Eye drops Okoferon - an effective remedy against herpetic diseases

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye - a phenomenon quite frequent. Pathology causes pain, redness, the flow of tears, photophobia, reduced visual acuity.

Infections are the causes of inflammation, or in another way keratitis. One of the most dangerous among them is the herpetic infection.

In neglected condition, it leads to the formation of scars and thorns. Get rid of the herpes virus is very difficult - it genetically parasitizes and forms offspring, resistant to antiviral drugs. High efficiency in the treatment of herpetic lesions of the eyes was shown by the medical preparation Okoferon.

This article characterizes Okoferon as an antiviral and immunomodulating agent based on recombinant interferon-alpha-2β.There are practical steps to prepare a solution for instillation into the eye, recommendations for use are given.

    • 1.
    • specificity 2.
    • side effects 3.
    • storage terms and conditions 4.
    • leave 4. Analogues
    • 6.
    • reviews 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Useful information
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Specificity of the tool

Ocoferon are eye drops containing human recombinant( or genetically engineered) interferon-alpha-2β.This form of interferon was obtained by microbiological synthesis in the twentieth century.

Its imperfection was that interferon in the resulting solution did not last long.

A solution to the problem of short-lived drug activity was found when scientists introduced preservatives into the eye drops.

The new drug is called Okoferon. The preserving substances in it retain the activity and the sum of the concentrations of the dissolved particles in the freshly prepared for use medication for two weeks. Advantages of the drug

Okoferon is very effective in the complex treatment of viral keratitis. Patients who prescribed this agent as one of the antiviral drugs noted such changes in the condition of the affected organ:

  • stabilization or disappearance of keratitis in a short time;
  • Reduces redness, eye pain, highlighting tears and fear of light already in the first stages of treatment;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • absence of allergic and toxic reactions.

Clinical studies have shown that the use of Ocoferon in the complex therapy of herpetic eye diseases does not cause any harm. The drug restores the epithelium of the cornea, resolves inflammatory compaction, improves vision, shortens the duration of treatment.

Since the drug actively destroys the virus, it is prescribed for the prevention of ophthalmoherpes and in the treatment of cancer.

The effectiveness of treatment with medication Okoferon depends on the early diagnosis of the disease, intensive comprehensive treatment of viral keratitis under the guidance of an experienced ophthalmologist.

Pharmacological action

The special form of interferon has immunomodulatory and antiviral activity. As an immunomodulator, Okoferon activates phagocytosis, that is, the process of capture and absorption of viruses.

In addition, the drug stimulates the formation of antibodies - proteins of the blood plasma compound that interfere with the multiplication of viruses or neutralize the toxins released by them. The drug also stimulates the formation of biologically active substances of lymphokines - mediators of cellular immunity.

Recombinant interferon-alpha-2β influences specific membrane receptors, induces the synthesis of RNA, thereby synthesizing proteins that prevent reproduction and the release of viruses. This is the antiviral effect of Ocoferon.

Indications for use

Okoféron is a drug used in the complex treatment of various forms of herpes simplex:

  • herpetic keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratouveita;
  • of retinitis;
  • chorioretinitis;
  • of neuroneitis.

Release features, composition

Eye drops are available in powder form, which is a white lyophilized porous mass. To it the solvent is applied.

Each substance is in a clear glass vial in sterile conditions. A polyethylene cap-dropper is added to the kit.

Ocoferon powder contains:

  • the main active ingredient is recombinant interferon-alpha-2β( in one bottle 1000 000 IU);
  • additional fillers - sodium dodecahydrate phosphate, sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, dextran -70.

Solvent for powder( 5 ml in one bottle) consists of the following components:

  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate( nipagin)( E 218) - 5 mg;
  • water for injection.

Method of administration and dosage of

During treatment with Okoferon, it is necessary to carry out virological studies to determine the effectiveness of removing viruses from the blood.

Specific interferon is given as an infusion drop in the conjunctival sac. In order to start dripping, you need to prepare a solution of lyophilate and solvent. They are in different vials of the same Okoferon package.

The solution for instillation should be prepared as follows:

I Purely washed hands to open vials with lyophysate and solvent
II Carefully pour the solvent into the vial with the base substance
III Put on the two-ingredient vial the dropper provided with
IV Thoroughly mix the substances with stirring until the

powder is completely dissolved. Every 1-2 hours, one or two drops of the agent must be instilled in the diseased eye. The total number of instillations should not exceed 10 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

In case of disappearance of signs of disease, the number of instillations can be reduced.

