With what girls wear a down jacket

Down jackets are currently the most common outerwear for winter. Their variations are many, it is unlikely you will find down jackets of such a cut that would be new. Of this abundance, any girl can make a choice, but under the chosen model it is still necessary to choose a wardrobe, especially footwear and accessories.

  • Items of the
  • wardrobe With what footwear to wear
  • With what headgear

Items of the wardrobe

The choice of clothes directly depends on the style of the model and the materials from which the puffs are made. The style is selected based on the data of the figure. For slender girls fit fashionable short down jackets. Under them, almost any clothing winter wardrobe. Especially well suited are classic trousers, tight jeans, a pencil skirt just below the knee, boots, ankle boots, simple boots with a high bootleg.

It is better for women to wear down jackets below their knees.

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Such classic models help visually lengthen the figure, making it more slender and hiding the completeness. These styles are better to wear with classic cut trousers and shoes on a low and stable heel, with dresses of different lengths.

Women's down jackets from shiny fabric are popular. They are worn with short or medium length pleated skirts of dense fabric with black or calm colors pants.

Popular down jackets of pastel and beige tones must be combined with jeans or pants of classic cut of dark or light shades.

If you like short or long down jacket-sleeveless jackets, choose a large knitted sweater, a sweater dress, a jumper, jeans, a long skirt or soft corduroy trousers.

For a down jacket with a wide belt suitable wide pants of soft wool.

You can choose almost any palette for the black puff.

Bright down jackets of saturated shades, variegated, red, blue or with prints, depending on the style, look great with models of short and medium length skirts and stylish tights of non-standard colors: red, white, yellow, brown, blue and so on.

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With what shoes to wear

If the length of the down jacket is close to maxi, it does not really matter what exactly will be underneath it, dress, trousers or skirt, they will not be seen, but shoes will always be in the radius of review. Contraindicated to wear with down jackets-boots. They are absolutely different in style.

Suitable for down jackets are low and neat shoes or boots without heels combined with trousers. You can tuck your trousers into your boots, or you can leave the run. It can be like leather and suede boots and duffies, ugg boots, stylish boots - it all depends on the model of the down jacket and your personal preferences.

If you combine a stylish down jacket with dresses or skirts, you can complement the ensemble with leather high boots on a steady heel.

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With which headgear

Often down jackets are equipped with hoods with fur trim or without it, in that case under the hood you can wear a thin knitted or fabric cap. If the hood is not in your down jacket, then you need to take care of the warmer headgear.

When choosing a hat, pay attention to the color and style combination.

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A good choice will be a scarf snod. You can choose a snitch for the winter classic knitted with a large viscous, plus a hat or mittens to it.

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