Fotile: application of drops to the eyes

Diseases of the eye almost always bring great inconvenience to everyday life.

This is why the medicine in the field of ophthalmology is moving forward intensively and new ways of treating eye problems are being constantly developed.

Fotil is a drug intended for the treatment of glaucoma.

Today, the drug is considered one of the most effective drugs designed to reduce pressure inside the eye.

How correctly to take this medication? We will discuss further in our article.

Warning! About this drug on the Internet you can find a large number of different reviews. You can see them at the end.

    • 1.
    • instruction 2.
    • side effects 3.
    • storage conditions 4.
    • price 5.
    • analogues 6.
    • reviews 7.
    • tips 8.


instruction In the insert, which is mandatory for reading, there is useful information that relates to the necessary dosage, side effects, contraindications, the interaction of certain drugs with the drug in question, the composition, and storage conditions. In addition, here you can also find information about the price and possible analogues.

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It must necessarily be studied, becauseyour overall well-being may depend on it.


The drug is prescribed in a number of cases. These include:

  • Any kind of glaucoma( closed-angle, open-angle or secondary);
  • A sharp increase in pressure inside the eye after an operation on the eye.

Necessary dose and method of instillation

The drug must be instilled in the eyeball at a dosage of 1 drop in the morning and evening time. The effectiveness of the therapy can be judged not earlier than a month and a half after the start of the drug.

Eye drops for the eyes are transferred quite well, however, sometimes in the first minutes after instillation, pain, burning sensation in the eye, hyperemia, abundant lacrimation can be observed. Below, side effects will be described in more detail.

Form release and composition

The droplets are available as a colorless solution, which is placed in a plastic bottle. Its volume does not exceed five milliliters.


Active substance Timolola maleate
  • sodium citrate;
  • acid( citric);
  • water for the preparation of injections;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • hypromellosis.

Combination of funds

When combined with other drugs that promote the release of catecholamines, for example, with reseprin, hypotension( including orthostatic), dizziness, and bradycardia are observed.

Joint reception with beta-blockers leads to an increase in their pharmacological effect, and also increases the risk of developing heart failure and hypotension.

Side effects of

Sometimes the patient may have symptoms such as:

  • Irritation in the eyes, blurred vision, burning, lacrimation, diplopia, blepharoconjunctivitis, ptosis, conjunctivitis, redness of the eye, keratitis, myopia;
  • Formation of cyst, lens opacity, lens detachment;
  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Diarrhea, abundant salivation, asthma, skin rash, heart failure, arrhythmia, increased sweating;
  • Hallucinations, depression( this condition can occur in severe form), constant anxiety;
  • In isolated cases, nasal congestion and cough are noted.

It is proved that in elderly people side manifestations develop several times more often than in another category of citizens.

If you suddenly showed these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor yourself.


In case of an overdose, symptoms such as a slowing of the heart rate, acute heart failure, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, bronchospasm are noted. In case of taking the drug in large doses, the treatment should be carried out, relying on the symptomatology that manifests itself. In the case of an immediate response, negative consequences can be avoided.


Fotil is not recommended for use in the presence of such conditions as:

  • Front uvit;
  • Asthma;Blockade of the heart of the first and second degree;
  • Bradycardia( sinus);
  • Allergy to individual components of the medication;
  • COPD;
  • Child's age of child under 18 years of age( this is due to the fact that there is insufficient data on the safety of the use of funds in children).

In addition, with more caution, the drug can be prescribed for conditions such as CHF, diabetes, retinal detachment, before undergoing general anesthesia, myopia, hypoglycemia, and thyrotoxicosis.


The drug is admitted to admission during pregnancy, however, the girl should visit her doctor regularly to monitor the effects on the fetus that is developing. Only when these recommendations are observed can evidence of effective treatment for the future mother and safe for the baby.

During breastfeeding, you should refrain from taking Fotil. This is due to the fact that the active substance can penetrate the baby's body with the mother's milk. If the doctor allows Fotil to take the medicine, the lady should closely monitor the reaction of her baby.

If its behavior has changed, the receipt of the funds is terminated. If during this period of time the child's condition is normal, then this tool is absolutely not suitable for you. In this case, you should choose an analog.

Storage conditions

The drug may be in a dark room, the temperature in which varies from two to eight degrees. In addition, the selected location should be cool. The medicine should be kept away from children and domestic animals, becausewith a large intake of the drug, the patient will have symptoms of an overdose, up to the point that a child or animal can die.

The shelf life of the medicine is three years. Shelf life after autopsy is one month.


Many factors influence the formation of value, for example, the mark-up of the pharmacy, as well as the costs incurred by the company when transporting the goods from place to place.

It should be noted that in different countries the price will vary significantly, becausethis factor is influenced by the exchange rate.


The average price is 257 rubles .


In this territory the medicine costs 135.90 hryvnia .


Among the most effective analogs, one can distinguish a preparation such as Pilocarpine. The cost for this analog ranges from 18 to 93 rubles .

Other analogs include Azarga, Arutimol, Ganforth, Diakarb, Duotrav, Xalak, Xalatan, Timolol, Asopt, Kombigan, Kosopt, Travatan, Taflotan, Oftan, Betalmik, Glaumax, Luxfen, Okumol, Prolatan, Betoptik, Alfagan P, Lanotan, Diuremid, Brimon, Normatin, Glaumol, Visipres, Dorzol, Dorzamed, Dorzotimol, Dorzoptik, Xaloptic Combi, Xaloptik, Latanox, Kuzimolol, Mardozia, Lumigan, Rezlod, Ophthalmol, Rosalyn, Rosacom, Timolol-Long, Timolol-Darnitsa, Unilat.


People usually leave positive remarks about this medicine. Among the positive sides can be identified relatively low cost in comparison with analogues.

To cons, patients include a large list of side effects, as well as contraindications. On the Internet, you can often find feedback that the drug causes the occurrence of adverse reactions. In addition, there are reviews that the drug did not have the expected effect.


  • In order to purchase the product you need to show a prescription from an ophthalmologist.
  • The drug has an effect on the person at the time of being behind the wheel.
  • Before starting treatment, consult a physician. Doctors warn that self-medication can lead to negative consequences.


Keeping eye health:

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