Vizin Alergi helps to overcome allergies

Vizin Alergi helps to overcome allergies

Allergy is a painful reaction of the body to any stimuli. It can occur on food, animal hair, dust, and many other things. Some of them...

  • Mar 05, 2018
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Derinat: use in case of problems with the eyes

Derinat: use in case of problems with the eyes

Derinat is a remedy from the group of immunostimulants, produced in a variety of form factors for different modes of consumption. It is e...

  • Mar 14, 2018
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Eye drops Tiotriazoline

Eye drops Tiotriazoline

Tiotriazolin is a 1% solution for instillation into the eye. It has a wide range of activities. It is used both for medical and preventiv...

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Taflotan - an effective drug for the treatment of glaucoma

Taflotan - an effective drug for the treatment of glaucoma

At present, when the incidence of glaucoma is higher than ever, it is especially important to develop new effective drugs to treat it. Ta...

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Ophthalmic - antibacterial eye drops

Ophthalmic - antibacterial eye drops

Eyes are very sensitive organs of the human visual system, which can be susceptible to various diseases and abnormalities. Every ophthalm...

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Lanotan: a short guide to the use of eye drops

Lanotan: a short guide to the use of eye drops

Lanotan is an antiglaucoma eye drop used to diagnose increased intraocular pressure in open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma. Refers to a group...

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Potassium iodide - eye drops with antiseptic effect

Potassium iodide - eye drops with antiseptic effect

Vision organs are often exposed to different microbes. Harmful microorganisms adversely affect the work of the organs of vision. To neutr...

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Classical Vizin - caring for your eyes

Classical Vizin - caring for your eyes

Diseases of the eyes firmly occupy the first position in the list of diseases. It is especially alarming that children, adolescents, youn...

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The famous drug Tlezin

The famous drug Tlezin

Despite the age of a person, the type of his work, the routine of the day and the rest, eye health is a topical issue for everyone. And t...

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Treat the eyes with Montevizine

Treat the eyes with Montevizine

Modern life makes a person constantly look, then in the computer monitor, then in a smartphone or tablet. For many, because of this in th...

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Eye drops against inflammations Ofthan Dexamethasone

Eye drops against inflammations Ofthan Dexamethasone

Unfortunately, there are a lot of eye diseases. Some of them are limited to temporary inflammation and partial loss of image clarity. And...

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Emoksi optician will help restore eye tissue

Emoksi optician will help restore eye tissue

To date, if you go to the pharmacy, you can see a lot of tools for treating eye problems. How to choose the right one? Of course, it's be...

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