The famous drug Tlezin

Despite the age of a person, the type of his work, the routine of the day and the rest, eye health is a topical issue for everyone.

And there are medecines not only drugs that are designed to treat serious diseases, but also those that can be used for prevention.

A teardrop is a drop that represents a semblance of human tears.

The product is used in ophthalmology to moisturize the eyes. The slegin effectively removes the unpleasant sensations that occur when the eyes dry out.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications to use Sildin
    • 3. Conditions and shelf life
    • 4. Special instructions
    • 5. Price
    • 6. Analogues
    • 7. Reviews
    • 8. Tips for using Slezin
    • 9. Interesting video

Instruction for use

Indications for treatment by Slezin

Slezin is used as a therapy for such a disease as xerophthalmia. In people, this disease is called dry eye syndrome.

This is an ailment in which the outer surface of the cornea is not sufficiently moistened, lacks moisture, and the quantity and quality of tear fluid is impaired, the eye film becomes unstable.

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Xerophthalmia is characterized by such symptoms as burning, "sand in the eyes," increased tear, dislike of light, eye work quickly tired, it's hard to carry dry and dusty air.

With all these unpleasant effects, the Slezin drops struggle.

Method of treatment

Drops are applied topically, that is, are buried in the eyes. The dosage is 1-2 drops.

Burying is alternately in both eyes, as they dry up, about a few times a day, but if there is an appointment of an ophthalmologist, then you need to comply with the prescription.

The length of the course of treatment is related to the severity of the disease, which the doctor can determine.

The effect of Slezin after a single use lasts at least two hours. If the effect of using Slezin is absent for 2 to 3 days, then stop using drops and consult a doctor.

Form release and composition

The teardrop is a sterile solution of a colorless or transparent hue. It is available in 15 ml dropper bottles.

The composition of 1 ml of the Slezin solution includes such basic components as:

  • hypromellose in an amount of 3 mg;
  • dextran in the amount of 1 mg.

Auxiliary components in the composition Slezin: glycerol, potassium chloride and sodium, boric acid, sodium hydroxide, benzalkonium chloride, purified water, etc.

Interaction with other medicines

Slezin solution can be used with simultaneous therapy with other medicines. The only exceptions are eye drops, which contain metal salts, including zinc sulfate.

To incompatible are: Collargol, Copper sulfate, etc.

Contraindications to use Slezin

Contraindications are not so many, they include:

  • special sensitivity of the body to the composition of the drug;
  • children under 18 years.

Use of Slezin by pregnant and lactating women

Eye Slezin during pregnancy and feeding should only be used in emergencies, and the positive effect on the mother should be much higher than the perceived threat to the child.

Since normal and thorough checks and observations that would confirm the fact that Slezin is a safe and effective treatment for this category of persons have not been carried out.

Side effects of

In most cases of application of Slezin, side effects were not revealed. But some people treated with the drug noted such manifestations as:

  • view nebula;
  • feeling uncomfortable;
  • feeling of burning and tingling;
  • blush your eyes;
  • excessive lacrimation;
  • fast eye fatigue.

In some cases, there is an allergy.

Terms and Conditions of storage

The slegin is stored in a place where it is difficult to reach or reach children.

The eye solution must also be kept in a dark place and the temperature of the room in which the medicine is stored should not exceed 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 36 months.

After the vial is opened, the Slezin solution can use no more than 28 days .

Special instructions

Those who wear lenses, before they drip a solution of Slezin need to remove them.15 minutes after the Slezin solution has been soldered, contact lenses can be put on again.

Because during the period of using the Slezin drug, there is a possibility that vision will become clouded, it is important to observe precautionary measures in actions that require you to react quickly, consistently algorithms and special attention. It is better to dig in a tear beforehand.

Most often, the eyes dry out because of the constant voltage when working at the computer. This material will help to avoid vision impairment:

  • How to properly instill drops?
  • Drops for removing eye fatigue from working behind the monitor
  • Vitamins for vision improvement


Price for a drug Slezin varies depending on the pharmacy network, country and a number of other factors. Here are the average indicators.

Country Price
Russia from 170 to 300 rubles
Ukraine from 100 to 120 hryvnia


Analogues of the drug Slezin are many:

  • Adgelon;
  • Artelak;
  • Betamycil;
  • Visits;
  • Quinax;
  • Taurine;
  • Oxial;
  • Defisle;
  • Ottolik;
  • Natural tear;
  • Sevitin, etc.


Reviews for the drug are mostly positive. Patients note that the Slezin drops are excellent for moisturizing the eyes.

Especially good about them those who on a duty of work or conditions of residing collide dry air, dust speak. They note the convenience in using Slezin.

But negative feedback is also available. By the way, there are not so many of them. In rare cases, Slezin does neither better nor worse, that is, does not help at all.

Some argue that side effects have been shown in use. Reviews you can read at the end of the article.

Tips for using Slezin

  1. A teardrop is an eye drop that is applied against dryness and eye discomfort due to lack of moisture.
  2. Drip Slezin 1 to 2 drops in the eye as it dries or if prescribed by an ophthalmologist, if available.
  3. The drug perfectly interacts with all medicines except eye drops, which contain metal salts.
  4. Do not use on children and those who have intolerance to components in Slezin.
  5. Perhaps the manifestation of adverse reactions - redness, itching, burning, etc.

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