Acute pharyngitis( code of J02) is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process on the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Occurs in adults in acute and chronic form. The first one is characterized by a more vivid clinical picture and a clearly expressed symptomatology. It develops most often simultaneously with respiratory diseases or after such.


  • 1 forms of acute pharyngitis
  • 2 Possible causes and predisposing factors
    • 2.1 risk group
  • 3 first signs and
  • 4 Symptoms Diagnosis
  • 5 Treatments
    • 5.1 Medicines
    • 5.2 Folk remedies and medicines
  • 6 Possible consequences and complications
  • 7 Video

forms of acute pharyngitis

than to treat acute pharyngitis in adultsThe main sign of classification of acute pharyngitis in adults is an inflammation pathogen. Distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  • bacterial;
  • is viral;
  • fungal;
  • is allergic;
  • is traumatic.

Important! In addition, pharyngitis, which developed after excessive consumption of alcohol, exposure to harmful substances from the environment - cigarette smoke, chemicals, dust, and exhaust gases - is singled out as a separate species.

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Depending on the location of the inflammation diagnose:

  • Acute pharyngitis - inflammation of only the posterior wall of the larynx;
  • pharyngutzillitis - if a similar process occurs in the tissues of the palatine tonsils.

The infectiousness of the disease is determined by the pathogen. If these are viruses, fungi or bacteria that are transmitted by airborne or otherwise, the patient should limit his communication with others after diagnosis. When forced contact is desirable to use protective dressings or masks.

But to find out more about whether pharyngitis is contagious or not, you can from this article.

Possible causes and predisposing factors

The cause of each form of acute pharyngitis are different groups of microorganisms:

  • Bacteria - streptococci, Neisseria, mycoplasma, chlamydia.
  • Viruses - rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, cytomegalovirus, parainfluenza virus type PG 1-3, influenza viruses A, B, C.

Important! It is very rare, but still possible the development of acute pharyngitis in adults against the background of the multiplication in the body of such viruses as HSV, HIV, RSV, Enterovirus, EBV, HIV.

Causes of development of other forms of acute pharyngitis in adults: Acute pharyngitis treatment with antibiotics

  1. Subcooling.
  2. Reduced protective immunity functions.
  3. Close contact with a patient with ARI.What to do.when there is no runny nose after ARVI, you can learn from this article.
  4. Stay in the environment of chemical stimuli.
  5. Long-term inhalation of dust, gas or cool air.
  6. Distribution of other infectious diseases of adjacent organs - paranasal sinuses, palatine tonsils, teeth, nose.

Risk group

Factors contributing to reducing the resistance of the body to various kinds of adverse effects:

  • individual structure of the gastrointestinal tract and / or pharynx;
  • improper use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • smoking;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • a long stay in hot dry air;
  • shortness of breath through the nose, which causes inhaling and exhaling through the mouth;
  • insufficient amount in the body of vitamin A;
  • disruptions in the work of the endocrine glands;
  • cardiac, renal, hepatic, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Acute pharyngitis may not appear immediately after contact with the carrier of pathogens or other adverse effects on the body. The incubation period can last several days.

First signs and symptoms of

The initial stage of the inflammatory process is characterized by such primary symptoms:

  • dryness of mucous pharynx;
  • Pershing;
  • strongly pronounced painful sensations when swallowing, which grow and transform into constant pain.
Acute pharyngitis photo of throat

Sore throat, general weakness, fever - the first signs of acute pharyngitis

At the acute stage of the disease, patients experience a severe malaise, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • sore throat, giving off in the ears;Whether and it is possible to heat a throat at a tonsillitis, it is specified in given clause or article.
  • desire to drink constantly, as swallowing saliva without food or liquid causes great pain;
  • appearance of plaque on throat tissues;
  • dry cough;How to get rid of dry cough in the morning, is indicated in this article.
  • stuffiness of the ears;
  • tenderness of the neck and jaws due to an increase in the size of submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • general weakness;
  • rise in temperature to 38 degrees;
  • signs of body intoxication - possibly dizziness, gag reflex, noise in the ears and head, sensation of pressure on the eyes, rash on the skin;
  • muscle pain.

Important! Signs of pharyngitis in adults can be present both in the full complex of all the above changes in the body, and selectively. These are determined by the degree and complexity of the form of the disease.


how to treat acute pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis is easily diagnosed already at the first admission of a specialist

. Before starting to examine the patient, a competent doctor will necessarily get to know the complaints and lifestyle of a person in the last few days( whether: hypothermia, contact with ARI patients,adverse environment, etc.).

