The intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective methods of contraception. It is a small device made of plastic and copper, silver, which...
In our time, when problems with conception and infertility have become more common, many marital couples seek help from artificial insemination met...
Content1 Individual approach2 Safety3 naturalness4 Optimal type of accessIn the last decade, breast plastic surgery has become the most common oper...
Content1 Principle of laparoscopy1.1 How is laparoscopy performed?2 Advantages3 Potential risks and complicationsLaparoscopic radical hysterectomy ...
Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that can spread to other organs of the reproductive system and the abdominal cavity. It is one of the most com...
Content1 Causes of the disease2 Signs of vulvitis in women3 Classification and stages of development4 Complications of vulvitis5 Diagnosis of vulvi...
Content1 What is salpingitis2 Can salpingitis be cured?3 Causes of salpingitis4 Signs of salpingitis4.1 Allocations with salpingitis4.2 Pain with s...
Content1 Is it possible to confuse uterine fibroids with pregnancy2 How to distinguish fibroids from pregnancy2.1 Similarities2.2 Differences3 Is i...
Content1 Symptoms of uterine fibroids during pregnancy1.1 Do fibroids hurt during pregnancy1.2 Can fibroids bleed during pregnancy2 Do fibroids gro...
Content1 Is it possible to do laser hair removal for uterine fibroids1.1 When allowed1.2 When prohibited2 Uterine fibroids and bikini laser hair re...
ContentDiagnosis of hypermenorrhea: what is itTypes of hypermenstrual syndromeCauses of hypermenstrual syndromeSymptoms of hypermenorrhagiaHow much...
Content1 What are the forms of infertility2 Diagnosis of infertility3 Infertility Treatment Methods4 Treatment effectivenessSM-Clinic conducts infe...
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