Respiratory diseases are more common than others, especially in the off-season. Sometimes we even do not attach importance to ourselves, when unclear discharges appear from the nose. They can be permanent, they can disappear and reappear. Runny nose brings discomfort, inconvenience, and sometimes serves as the root cause of other diseases. For example, for chronic otitis is a common cold - the first provoker of an exacerbation. And no matter how strong it is, it is enough that there is a slight gumminess and swelling in the sinus.

Therefore, I want to get rid of an uninvited "neighbor" in the nose. Runny nose in primary stages is not dangerous and in the home arsenal there is quite enough "weapon", capable to stop its development in one or two days.

Forms and stages of the disease

  • 1 Forms and stages of the disease
  • 2 First signs
  • 3 Methods of rapid treatment
    • 3.1 Medications
    • 3.2 Folk remedies
  • 4 Probable complications
  • 5 Video
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Forms and stages of the disease

Cure a cold and runny nose quickly

If there is no timely treatment, the rhinitis may develop into sinusitis

Rhinitis is called inflammationin the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. It can be of two forms: chronic and acute. Chronic form develops on the background of an untreated or untreated acute rhinitis. The acute form appears suddenly, develops several hours under the influence of a pathogenic factor.

Coryza can be transformed into sinusitis, but this will take time. Before it, it must go through three stages:

  1. reflex .It arises sharply, causing a strong narrowing and widening of the vessels in the nasal sinus. Allocations are watery;
  2. catarrhal .Usually occurs in a few days on the basis of infection. Allocations become thick, cloudy;But what are the symptoms of catarrhal rhinitis, indicated in this article.
  3. the final stage of .The general condition is normal, respiration is partially restored. Allocations are green or yellow.

In the absence of effective treatment, usually after a couple of weeks, the genyantritis itself may appear. It is recommended to numb the signs of a cold from the first day of appearance.

The first signs of

how can you quickly cure a cold Rhinitis is not inclined to be aggressive and at first does not cause much concern. Watery discharge appears, even more similar to plain water. A person feels quite normal the first day. On the second day, there is stuffiness, difficulty breathing.

More detailed symptomatology depends on what is caused by rhinitis. If it is an allergic form, there will be lacrimation, sneezing, itching.

If the nature is cold or viral, there may be a temperature, a headache, a buzzing in the head. There will be soreness in the frontal lobes, a sense of weakness. Here the common cold itself is only one of the symptoms.

Methods of rapid treatment


Cure a runny nose in a couple of days is possible, but only if the treatment is started on the same day . Catarrh usually appears as a reaction to sudden hypothermia. The fastest way to stop the development of rhinitis is a hot bath with the addition of mustard.

treatment of catarrhal otitis in adults What is the treatment of catarrhal otitis in an adult, you can learn from the article.

How is treatment of catarrhal sinus, you can learn from the article.

How to cure bilateral catarrhal sinusitis, is specified here in the article: http: // bolezni-n /gajmorit/ kataralnyj-gajmorit.html

But only right after coming home, otherwise there will be no result.
After the bath, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline solution with a normal syringe. Salt will clear the aisles, wash away from the mucous coating and disinfect. Then you can use any vasoconstrictor sprays or drops. Naphthyzine, Otrivin helps well.

A combination of physiotherapy in the form of a bath, nasal drops and hot tea with raspberries or honey for the night is a universal way to get up on the next morning.

Quite often this combination helps to kill the runny nose immediately. But take drops for 3-5 more days to fix the result and completely eliminate the puffiness. Do not forget to wash your nose.

how quickly to cure throat and runny nose

If you have an allergic rhinitis, you should immediately start taking antihistamines

. If you have an allergic rhinitis, then you must take antihistamines:

  1. Claritin;
  2. Diazolin;
  3. Suprastin. What to do when a dry cough for a long time does not pass, then Suprastin

helps. Any other antihistamine, which is more suitable for tolerability, is allowed. Allergic rhinitis also requires washing to release the aisles, otherwise mucus will simply displace the drops back. Drugs Naphthysine, Nazivin are effective at an acute stage of development. They remove the puffiness of the shell, minimizing the amount of mucus.

how quickly to cure a cold and cough But with a chronic form, vasoconstrictive drugs are dangerous and useless. How to treat chronic rhinitis? In the case of seasonal or sharp exacerbation of chronicles should drip such drugs as Allergoodil. Drops are eye and nasal, used once a day. As an option replacement Zirtekom or Fenistil. Important: every 4-6 months, cardinally change the drug as agreed with the allergist. With the right approach, it is possible to stop such rhinitis immediately and in the future to ease its condition during exacerbations.

If rhinitis is not an independent disease, but has become only one of the signs of a cold, then the treatment may last several days. In the worst case scenario, when the mucosa is infected with bacteria, a more serious approach will be required.

But the first stage of the common cold is just the case when folk medicine is very helpful.

Folk remedies

how to cure a runny nose at home quickly

Balm "Asterisk" - one of the effective folk remedies that works really fast

Runny nose in an adult is treated easier in the first stage, until the discharge has changed color. For the treatment of this rhinitis there are simple ways( the same tools can help to cure colds and coughs quickly):

  • rub the feet with "Star" balm for the night and put on socks;Whether an asterisk helps with a cold in pregnancy, you can find out by reading the article.
  • quickly cure runny nose in an adult pour into the socks for 1 tablespoon of dry mustard and leave until the morning;
  • heat the salt, pour into the pouch and warm the sinuses.

These methods work well to stop the runny nose quickly. It is highly recommended to make with a mustard foot bath. The water should be hot evenly so that it can hardly be tolerated. The duration of the bath from 15 minutes, do strictly before bed. If the rhinitis has just begun, there may be enough two leg warming to completely get rid of it. Mandatory condition: no temperature. In the presence of even insignificant, any warming up and physio procedures are dangerous progression and complications.

When starting a cold it is useful to make drops from onions or aloe, but necessarily on water or sea-buckthorn. Seabuckthorn is well used if it dries the mucous membrane. If it is not, you can completely replace it with vegetable oil.

Useful other folk recipes from the common cold, for example inhalations based on sage and chamomile broths. Excellent, if you combine these broths with eucalyptus or mint.

Probable complications of

how to cure a runny nose folk remedies quickly

The viral nature of rhinitis can affect the entire nasopharynx, descend into the bronchi, the lungs of

The probability of complications increases as the effective treatment is delayed. If you ignore the runny nose or if the home treatment does not give a result more than 10 days, this is a direct indication for a visit to an ENT doctor. An untreated rhinitis easily passes into a chronic form, signs of sinusitis, laryngitis appear. The viral nature of rhinitis can affect the entire nasopharynx, descend into the bronchi, the lungs.


Quick ways to treat the common cold at home in this video:

Runny nose is quite harmless, if you pay attention to it from the first day. If you are frozen on the street, especially with your feet, do not wait for it: take a hot bath right away. This almost magical means acts flawlessly, saving us from many things: colds, rhinitis, problems with the genitourinary system. And, probably, you do not need any medication for treatment.