The throat is examined with a pharyngoscope, during which it is determined:

  • a change in the shade of mucosal tissues - the presence and intensity of redness;
  • degree of mucosal looseness;
  • presence of "granules" and plaque on the pharynx;
  • the standard or increased size of palatine tonsils.

Depending on the expected form of acute pharyngitis based on the findings, a specialist can prescribe or take an analysis for the determination of the flora( smear) and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Methods of treatment

treatment of acute pharyngitis in adults Treatment of acute form of pharyngitis in adults is carried out according to the scheme of complex therapy. It includes:

  1. Diet - is not recommended for eating cold and hot meals with a high acid content, sharp and salty seasonings, carbonated drinks and alcohol based.
  2. Local laryngeal cavity treatment :
    • irrigation with sprays and rinsing solutions with antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic action;
    • resorption of special tablets containing components for softening tissues, stopping inflammation, anesthesia.
  3. Administration of drugs that increase the activity of the immune system. This group includes vitamin complexes, immunomodulators of plant and synthetic origin.

Depending on what signs are accompanied by acute pharyngitis in an adult, and a specific form of the clinical picture, in addition can be prescribed antitussive, antihistamines, antiviral drugs and antibiotics.


Acute pharyngitis symptoms and treatment Good results on restoration of laryngeal tissues with acute pharyngitis showed such medications:

  1. Tablets for resorption of - Strepsils, Faryngosept, Septotelet, Grammidine, Sebedin, Neo-angin.
  2. Spray for irrigation - Ingalipt, Geksoral, Stopangin, Yoks.
  3. Antibiotics:
    • of local action - "Bioparox";
    • penicillin group - "Amoxicillin" how to take with genyantritis, is indicated in this article."Phenoxymethylpenicillin", "Benzylpenicillin";
    • lincosamides - "Clindamycin", "Lincomycin";
    • macrolide - "Spiramycin", "Azithromycin", "Erythromycin", "Clarithromycin", "Roskitromycin";
    • cephalosporin group - "Ceftriaxone", "Cefadroxil".

Acute pharyngitis treatment with antibiotics The course of antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor. The preparations are selected in such a way that a wide spectrum of action appears with a slow absorption of the active substances into the mucous membranes. Additional aspects - hypoallergenic, non-toxic. Indications for the selection of a suitable preparation for the treatment of acute pharyngitis in adults are:

  • a long period of the inflammatory process;
  • lack of positive dynamics in a specific period of therapeutic measures with the intake of less aggressive drugs;
  • development of purulent otitis media, obstructive bronchitis, bacterial sore throat;
  • risk of developing pneumonia;
  • continued fever for more than 2 days;
  • fever does not drop to normal after 6 days.

Folk remedies and medications

how to treat acute pharyngitis

Mortar of sea salt - decades-proven folk remedy for sore throat

Some folk remedies can also have a positive effect on recovery. In acute pharyngitis in adults, the following are considered suitable:

  • a combination of milk and iodine;
  • solutions based on liqueurs of propolis, sage, chamomile, plantain, thyme, calendula;
  • syrup based on garlic juice and honey;
  • solution of sea salt;
  • steam from potato broth.

very sore throat painful swallow than cure

It hurts my throat painfully to swallow than to heal, you can learn from this article.

How does the throat look like in a sore throat, you can see after reading this article.

The ear throat hurts from the left side, what to do with it, is indicated here: http: // simptomy-g / bolit-uxo-gorlo-s-odnoj-storony.html

It is possible to achieve a curative effect in the case when folk andmedical means are applied simultaneously.

But it is necessary to conduct such procedures with a clear schedule, not more often than there is a need. Otherwise, there will be more harm than the benefits of too much inadequate therapy.

Possible consequences and complications of

Than pharyngitis is dangerous if it is not treated? In the absence of proper therapy or a prolonged course of the disease, acute pharyngitis can cause such adverse effects as:

  • acute forms of inflammation of adjacent organs - tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • chronic form of pharyngitis.


In this video, the doctor will tell you what to do if you have acute pharyngitis:

Acute pharyngitis is an extremely unpleasant disease. To prevent inflammation of the pharynx, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up harmful habits, properly organize your diet, immediately begin treatment of acute lung forms of any diseases of the nasopharynx. In the period of increased risk of infection( winter, off-season) take preventive measures - take a course of multivitamin preparations to increase your body's defenses.