Eyes are what a person sees the world. For the whole day they can get tired. This is due to frequent work at the computer, books and so on. ...
Cataract leads to a significant deterioration in the patient's vision. Because of the disease, the lens becomes clouded. Vitafakol is use...
Eyes are one of the most important sensory organs of a person. Thanks to the sight, we can study the world around us and enjoy its beauties....
Dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye is the most common complaint with an ophthalmologist. It is usually associated with dry eye sy...
Inflammation of the cornea of the eye - a phenomenon quite frequent. Pathology causes pain, redness, the flow of tears, photophobia, reduc...
In arterial hypotension of different genesis, a less sharp and prolonged increase in pressure is often required than with the use of catecho...
Have you or your family been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma? What are the reasons for its appearance? Than it threatens? And most imp...
Octylium is a medicinal product that has a vasoconstrictor effect. The drug starts to act after a few minutes( 2-3 minutes) after adminis...
Eyes are very tender and vulnerable organs, so they often suffer from infection. For the treatment of diseases of an infectious nature, o...
With the help of vision, we get all the most important information about the world around us. But, unfortunately, over the years, vision ...
Diseases of the eye almost always bring great inconvenience to everyday life. This is why the medicine in the field of ophthalmology is m...
Eye drops Dorzopt Plus is a drug designed to eliminate the increased pressure inside the eye. It contains two active substances. Reviews ...
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