Sneezing and snot in a child are common phenomena that do not cause parents much surprise. But when these symptoms are accompanied by a cough, it can be safely noted that it is a cold. The next day the baby may have fever, chills and other unpleasant symptoms.

But not always snot and sneezing are accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, parents should know the main causes of the pathological condition in order to react in time and alleviate the child's condition.


  • 1 reasons
    • 1.1 If increased
    • 1.2 temperatures without
  • 2 temperature How to treat
    • 2.1 Steam Bath
    • 2.2 Herbal
    • 2.3 Essential oils
    • 2.4 Wraps
    • 2.5 Opinion Komarovsky


If increased

temperature Mosttotal sneezing occurs in the child for the same reasons as in the adult. But only for the baby such a symptom indicates that there is a clearing of the nasopharynx from the accumulated mucus. Still newborn babies sneeze very often during the feeding period. And this is due to the fact that the Eustachian pipe has not yet been improved. During feeding in the nasopharynx, tickling forms, which leads to the formation of a sneeze.

instagram viewer

Another influence on the development of sneezing and runny nose with fever may be the following:

  • allergy;baby sneezes and snot
  • cold;
  • ARVI;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations.

When sneezing and runny nose does not occur for the reasons indicated above, it is a natural process, and it only benefits the body. After all, in the process of sneezing, the baby's nip is cleaned from various pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the cleansing process effectively evacuates the concentrated mucus, because such babies can not blow their noses up.

Without temperature

baby sneezes without temperature

There are situations when the baby sneezes, he has mucus from the nose, but the temperature does not go up. Most often this occurs as a result of the body's response to the stimuli that have come in.

In addition to sneezing, the child is noted nasal congestion, headache, weakness and excessive sweating. This kind of symptomatology is often formed on tobacco smoke, household chemicals and perfumes. A distinctive feature of this condition is the absence of inflammation in the mucosa.

If sneezing and runny nose without fever, this may be the result of prolonged use of drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Similar symptomatology arises from injuries to the nose, the penetration of a foreign object, or the curvature of the nasal septum.

How to treat

If a child sneezes and runny nose are associated with nasal congestion, then it is possible to ease breathing with the help of vasoconstrictive drops. This includes Nazol and Nazivin ( and here are some analogues of Nazivin for children that are described in this article).



Drip them better before going to bed or feeding. But applying them for longer than 7 days is prohibited, as the addiction develops. In addition to the medications used, there are a number of proven folk remedies that help to relieve the condition of crumbs and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Steam bath

inhalation for a child

This therapeutic manipulation today refers to inhalation, but only instead of nebulizer it is necessary to use deep capacity. It is necessary to take in equal quantities such herbs as bark of oak, mint, chamomile, currant leaves, raspberries, coltsfoot, eucalyptus. At 40 grams of collection is 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 5 minutes, and then let the crumb breathe in pairs. Remove the first symptoms of colds effectively by inhalation with potatoes.

Such inhalations are effective in treating the initial stage of the cold. But only apply this method to children who are already 1 year old, since hot air can lead to the development of a mucous burn.

Herbal bath

herbal bath for children

For its preparation you need to take such herbs as leaves of birch, calendula, yarrow and sage. To create a regular bath, you need to take a collection in the amount of 50-60 g. Immerse the child in water and keep it no longer than 15 minutes. The water temperature should be 36-38 degrees.

A similar bath can also be prepared for the legs, when the baby has a runny nose. But here it is necessary to take needles of fir or pine. The kid should dip his feet in the container and keep them there for 15-20 minutes. The water temperature should be 38-40 degrees.

suckling and cough without fever What to do when a baby has a snot and a cough without fever, and what medications should be used, is described in this article.

Why the child has green snot and nasal congestion, and what remedies can be gotten rid of it, is described in this article.

What treatment for nasal congestion without a nozzle is the most effective and how to do it at home, is described in this article: http: // detskoe-zdorove-g / zalozhennost-nosa-u-rebenka-bez-soplej.html

How is the treatment of green snotat children, and what medicines the most effective, is in detail described in this article.

Essential oils

When the baby has the first signs of a cold, he sneezes, then you can use essential oils for inhalations. Produce them to a child who is not yet a year old, can not. You need to put the oil on a cotton swab and put it in a baby cot. But for older children, oil should be sent to a nebulizer. And here's how to use the essential oil of thuja in adenoids, described in this article.

Wraps of

ointment Doctor Mom

If there is an initial stage of a cold, then you can use such a method of therapy as wrapping. Perform it is using medicinal natural preparations. Most often it is ointment Dr. Mom.

The area of ​​the chest and back is treated with the treated agent, and then put on a cotton T-shirt. The body is wrapped tightly with a woolen kerchief. Now you can put the baby to sleep. In most cases, sneezing and snot leave the baby the next day. It also manages to overcome the cold at the initial stage in 1-2 days.

If the crumb is not yet a year, then you can use rubbing, then for this purpose such products are suitable:

  • vegetable oils,
  • beeswax,
  • essential oils( mint, cypress, lavender).

This kind of manipulation has an effective bactericidal effect. But this is provided that the cold is at an early stage.

Komarovsky's opinion

Doctor Komarovsky advises parents in addition to identifying the cause of the described symptomatology, creating comfort conditions for normal breathing and sleeping.

For this Komarovsky suggests using these tips:

  1. The temperature regime in the room should not exceed 18-20 degrees.
  2. The humidity level of the children's room is 50-70%.
  3. Every day, it is necessary to fill the child's room with fresh air and carry out the procedure for humidifying the air. Nasal edema and secreted mucus from it, which are not associated with a cold disease, may occur due to dry air during the activation of central heating.

On video, the child has a snot, Komarovsky's opinion:

To cure a runny nose of a viral origin, creating comfortable conditions will not be enough. Komarovsky argues that the mucus arising from the nose is a protective reaction to the penetration of the virus. Thus, the mucous membrane does not allow infection to enter the nasopharynx and bronchi. As a result, active mucus production takes place, which serves to kill bacteria and viruses.

You may also be interested in learning how to treat thick yellow snot in a child, and what medicines are the most effective.

Why a child's snot flows like water, and what medications help to get rid of this problem, will help to understand this information.

How to look and how to cure brown snot from the nose, very detailed in this article.

Komarovsky said that in addition to drug therapy made by a doctor, parents should ensure that the baby's mucous membrane does not dry out when it starts to breathe through the mouth. The fact is that the formed mucus becomes dense and easily falls into the bronchi and lungs, and this is already fraught with the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.

To prevent the mucous from becoming dry, give the baby as much drink as possible. Here it is necessary to include compote, tea with lemon. The room should also have a normal level of humidity. Komarovsky also advises parents to moisturize the nose with the help of special means. Their task is to dilute the mucus and contribute to its early evacuation. For these purposes, most commonly used saline, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

It should be dripped 3-4 drops in each nasal passage. For infants are excellent drug Ekeritsid. When it was made, an oily liquid was used. It is used to treat the nasal mucosa and does not allow it to dry out. Komarovsky also advises us to use various oils with a curative effect: tea, vaseline and olive oil.

Sniffing and sneezing in a child is not necessarily a symptom of a cold. There are a number of reasons for this problem. The task of parents is to find this cause and direct all efforts to eliminate it. If the snot and sneezing arose against the background of a cold, then without the help of a doctor it is indispensable.