Eye drops Tiotriazoline

Tiotriazolin is a 1% solution for instillation into the eye. It has a wide range of activities.

It is used both for medical and preventive purposes. The reparative properties of the drug help in the restoration of the eyes after mechanical damage, burns.

Drops have high antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory action. Cases of overdose and side effects of this medication was not revealed.

It is considered safe and has no contraindications. The cost of the drops is not high. In this article, we will analyze the drug in more detail.

Contents of
    • 1. Application of Tiotriazoline
    • 2. Side effects of
    • 3. Storage of
    • 4. Cost of
    • 5. Analogues of
    • 6. Customer Reviews of
    • 7. Conclusion of
    • 8. It is Interesting

Application of Tiotriazoline


This drugis:

  • antioxidant( minimizes the harmful effects of peroxide compounds and free radicals on cells);
  • reparative( improves blood flow in tissues and metabolism in them, accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas);
  • instagram viewer
  • is anti-inflammatory( to a lesser extent).

Tiotriazolin improves the functional abilities of the eyes. Preparation:

  • normalizes the sensitivity of the cornea, if damaged, accelerates the regeneration process;
  • promotes better functioning of accommodative, ciliary muscle of the organ of vision;
  • has a positive effect on the tone of the central section of the mesh shell;
  • improves blood flow in the microcirculatory bed, in the imitated areas;
  • stabilizes the trophic, metabolic processes of the eyeball;
  • has a stimulating effect on the entire enzymatic system of the cells of the eye.

The use of drops reduces the risk of various complications.

Indications for use

Tiotriazolin is prescribed for traumatic, dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the eyes. It can act as a medicinal and preventive agent, as well as in the complex treatment of diseases of the organs of vision.

Drops can be used in cases:

  • burns and traumatic eye injuries;
  • of corneal diseases having inflammatory or dystrophic character( keratitis, keratoconus, etc.);
  • of viral conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome( starts from prolonged sitting behind the computer monitor);
  • astenopia( chronic fatigue of the organs of vision from large loads).

Working with a computer can be recommended the use of Tiotriazoline for preventive purposes.

How to use

Drops are available for purchase without a doctor's prescription. But before using Tiotriazoline, you should get accurate recommendations for its use from an ophthalmologist.

The frequency and duration of treatment will depend on the specific case.

The drug is intended for instillation into a conjunctival sac. General dosage: 2-3 drops in each eye.

The procedure can be performed up to 4 times per day, with equal intervals between instillations. The average course duration is 2 weeks.

If necessary, established by the doctor, the period can be increased up to a month.

In case of complications, severe eye lesions, instillation is performed in combination with injections of the drug, parabulbar( injection of the medicine through the skin of the lower eyelid under the eyeball) or subconjunctival( administration of the substance to conjunctiva, a more painful method).They are prescribed once a day, the period can vary from 7 to 12 days.

For prophylactic purposes, these droplets are used during operation of the monitor. Before starting work - two drops, then - every two hours to repeat the procedure.

Children can instill this medication only according to the prescription of an ophthalmologist.

Composition and Form of Release

The drug is sold in a cardboard pack. It is filled with:

  • white glass bottles with a yellowish opalescent one-percent solution of eye drops;
  • dropper nozzle for convenient use;
  • instructions-insert.

The vial contains 5 ml of medication. Of these, the active substance( of thiotriazoline ) is 50 mg. Its full name: morpholinium-methyl-triazolyl-thioacetate.

The composition of drops also includes:

  • sodium chloride;
  • methyl cellulose is water-soluble;
  • purified water.

The active substance content in 1 drop of solution is 0.5 mg.

Interaction with other

medications The drug can be freely combined with others. There were no incidents of incompatibility. In complex therapy with other ophthalmic drugs, the drug works well.

During the application of eye drops data, alcohol consumption is not recommended: in order to avoid amplification of the effect of both.

Side effects of

No cases have been recorded so far. The medicine is non-toxic, harmless. The overwhelming number of patients tolerate it well, without negative consequences.


There are no recommendations for taking an overdose. No cases were reported.


The drug has no contraindications for health reasons and other parameters.

It should not be used only by people with increased sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Pregnancy and Tiotriazolin

Eye drops in their composition do not contain substances that can harm the fetus or the baby. Therefore, this medication can be used by pregnant women and breast-feeding women.


The shelf life of the drops is two years from the production date. Store the solution in a dry and protected from direct sunlight place. The temperature in it should not exceed 25 ° С.

The shelf life of the bottle after it is opened is a maximum of three days. The recommended temperature is 5 to 8 ° C.Keep an open medicine you need away from the light.

Like any medical product, it must be stored out of the reach of children.


Eye drops in pharmacies in the Russian Federation in recent years are rare. Their cost starts from 200 rubles .

In Ukraine, the average price of a medicine is 35-37 hryvnia .


In the market of ophthalmic preparations there is a large selection of eye drops, which in their action are close to Tiotriazolin. Among them:

name Quick description
Adgelon Good regenerates
Artelak protector against dryness and fatigue
Balarpan contraindications
Vial antiallergic, there are contraindications
Vizin vasoconstrictor
Dexon Antibacterial
Defislez drops for corneal
master gene Contains natural components
Midratsil Extends pupil
Okomistin Antibacterial agent
Oxid With
Optive for the treatment of dry eyes, with caution
Against dryness and discomfort of the eye
Slezin Treating dry eye syndrome
Stillavit Against drying out, burning and swelling of the eyes
Sulfacyl sodium Anti-infectious
Taufon Vitamin drops, pregnant are contraindicated
Hilo-chest of drawers Helps fatigue, dryness and irritation
Emoxipine Vitamin preparation

Customer Reviewsit

all experienced the data eye drops assess their effect is high. Most emphasizes the following advantages:

      • quick healing effect;
      • is an effective aid against fatigue and dryness of the vision organs with a long time at the computer;
      • low cost in comparison with analog preparations.

Out of the shortcomings are:

      • short life of the open vial;
      • not very convenient solution packing, hard cover.


  1. These eye drops have antioxidant, reparative and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. The drug helps to cope with traumatic, dystrophic and inflammatory processes.
  3. Diseases in which the drug is shown: keratitis, keratoconus, dry eye, astenopia, viral conjunctivitis, etc.
  4. Tiotriazolin well treats burns and traumatic eye injuries.
  5. Eye drops are available in vials with a dosage of 5ml, a dropper in the form of a nozzle is attached.
  6. The usual course of treatment: within two weeks "bury" 3-4 times a day.
  7. It is recommended to use the drug for prolonged use of the computer: every two hours during the work process.
  8. There are no side effects and contraindications to the drug.
  9. Drops are permitted to pregnant and lactating women.
  10. The open vial with a solution can be stored for no longer than three days.
  11. Tiotriazoline has a number of analogues. You should carefully study the instructions of the drugs, as some have contraindications.
  12. The cost of these eye drops is low.
  13. The general opinion of buyers about the drug is good.

This is interesting

Tiotriazolin helps with burns, but these actions will help to avoid more serious consequences:

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