating cough. Make it real only in the case of a painful, dry cough that adversely affects the immunity of the child.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough, you can find out by reading the article.

Therapy includes the following medicines:

  • antitussive - Suspend the cough reflex;
  • expectorant - reduce the density of sputum and discharge it out of the respiratory tract;
  • mucolytic - facilitate the output of phlegm, diluting it. pneumonia in a child

All the treatment methods presented are considered very effective in eliminating a protracted cough in a child. But, despite this, they can only be used after agreeing all the actions with the doctor. Remember that you will achieve maximum effect only if you eliminate the cause of cough formation.