Otitis is a disease that involves the presence of an inflammatory process that is concentrated in various parts of the ear. At an early stage of development, it is necessary to include ear drops and ointments into the treatment regimen. Very often, patients are prescribed a drug such as Anauran. It is produced in Italy, and it can be used to treat otitis media at home. Anauran are ear drops that serve for topical application.


  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Instruction for use
  • 3 Analogs
  • 4 Price
  • 5 Reviews

Indications for use

The development of the drug involved such components:

  • antibiotics that have a wide range of effects;
  • neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B;
  • is a local anesthetic of lidocaine.

In addition, there are a number of auxiliary components, which include:

  • glycerol,
  • propylene glycol,
  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • purified water.

A component such as neomycin sulfate is an antibiotic that successfully copes with staphylococcus, salmonella and other microorganisms. Due to the component under consideration, the preparation has ototoxicity, and a similar effect in local use can occur only after prolonged use.

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The next component, polymyxin B, refers to polypeptide antibiotics. Similarly, it has a wide range of effects, but it is not effective against streptococci, fungi and staphylococci. anauran for the ears

Is toxic, but poorly absorbed when topical use may be irritating. The presence of lidocaine in the drug makes it possible to stop pain, itching and have a quick therapeutic effect, which is observed for several hours.

Anauran is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • otitis externa( acute, chronic);
  • otitis media( chronic, acute);
  • purulent complications after the operation.

If a particularly severe infection is diagnosed, the therapy is performed using systemic antibiotics.

Instructions for use

instillation of drops into the ears

Before using the drops, you need to clear your ear canal. For these purposes, it is worth using a cotton ball with a small size, treated with hydrogen peroxide. He put in the ear for a couple of minutes, and then remove the cotton wool, and dry the ear.

You can also use special ears. They are located in the ear canal before using the drug. Thus, it is possible to prevent the drug from contact with the tympanic membrane, which is undesirable for Anauran.

The introduction of drops into the ear is carried out using a dispenser. But the patient's head needs to be tilted to one side. In doing so, pull the earlobe down and back. After the medication has been injected into the ear, you need to be in the accepted position for a couple of minutes. This will allow the most accurate penetration of the drug, because it is characterized by Maslenica consistency.

why lays the ears with a cold And that's why he lays his ears with a cold and what medicines are the most effective, will help to understand this article.

Why complications occur on the ears after angina are explained in great detail in this article.

And here are some drops in the ears of the otitis should be used, described in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ lechenie-u / kapli-pri-otite.html

But what antibiotic is better for otitis media is described in detail in this article.

You can also moisten the cotton swab with the drug and install it in your ear. This option is considered economical in terms of time, if the patient does not have the opportunity to lie down.

The drug Anauran is used topically, in the external ear canal, using a special pipette. Dosage for adults is 4-5 drops 2-4 times a day. But the children to apply the medicine on 2-3 drops 3 times a day. The specified dosage can be adjusted by the attending physician taking into account the severity of the pathological process. The duration of therapy should not exceed a week. As for the application during pregnancy, it is possible to use Anauran drops only in case of emergency.


There are no analogues in the composition of the Anauran drops. At the same time, there are a number of drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect.



This includes Otypax ( and how to correctly drop the otipax drops in your ears will help you understand this article) , Otofa ( and how to use Otofu with perforation of the eardrum is very detailed in this article) ,Auridexan .It should be noted that these drugs have different chemical composition. Consequently, they have differences in pharmacodynamics and indications for use.

Otypax has an anesthetic effect, so it is not worth using when treating diseases that have arisen due to pathogenic microflora, and those who want more detailed information about the drops, it is worth reading the instructions for use in this article. But Otofa on the contrary, has only an antibacterial effect.




You can buy Anauran in any pharmacy without a prescription. Its cost is 297 rubles.

But what is the price of drops in the ears for otitis and which ones to choose, is described in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what drops in the ears with the stuffiness of the ear is worth using.


  • Irina, 24 years old: "When I was sick with otitis, Anauran drops helped me a lot. Thanks to them for a short time I managed to stop the inflammatory process, which accelerated the process of recovery. With otitis I had severe pain, and there was also a liquid of purulent character. But after a 3-day application of drops, all these symptoms began to go away. The pain arose only in the evening and that was not long and not strong. But before dripping the solution into the ear, it is necessary to properly clean the ear canal. The fact is that the medicine has an oily consistency, so it is best to penetrate into the affected area if there are no obstacles on its way. "
  • Anna, 46 years old: "With the help of drops Anauran my granddaughter was treated with otitis media. I did not think that this disease will bring so much pain and anguish. The baby did not sleep at night, ate badly and even began to hear badly in one ear. When we came to the reception, the doctor appointed an adequate treatment, in which we found the drops Anauran. These drops helped us a lot, because with their help we managed to reduce pain, swelling and accelerate the process of recovery. After a couple of days of application, the child's condition improved, she began to behave more actively, and her hearing normalized. "
  • Anastasia, 32 years old : "With the help of Anauran drops, I was able to regain hearing and quickly cure otitis. It is good that the disease was in the form of a process and did not have time to move into a chronic one. Of course, the sensations are not pleasant. Severe pain, purulent discharge, dizziness, fever. To help me get rid of the symptoms and improve the condition was able to only complex therapy, which included the drops Anauran. I applied them for 7 days, although the improvement came earlier. In addition to removing the inflammation, drops also stop the pain, which does not allow to fully engage in their own affairs. "

Anauran is an effective remedy for otitis treatment. It can be used by both children and adults. The composition of the drug is selected in such a way that a complex effect is achieved. This allows you to stop inflammation, destroy pathogenic microorganisms and ease the condition.