Interaction with other drugs

It is difficult to judge the results of the mutual connection of Ocoferon with other ophthalmic forms, since this issue has not been studied enough. To avoid serious side effects, it is not recommended to use this drug with narcotic, sedative and hypnotic drugs.

The patient's condition may worsen the combination of interferon with drugs that reduce the number of blood cells formed in the bone marrow.

Dangerous interaction of Okoferon with other drugs for the treatment of eye diseases will not occur if it is instilled in for 30 minutes before or after the installation with other ophthalmic medicines.


Excess of the amount of Ocoferon while observing the dosage regimen is not possible.

Side effects of

Eye drops based on specific interferon are usually tolerated by patients well. Very rarely allergic reactions occur.

At the beginning of treatment, a strict control of a specialist for the reaction of the body is necessary. When there is an allergy to the drug and other negative phenomena, the medicine needs to be canceled.


Okoferon is not assigned to patients with individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.

You can not prescribe medications for severe forms of such diseases:

  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • cirrhosis;
  • acute heart conditions;
  • depression, CNS diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In pregnancy,

Ocoferon was not given to pregnant women. Nevertheless, the experience of using alpha interferons proves the possibility of miscarriage. Therefore, it is possible to use recombinant( or genetically engineered) interferon-alpha-2β in pregnant women only in case of emergency.

When driving

It is not necessary to get behind the wheel of the car and operate moving machinery immediately after instillation of the medicine.

Terms and storage terms

Hermetically sealed vials with substances for solution preparation must be stored in the refrigerator, on the top shelf, at a temperature of 4 ° C to 10 ° C.Relative humidity should not exceed 60%.Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep away from animals and children.

Shelf life of components for the preparation of eye drops during storage according to the requirements of 2 years .The ready-to-use solution is suitable 14 days .The expired shelf life is the signal to dispose of the drug.

Leave from pharmacies

The drug is on sale.

  • Average price in Russia - 636 руб .
  • Average price in Ukraine - 117 UAH .


  • Ophthalmoferon;
  • Actipol;
  • Half-liters.


Many patients noted that Okoferon in the treatment of viral eye diseases is very effective, and recommended it for use by other patients. The medicament was used in complex treatment. Inflammation of the eyes passed quickly. Involves the drug with a small number of side effects, safety of use.

As a weakness, commentators call the high price, the lack of step-by-step instructions for the preparation of the solution. Irritating the independence of cooking liquid, storing it in the refrigerator, an inconvenient pipette. After instillation of a medicine, sometimes a burning sensation is noted in the eye.

Dear visitors! If you have experience with eye drops, Okoferon, do not be lazy to leave a comment about it. Your true story about the results of treatment of viral inflammation of the eyes with this medicine will help other visitors to the site.


  1. Eye drops Okoferon is an immunomodulatory and antiviral drug for the treatment of eye damage caused by the herpes virus. It is based on human recombinant( or genetically engineered) interferon-alpha-2β.
  2. Specific interferon is used for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of oncological pathologies.
  3. The preparation contains preservative substances that prolong its activity and expiration in a freshly prepared form.
  4. Intended for topical application in the form of instillation in the affected eye.
  5. The interval between instillation of Ocoferon and other medicines is 30 minutes.
  6. The medication is effective, first of all, in complex treatment.
  7. The use of specific interferon in a short time saves the patient from redness and pain in the eye, photophobia and lacrimation, improves vision.
  8. Preventing the reproduction of the herpes virus by destroying it, Okoferon does not harm the structure of the eye, it does not, in most cases, have an allergic and toxic effect on the body.
  9. Medication is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to drug components, patients with severe diseases of various organs.
  10. Pregnant women should not use the drug, as the risk of miscarriage is not ruled out.
  11. Do not immediately after instilling drugs to get behind the wheel of the car.
  12. The drug goes on sale in the form of powder and solvent. This form of release is necessary for the preparation of a fresh solution of eye drops, in which the activity and the shelf life of the drug remain significant for a considerable time.
  13. Okoferon is used for prophylaxis of ophthalmoherpes and in the treatment of oncological diseases.
  14. Store eye drops on the top shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of at least 4 ° C and not more than 10 ° C.Fresh solution is suitable for two weeks.

Useful information

We bring to your attention the table, which briefly describes the different types of keratitis and how to treat them:

We wish you success in your treatment!

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