Ointment Bezornil - devilishly strong remedy for hemorrhoid treatment

Ointment Bezornil - devilishly strong remedy for hemorrhoid treatment

Hemorrhoids are a very common disease. From its occurrence, no one is immune, the disease is equally common in people of any age and sex. Pai...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Remedy for varicose veins and hemorrhoids Phlebotenz Plus

Remedy for varicose veins and hemorrhoids Phlebotenz Plus

According to statistics published annually by various leading clinics of general surgery, over 35% of the adult population of Russia faces the p...

  • Feb 27, 2018
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Chinese plaster 38 Fule Vasculitis will relieve of varicose veins and vasculitis

Chinese plaster 38 Fule Vasculitis will relieve of varicose veins and vasculitis

Pain and heaviness in the legs, swelling, unsightly vascular asterisks - all these are indicators of varicose veins. Every fifth inhabitant of...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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How not to turn Warfarin Nycomed into a poison: reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use

How not to turn Warfarin Nycomed into a poison: reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use

The active ingredient Warfarin( Warfarina Nycomed) is the sodium salt of warfarin, amounting to 2.5 mg in each tablet. The drug has an antico...

  • Mar 05, 2018
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What you should know about the Venocorset product: instructions for use and reviews

What you should know about the Venocorset product: instructions for use and reviews

Venocorset - a drug that helps reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, improves blood circulation of the extremities, removes swelling, ma...

  • Mar 07, 2018
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When and how to use the Thrombocide gel: instructions and reviews

When and how to use the Thrombocide gel: instructions and reviews

Varicose disease is a chronic disease characterized by impaired venous outflow. Frequent symptoms of lower limb varicose - edema of the legs, a ...

  • Mar 01, 2018
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Candles Ultraprotect - a modern and potent drug from hemorrhoids

Candles Ultraprotect - a modern and potent drug from hemorrhoids

At present, there is an increase in the incidence of hemorrhoids among the population. Not only people of the older age group, but even children...

  • Apr 06, 2018
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A series of drugs Kapilar: indications, instructions, reviews

A series of drugs Kapilar: indications, instructions, reviews

Capillar is a biologically active additive that contains a lot of natural ingredients. The series of products includes cream-balm and gel to ...

  • Apr 06, 2018
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Features of the application of ointment Iruksol: manual, reviews

Features of the application of ointment Iruksol: manual, reviews

Iruxol( Iruxol) is a high-quality ointment of European manufacture, which is intended for external use. In addition to the extensive list of adv...

  • Apr 06, 2018
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Is it worth buying Venomaz: properties, instructions, reviews

Is it worth buying Venomaz: properties, instructions, reviews

A common problem often encountered in women is varicose veins. Feeling of heaviness in the limbs, swelling, swelling of the veins, pain during w...

  • Apr 06, 2018
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Haemostatic and healing candles for cracks in the anus

Haemostatic and healing candles for cracks in the anus

Many people have often faced such a problem as hemorrhoids, but not everyone knows that severe itching, burning and bleeding can be caused by an...

  • Mar 04, 2018
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Ointment Esculium for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins: particular application

Ointment Esculium for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins: particular application

With varicose veins, deformation of the walls of blood vessels occurs, which occurs as a result of stagnation of blood in them. The causes of...

  • Feb 28, 2018
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