The festive feast begins, which consists of several variations of dishes. According to the rules of etiquette, not all of them are served immed...
Cheeses and cheese products occupy the first place on the table: they are served first of all in combined and similar cuts. Attractively look c...
Salty or baked salmon is a welcome dish on the festive table. This red fish serves as a decoration of the feast. And the taste - lick your fing...
Any festival requires that a covered table become a real work of art. And not only in terms of taste of dishes, but also in their beautiful pre...
Original Russian treat - pancakes - are served in different types, with different fillings. In fairness, the best combination is pancakes with ...
Cooking is a subtle science: each dish needs its own approach. Especially when it comes to dishes of strangers coming from other cultures. Take...
We all like to celebrate warm family holidays. On such days it would be desirable to create a special atmosphere in the house, to surround the ...
On the table should be beautiful everything - and hot dishes, and snacks, and dessert. And if the sweet is so successful, then the vegetables a...
Holding festivities in the form of a buffet table does not really meet Russian traditions, but recently it is gaining popularity. Over the buff...
An indispensable ingredient in both everyday and festive table are beverages that kindle and increase appetite, which promote digestion. This i...
Any dish looks more profitable if it is beautifully and wonderfully decorated. This is a well-known culinary fact. The simplest decorations of ...
Who was the first to invent several types of cheeses on one plate is unknown. Presumably, one of the French restaurateurs of the early 19th cen...
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