Flowers from vegetables

On the table should be beautiful everything - and hot dishes, and snacks, and dessert. And if the sweet is so successful, then the vegetables are not included in the list of foods quickly eaten, especially by children. There is always a way out: present them in such a way that you want to try, for example, turn a dish into a flower garden, where the usual vegetables will turn out to be real flowers.

Pepper mushin

A red poppy is obtained from the Bulgarian pepper. Naturally, the vegetable is taken in the appropriate color, with a fleshy texture. The surface is thoroughly washed, the tip with the tail is removed. Bones are also not needed: they are washed out without damaging the walls.

Pepper pulp is stratified, passing a sharp knife along the perimeter of the edge. Then cut the vegetable, forming 5-6 petals. They are bent outward, the inner layer is spread with a second layer of petals. Seredinka will come from a black radish cut into small straws.

Important: Before cutting, you should check the pepper for taste. The bitter "flower" will remain uneaten.

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Chamomile from a radish

From a radish the white camomile leaves. Vegetables( preferably large) are peeled, the top layer is peeled off. This circle is cut symmetrically into parts. First on 4, then on 8 and on 16( you can divide further).Scissors round the petals at the ends.

The middle is carved from a bright orange carrot. Attach to the daisy with a toothpick. A few such daisies - and the salad will blossom in a new way.

Rose from potatoes and beet

Potatoes in a flower version turns into roses. From the root crop, the layers are removed. The longer the "shavings", the more magnificent the flower will be.

The spiral folds tighter to the center and is looser to the edges. If the top line is slightly turned away, the petals will turn out to be more natural. Add the color you can by dropping on a potato rose juice of beet or carrot.

Beet-flower and do not have to paint, and so bright. On a vegetable boiled vegetable peeler or a sharp knife, cuts are made along the sides. Finish, not reaching the end. So neatly form the petals in a lush rose. To make it even more delicious, sprinkle it with salt a little. Now the beetroot is not just an ornament, but an edible element.

Lily and chrysanthemum

A lily blooms from the carrot. When the root crop is cut with a vegetable brush almost the entire length. Several layers of petals, the edges of which are trimmed with scissors - and the flower is ready to decorate the dish.

And from the violet bulb you get a beautiful chrysanthemum. It is only necessary to cut it along( not to the edge) in narrow strips.

Vegetable flowers are supplemented with leaves cut from cabbage or cucumber.

Serving dishes, laying the table
  • Mar 08, 2018
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